This or That?

2 noisy Eclectus (oops moluccans LOL)
ice cream with regular cone or waffle cone?
Waffle cone every day of the week and twice on Sunday! Especially trimmed with chocolate. :)

Visit to a museum or a hike in the woods?
chocolate ice-cream
hyacinth macaw or palm cockatoo?
Hyacinth macaw

Live a very short life being rich or a long life in poverty
Short and rich, I don't miss being poor at all and old age isn't fun anyway. Only sad part is my macaw would outlive me with nowhere to go.

conure or cockatiel (my top 2 favorite of the small parrots)
Conure (this would be cruel for Zenek if I'd chose "cockatiel")
Holiday in city or countryside?

Wysłane z mojego Redmi 5 przy użyciu Tapatalka
City. I like the sound of sirens.

Big beautiful potted plant that looks absolutely real OR real plant that looks scruffy?
Big beautiful potted plant that looks absolutely real

Patagonian conure or GCC?
Patagonian conure (Do you think that I want RB after me? LOL)
Popcorn or potato chips?
Hybrid parrot (I love the unique looks)

Own a lazy dog that does nothing (my dog), or a high energy dog that will do anything and everything
A lazy dog because I'm am lazy too, my macaw alone is enough work. :P

Have a high paying job you hate or a low paying job you love.
Tough choice, but high paying job I hate. You cannot pay bills with enjoyment if wages too low.

Having leftover Halloween candy (to enjoy) or just enough to satisfy the kids?
Just enough to satisfy the kids

See everything upside down or hear everything backwards!
See everything upside down (I can't imagine hearing backwards:D)
Studing chemistry or physics? (My two horrors;))
Hmm, I’ll have to go for chemistry

eternal itch or eternal pain?

Go bald or have terrible haircuts forever

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