This or That?

Rare Journeys

Morgan Freeman or David Attenborough?
David Attenborough (Animal Docs over humanoids LOL)
Martini shaken or stirred?
Martini shaken

Handle a snake or a tarantula?
Infringes on twin fears, so I'll go with the lesser evil: Handle a tarantula

A week without sweets or a week without drinks other than water?
Wow difficult, I’ll go for winter as that’s when my birthday is.
Wear summer clothes in winter or winter clothes in summer.
As a Canadian where it's mostly winter here all the time I choose wearing winter clothes in summer and crank the AC. Going out in the winter cold in summer clothes would just be insane :P

Swimming with sharks or swimming with alligators?
Gotta go for swimming with sharks as that is a safer option.

Get bitten by a bullet ant (the pain is likened to being shot) or
be stung by a tarantula hawk wasp (this feels as if you have been hit by a lightning bolt)
From watching Coyote Peterson (Brave Wilderness on YouTube) I'd have to go with a sting from a tarantula hawk. The bullet ant is a sting also, they can bite too but it's the sting that feels like a bullet shot.

Get chomped by a large macaw or a small (macaw sized) snapping turtle?
Definitely macaw as I know a lot more about them.

Get screamed at by a moluccan cockatoo or in the ear from a blue and gold macaw
in the ear from a blue and gold macaw because I already have it happen all the time. :)

have the flu for a year or be away from your pet(s) for a year
I knew that one would be too easy for you! I would probably have the same answer although I never did get screamed in the ear yet I thought Eddie was very loud. Please tell me your secret because even though I no longer own him I want to know the answer for the future, how did you cope? We wore headphones. :D

Honestly I love my pets and wish I could have more and more so obviously have the flu for a year, even though that sounds terrible I can't live a day without them.

Drink too much water at once or eat too many bananas in a day.
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lmao such a random one, I'd have to pick drink too much water at once, eating too many bananas sounds worse. I can just tune out Jacob's loudness, I'm so used to it though I do use a headset for music a lot it wasn't because of him.

burn your tongue or stub your toe
Stub my toe. At least I could still eat!

Pay a substantial traffic ticket or spend a Saturday in traffic school?

(background: In many U.S. jurisdictions, a moving violation traffic ticket can be softened by attending a remedial traffic school for one day. Many are held at restaurants with "comedy" instructors. You still pay the fine but violation is not reported to insurance companies. Some egregious tickets are not participating.)
Pay a substantial traffic ticket or spend a Saturday in traffic school?

Traffic school at the restaurant with the comedy show LOL...

Would you prefer to bitten by a poisonous snake or wrestle with a grizzly bear?
bitten by a venomous snake (I choose a mangrove snake as they have mild vemon :P)

Here is a little lesson on poison and venom, poison is ingested/eaten so like licking a frog or eating poison mushrooms, whereas venom is injected, like from fangs or stings. The more you know :)

be blind or deaf
I prefer to be deaf than blind. I would rather see my beautiful birds than hear them scream. :D
Own a mansion that will easily break or a sturdy one bedroom house.
Own a mansion that will easily break or a sturdy one bedroom house.

The mansion, I need lots of space!

Real whipped cream or dairy substitute?
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Own a mansion that will easily break or a sturdy one bedroom house.

The mansion, I need lots of space!

You didn’t put a choice for the next person [emoji16]

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