The Vocabulary Thread

my, my! Don't you all have the chatty birds ;) My Alexandrine, Buddy (aka Baby, aka, Ms. Prissy Beak) is 8 years old and came to me from a rescue. I've had her for about 2 months now, and she's so quiet it's almost spooky (for a bird), in fact she has ninja stealth skills and can sneak around like a cat! In the time I've had her we havn't been working on talking, just trust-building, which happily is going very well :)

she has only talked a few times in my presence, these are the things I've heard her say:
Hello Buddy!
What are ya doin'?
(these are usually said together)
mumble mumble grawk mumble (i have no idea what this is but she's working on something!)

she's a heck of a whistler though: :54:
high whistle
low whistle
two quick whistles (come here?)
wolf whistle
cardinal whistle
thrush whistle/warble
canary whistle
warbler of some type
another bird whistle I don't recognise, also quite musical...
some little tune I don't recognise, but she does it often, and I get it stuck in my head sometimes :)

I havn't heard her immitate any machine sounds, but she meows like a cat and purrs :D she also growls and hisses like a cat. She must have lived with cats before.

she makes lots of little purry/warbly/whistle noises when she's happy, but VERY quietly. Sometimes you can bearly hear her, even when she's sitting on your shoulder!

when she's splashing in her pieplate bath, she sometimes opens her beak really wide, bends forward and lets out what for all the world sounds like a tiny dinosaur roar from jurassic park! "rrrrAAAAARRRghhh!" (any one else have a bird that does this? It sounds like a natural sound, not learned, it's just so... Primal.) Only ever heard it when she's standing in water. The posture is pretty saurian too, with her beak open and her head out like that she looks almost deadly!

she's a little needy and makes her contact call if you are gone from the room too long.

frankly, i'm not suffering too much vocab envy, having a bird as fearless, curious, gentle, adventerous and smart as Ms. Prissy Beak is just fine, even if she doesn't talk to me :rolleyes:
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Chi chi my sun conure recently started saying hello, iv been trying to get him to say kiss kiss.
My green cheek pepsi could care less about talking.
Last night I was watching the television and didn't realize what time it was and Russell was talking away in his cage. He has been talking non stop lately so I don't even think my brain registered that he was talking until I caught him saying "nite nite, go to bed" over and over and louder and louder, I've never heard him say before, then I looked at the clock, it was 10:30 YIKES! 3hours past his bedtime and he was telling me so!
Awwww Russell is a smart bird but then again aren't they all??
Boy Russell is one smart bird, just shows how they listen to us all the time.
You mentioned
I caught him saying "nite nite, go to bed" over and over and louder and louder
Tell the truth now, you actually fell asleep in front of the and Russell woke you up

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