The Vocabulary Thread

Hi all,

A bit late on this one but it's a cute thread.

Boo and Atticus, 11 month old jendays conures:

love you
thank you
step up
a--hole (they learned this one while in the car w/ my husband)
the microwave beep

Malley, 2 1/2 year old M2

yaaabbbbaaaaaa daaaaabbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaa dooooooo (flintstones)
wolf whistle
and she's learning to whistle along w/ my 11 year old when she practices her trumpet (thank god they're both getting better)

Meiko, 11 year old sun conure

doesn't talk but is the master of the dirty look. :D
Hi all,

A bit late on this one but it's a cute thread.

Boo and Atticus, 11 month old jendays conures:

love you
thank you
step up
a--hole (they learned this one while in the car w/ my husband)
the microwave beep

Malley, 2 1/2 year old M2

yaaabbbbaaaaaa daaaaabbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaa dooooooo (flintstones)
wolf whistle
and she's learning to whistle along w/ my 11 year old when she practices her trumpet (thank god they're both getting better)

Meiko, 11 year old sun conure

doesn't talk but is the master of the dirty look. :D

How cute I loveeeeee the dirty looks
My sweet Beau has learned a new word today "biscuit" and I just know I'm gonna be hearing this until I'm on the verge of insanity lol. This made me think it'd be fun to start a vocab thread, so please post your parrot's age, species and vocab and sounds too - for my (and everyone else's)entertainment. I'll go first.

Beau my CAG is now 17 months old.

Biscuit (how could I forget)
Breakfast time
Kiss kiss
What d'ya you do that for???
Bye! or b'bye (depending who he is copying)
Hello Bobo
Come on then
Come on Argyle
Want scritch?
Good boy
Good bird
What a good boy!
What a bird!
Yes you are
Kiss, kiss
Dance Beau (whilse bobbing his head up and down)

Smoke alarm (says it all)
Police cars (from tv - honest!)
Skype being activated
Seagulls, blackbirds and other birds
Cola bottle being opened

Feel free to add when your bird come up with a new one lol

How sweet beau is really amazing, does she talk with the "accent"
Sunshine and Pineapple, my supposedly two or three year old cockatiels. Their past owner said she 'thought' they were two.

Sunshine can kiss, say "peekaboo!", and "what was that?"

Pineapple can say "peekaboo!" and "what was that?", but he's practicing "I love you".

When they start saying I love you, you don't want them to ever stop ;)
Scarlett is a female eclectus, approx one and a half years old.

She says:
-Scarlett Scarlett Scarlett!
-Hello Scarlett!
-Kiss kiss
-Good girl!
-Have a seed
-Wanna come out
-Oi! Cat!
-Caaaaat ... (in a warning sort of way)
-Hungry passionfruit (I think she knows the names of all her foods but hasn't felt the need to ask for any of them except passionfruit)


-Don't know what bird it is but it goes high-high low-low.
-Ding! (the microwave finishing its timer)
-Question-noise (the tone of someone going, "huh?")
-Answer-noise (the tone of someone going "ohhh!")
-Seagull-noise (not from a real seagull, think it might be just a birdie noise)

I would love to hear a bird asking for passion fruit :p
I try get Mishka to say certain food stuffs, forget it, she is too interested in filling her tummy then. :rolleyes:
Russell is a CAG and is 18 months old.

bye bye
Russelllllll Peters! (as if he's introducing himself to an audience!)
Night night
pretty bird
noooooo, no biting
get your nose
gimme kiss
what ya doin
Reynah (daughters name)
DeVohn (sons name)
Dear? Yeah (my pet name for me hubby is dear so when i call him he responds yeah)
Celia (sister-in-laws name)
Sup bird
supper (everyone comes runnning as he says it in my voice, it's soooo funny when they realize the foods not ready)
wanna treat?
good boy
you sure?
want a shower, hmmmm?
Russ Russ baby, do do do do do do do ( as in ice ice baby and the jingle after it)
Like Whatever! (he's soooo valley!)
comeer (come here)
drink your water
silly bum
wanna come out
bless you
eat your chicken
Ok yeah sure

hangman app on iPhone
squeaky door
microwave door closing shut (thank goodness its not the beep)
cough from daughter bout of bronchitis
ow ow ow ow ow (like a wolf)

that's all I can think of right now.

You have got to video Russell saying
Russelllllll Peters! (as if he's introducing himself to an audience!)
Get the video rolling ;)
Russ Russ baby, do do do do do do do ( as in ice ice baby and the jingle after it)

Jade, RFM 12 months on Aug 29th
HiiiiiIIIIIiiii (says this very flirty)

Ruby, CAG 5 months
Hi (not as flirty as Jade says it)
Wolf Whistle

Max, our 18 month old Alexandrine, doesn't talk yet, but he's making lots of random sounds, so I think he's getting ready.

I would love to experience two birds sitting together talking
Shadow (eclectus) 8mths. Doesn't really talk, she has said Hello on occations but not consistantly. She does however make the strangest (and cute) sounds, does the ecky "seagull" squawk, meows like our cat, barks and likes to squeal in a really high pitched ear shattering voice.

Chicka (Sulfur crested) female, age unknown
Hello Cocky
Cocky wanna scratch
Cocky pretty bird
Cocky smoke some pot? (indication of what her previous home was like)
barks and laughs
Some other chatter we can't understand

Shadow will soon start talking "mark my words" some birds love to make animals sounds first then start talking

smoking some pot
My sweet Beau has learned a new word today "biscuit" and I just know I'm gonna be hearing this until I'm on the verge of insanity lol. This made me think it'd be fun to start a vocab thread, so please post your parrot's age, species and vocab and sounds too - for my (and everyone else's)entertainment. I'll go first.

Beau my CAG is now 17 months old.

Biscuit (how could I forget)
Breakfast time
Kiss kiss
What d'ya you do that for???
Bye! or b'bye (depending who he is copying)
Hello Bobo
Come on then
Come on Argyle
Want scritch?
Good boy
Good bird
What a good boy!
What a bird!
Yes you are
Kiss, kiss
Dance Beau (whilse bobbing his head up and down)

Smoke alarm (says it all)
Police cars (from tv - honest!)
Skype being activated
Seagulls, blackbirds and other birds
Cola bottle being opened

Feel free to add when your bird come up with a new one lol

How sweet beau is really amazing, does she talk with the "accent"

OMG Does he talk with an accent! He sure is a janner "what you do that forrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" heehee, he sounds like the pirate rather than the parrot on his shoulder!
Now, i'm also a little late, but what the hey(explicit word replaced!!!)
Kiwi's a 2.5 yr. old Maroon-bellied Conure(AKA brown eared Conure)
Kiwi can't really be taught to talk, he just kinda does when he wants to...

pretty bird
pretty kiwi
Shut up!(when it's REALLY noisy)
Come here Mocha(our golden retriever)
target (during target training)
Dance, dance, dance(and bobs his head up and down)
Jeremy(my name)
Hey baby(flirty voice)


SSSSSHHHHHH!!!!!(when me and my sister are fighting)
He also sounds like he's bickering, to mock us sometimes...
Quacks like a duck
mimicks a robin, cardinal, and sparrow
and occasionally copies the animal noises from Animal Planet(T.V. station)
Scarlett just learned a new one ... the iPhone standard ringtone. It is HILARIOUS watching my boyfriend jump up and look for his phone, only to look very confused as to why there was no call when he can hear it going off! Ok, he only did it twice, third time it wasn't very convincing :-)

I admitI 'helped' Scarlett out with this one. For the last month, everytime he went out and I didn't, I would play a recording of it over and over.

Has anyone else deliberately taught their bird/s something as a joke on someone else?
Meeting was held on the "Parrot Forum"

TOPIC : "Confidential"

Feathered friends who were present :



Acting "Chair Birdie" Mishka

The "birdie committee" welcomes with open arms our newest birdie
"Rosie May"
Make yourself comfortable on your perch Rosie, your stay is going to be a long enjoyable one.

Various topics were tweetered and chirped, amongst our birdie committee. Many topics were discussed.

Happy that Sterretjie is back home, on the road to a speedy recovery.

Acting as the "Chair Birdie"
I am happy to announce that all the birdie's are extremely happy with their guardians.

A big thank you to all for attending, and Sterretjie being strong and kind enough to take down the minutes of the meeting.

Thanking you kindly
Acting "Chair Birdie" :grey:

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:(:(:( I knew nothing about the meeting! :grey: didn't tell me about it :(

Can I be treasurer? (keeper of the nuts consumed during meetings)

:green2: Argyle
:(:(:( I knew nothing about the meeting! :grey: didn't tell me about it :(

Can I be treasurer? (keeper of the nuts consumed during meetings)

:green2: Argyle

mpw I think you had better let Beau, keep tabs on you LoL

:grey: announced on the 20/8/2010 the meeting would take place on the 24/8/2010, you did reply and said Beau was not invited. :grey: then invited Beau.

Another meeting must take place soon, a committee must be chosen.
Ps... I know they are looking for a treasurer (hehe) overheard them
You never heard it from me okay
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:(:(:( I knew nothing about the meeting! :grey: didn't tell me about it :(

Can I be treasurer? (keeper of the nuts consumed during meetings)

:green2: Argyle

mpw I think you had better let Beau, keep tabs on you LoL

:grey: announced on the 20/8/2010 the meeting would take place on the 24/8/2010, you did reply and said you were not invited. :grey: then invited Beau.

Well that's as clear as mud :D :54:
:( I knew nothing about the meeting! :grey: didn't tell me about it :(

Can I be treasurer? (keeper of the nuts consumed during meetings)

:green2: Argyle

mpw I think you had better let Beau, keep tabs on you LoL

:grey: announced on the 20/8/2010 the meeting would take place on the 24/8/2010, you did reply and said you were not invited. :grey: then invited Beau.

Well that's as clear as mud :D :54:

I know what the problem is, we have birds to care for, we forget everything else
Okay back to the Vocabulary Thread

When I take :grey: somewhere in our apartment, I tell her where we going.
I have been telling her from the day she first went into the bathroom, LoL almost 3 years ago "Mishka is going to the bathroom"
For almost a week now, when going to the bathroom early in the morning, she has been saying "Mishka bathroom"
For the first time ever this morning she said
"Mishka is going to the bathroom"

After dinner tonight she walked towards the bathroom saying
"Misha is going to the bathroom"

My little chatterbox amazes me everyday

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