The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

*c o n t i n u e d*



A wet chest feathers contest? Kill me now.

(And good one, LeaKP)
SURE, Rival... like you wouldn't get the same look about a wet t-shirt contest.

LeaKP... who knew there was a down-side to the 'net??
Does Prasila represent thieves as well?

I may have more than a few clients over here in Beatrice's Home for Delinquent Parrots.

Yes she does! However, she will remind you that unless there has been an arrest, its only hearsay! After all, pictures can be altered.
Oh, people!
Sooner or later, you will force me into working these puns/bad jokes into a post. Fair warning.

Stool pigeon
Jail bird
Singin' like a canary
Givin' the bird
Flyin' the coop
Oh, people!
Sooner or later, you will force me into working these puns/bad jokes into a post. Fair warning.

Stool pigeon
Jail bird
Singin' like a canary
Givin' the bird
Flyin' the coop

You're just parrotting the party line. Real life isn't so simple - it's all shades of grey, so don't be cocky. You can't simple conure way out of trouble. Then again, you do have a talon-t for this kind of thing, even when you just wing it. So step up and get down, chick! Chop chop!
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RB clickbait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:59:

*c o n t i n u e d*

I think it wonderful that you have had such an amazing journey with rbird. Something we all strive for. I had my bird for 22yrs and it felt like I lost my first child. I am glad you are here , such knowledge is great to have around. ( honestly teary eyed when I saw how long you have had him)....melissa
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, Meliissa! Now you have ME getting all misty-eyed!

It is *I* who should thank YOU (and everybody here) for allowing me to share the Rb and reap the wonderful benefits of our community.

I'm sorry for your loss. I just hope I can do what you did, and outlive the my darling and let him depart as my beloved companion.

Thank you sincerely.
Just because this would likely have gotten lost in the Parrot Forums' History, I elected to place this small tid bit here:

Quote: Originally Posted by GaleriaGila
Having the Rickeybird de-roostered... boggles my mind...
I wonder what life might have been (be?) like.

A Metro Sexual RickeyBird? That does boggles the mind! :D

All of our lives would be so boring!!! Well, maybe not Rivals! :D
Well, I'll say this!

A de-roostered Rb would have resulted in less of these. I'm sure you experienced parotters recognize the upper mandible pin-point and the lower half-moon bruises...

My ol' man is active on a cycling site where they sometimes share photos of their injuries when they fall or whatever. "Road rash" is a popular theme. I used to think that was perverse, but now I understand the camaraderie involved in sharing our boo-boos.

We should have a sticky of our wounds (clearly proof of punishment for mistakes).

To wit... my already pathetic bicep with recent decorations.

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