The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

This being my Ode dedicated To Gail and Himself, the Rickeybird. I wanted to make it suitable for reciting at campfires down through the generations.

The Tale of Gail and the Rickeybird

He comes of fearsome ancestry;
His forebears thundered earth and sky
And ruled the depths of every sea.
None could oppose their reign, and none dared try
Until a massive asteroid
Catastrophe straight from the void
Caused nearly every life to die -
But something new would come to be.

The tiny ones escaped the fire -
The ones who hid, and crept by night;
The saber-tooth, the wolf most dire,
Soon walked abroad without fear in the light.
Still, some small creatures lingered on
Inheritors, of dragon spawn
And feathers, with the gift of flight,
The Phoenix risen from the pyre.

Into an awesome creature grown
And gathered in a mighty flock
A thunder in the air, alone
Where Patagonia broke Nature’s clock
And abrogated mammal laws
Rewound primeval beaks and claws
Made birds who chewed through solid rock
To carve their nests into the stone.

They live there still, free-wheeling gods,
Still dwelling where their elders trod.

There is another power which
Seeps like hot lava into stone,
Gleams like dawn against the deep rich
Surf of stars, brimming magma of their own.
The ancient guardians of night
Change places with the troops of light
And she who names this force her own
Is priestess, goddess, wizard, witch.

She walks in power, full suffused
With wisdom, grace, and charity
With kind compassion, oft accused
Of meeting evil with hilarity.
She guards her secret: sword of light -
The enemies of love to smite -
Against Fate’s cruel disparity
And strengthen those who are abused.

She’s heiress to the ancient list
Of power-heavy sorcerers
No wizard, witch, or scientist:
She bears within a thing unique to her;
The gift of seeing hidden parts
Of healing rifts in ruined hearts
No need of weapons; she prefers
The velvet glove on iron fist.

Las Cruces: dusty Spanish square
Adobe walls and blaring heat
The crux of her young life was there,
The greatest challenge she would ever meet.
Young Sunshine, glowing on the day
She had collected her first pay,
Walked in that store with eager feet,
Tossed back her flaming auburn hair.

And stepped into that room of birds
Some caged, some flighted, all for sale
One launched himself and flew to her
He saw in her the way out of his jail.
But really he had made no scheme,
He recognized her in a dream
He clung with all his might to Gail
And so became the Rickey Bird.

She could not leave him there. She paid
His ransom with her uncashed check.
And promised more: then drove away,
With Rickey snuggled up against her neck.
And took him with her to her room
No inkling of impending doom
No harbinger of looming wreck
No reason she should be afraid.

She had for him no cage, she gave
Her shoulder for a perch that day
At night there was no cliff-side cave
For him. She sat down on the floor and stayed
Back to the wall, and all the night
Kept watch. He slept til it was light
Alive with joy he met the day
She thought, at least this one I’ll save.

It was not easy. Sometimes she
Went hungry for her parrot’s sake
He made her life a misery
With biting, screaming - more than she could take
Her family joined the attack
Till she resolved to send him back
But at the door, her heart did break
She swore to him her loyalty.

And so began the famous pair
Of Gail and Rickey Bird - and see,
I too will claim a minor share
One of those hearts she touched belongs to me.
And countless others know them too,
Perhaps she gave sunshine to you.
She saved his life, and so now he
Regales us all with jewels rare.

Was ever there a bird so wrong,
Who yells for chilis every night?
Who dreams of Hot Henz all day long
And slays the Demon Ball with all his might?
Who makes a ruckus with his bell,
Makes Kirby’s life a living hell,
Who longs for fingers he can bite,
And sings the J-Lo “Booty” song.

His glory shall be permanent
Star in the Parrot Firmament.

And Gail as well shall have her part
Forever in our grateful hearts.
So Rival has something coming, as well, but in the meantime here is a down payment, something from Radio Free Blue and Gold…


Come sit right down and hear a tale, tale of a fateful trip,
That started with a tiny bird who gave a tiny nip.
He first bit Rival on the hand, and like a demon flew
Upon his Rival he did land and bit his shoulder too -

The atmosphere was getting tough, the tempers getting hot,
Despite the courage of the parronts two, domestic bliss was lost.

The Rickeybird sets out to maim and splat with poop most vile...
He bites the hand...the fingers too...each bare appendage in sight...
The Demon Ball ... he flings it down, growls around,
Such a difficult child!
Have you ever dared to imagine yourself the subject of a Homeric ode? Well, Kentuckienne has... THE POWER to make it so.
Totally aside from the pride I take in her epic, just consider this... she draws upon the ancient mysteries of evolution, combines that with the vagaries of civilization, revolution and all that... and pulls the two ends of Earth together in the meeting of a bird and a college student one fateful day nearly 40 years ago.
It's astonishing, majestic, and deeply personal and intimate.
I'm so honored.
And I really think that a similar clash of time and experience is at work in ALL of our relationships with our birds. It's magical.

Now, as for the Rival's poem... laugh out loud until ya choke, go ahead!

Love you, Karen. You have a gift. Or two.
Yes…I am the grateful recipient of many gifts. One is you, one is The Rival (like the U2 guitarist, he requires the definite article), then we have Terry, Scott, Sailboats, Wrench, Anansi (oh, wherefore art thou, Anansi) and I have to stop because I can‘t list everyone, both the old friends and the new. You all make life worth living.
ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND... just got back from the vet, and THE NUMBERS (lab results) are headed in the right direction! This is a day among all others.
The Rb is getting better, and I'm gittin' love from the Parrot Forums!
There *IS* a future.

ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND... just got back from the vet, and THE NUMBERS (lab results) are headed in the right direction! This is a day among all others.
The Rb is getting better, and I'm gittin' love from the Parrot Forums!
There *IS* a future.

Onward Valiant Rickeybird, you Mighty Warrior, again sweeping all before you in your gallant and indomitable stride! This is awesome news, Aunty G, I’m so very happy for you! 💖
Regards and Cheers my Good Friend Kentuckienne! To be included is such a group is truly kind, thank you!

RB's pushing improving numbers is always a joyful moment for all but the villains and places yet a coveted demand on you dear Sunshine as you are required to continue onward as well!!
LaMartina, Boatsie, my fellow riders on the mighty psittacine tide... let us lock arms and sing our love of our birds up into the feathery firmaments, watching as the news of good numbers crystallize and sparkle into PF threads and...
Okay, that's all I got, take over, Kentuckienne!!!!!!
Love y'allll!!!
My heart is already so full...
Every time I come here, I feel lifted up by friends, new and old.
Thank you, everybody... whether you just skim by and read a little, or post... I FEEL it all, I really do.

Rb TALK.webp

"Me, tooo!!!"
Sadly I lack the talent and/or creativity required to properly imaginate an ode, epic or paean worthy either of our beloved Gail or that Magnificent Rickeybird - but as it turns out I don't have to because famed NZ composer Dave Dobbyn has done all the hard work for me! This one always gets 'em hoppin' and boppin' down at the
Oddball Hausfrau Hens' House. Howdy Angel, Aunty G, where did you hide your wings? She sure is a slice of heaven 💖

Sadly I lack the talent and/or creativity required to properly imaginate an ode, epic or paean worthy either of our beloved Gail or that Magnificent Rickeybird - but as it turns out I don't have to because famed NZ composer Dave Dobbyn has done all the hard work for me! This one always gets 'em hoppin' and boppin' down at the
Oddball Hausfrau Hens' House. Howdy Angel, Aunty G, where did you hide your wings? She sure is a slice of heaven 💖

OMG, this was our Hens' Anthem for the longest, wasn't it?
All of us were humming it, singing it...
Thank you for bringing it back.

If you have the time and interest, dear readers... here's a real blast from our past...
There are some big laughs, and some priceless episodes from our dear departed Jim, and more. Wow.
This place has history!
If you have the time and interest, dear readers... here's a real blast from our past...
There are some big laughs, and some priceless episodes from our dear departed Jim, and more. Wow.
This place has history!
LOL, why did I laugh at my own post?

Honestly I don't remember I wrote this! :ROFLMAO:
Thanks for reminding about existence of this thread😅
OMG, this was our Hens' Anthem for the longest, wasn't it?
All of us were humming it, singing it...
Thank you for bringing it back.

If you have the time and interest, dear readers... here's a real blast from our past...
There are some big laughs, and some priceless episodes from our dear departed Jim, and more. Wow.
This place has history!
The Henhouse’s mission is critical,
The Hausfraus within are atypical,
Righteous Roosters admired,
But Rival is fired,
For being contrary and cynical!😝

🎼Good evening, friends.............................🎶
The Henhouse’s mission is critical,
The Hausfraus within are atypical,
Righteous Roosters admired,
But Rival is fired,
For being contrary and cynical!😝

🎼Good evening, friends.............................🎶
We need to renovate the Henhouse. Somebody buy a new rug, some Diet Coke, and a Big Screen tv!
Okay, that's all fine and good, but...
As Archivist of this here Scrapbook, I hereby and humbly beg to toss this discussion over to the Henhouse thread, where I will shortly have a HIGHLY RELEVANT post to offer!!!!!

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