The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

August 4, 2017
Resume of The Rickeybird

Education (At Patagonian Programs, UnInc.)

1984 Completed hatch, placed in Patagonian Juvenile Training
1986 Failed Juvenile Training, Re-Enrolled
1988 Failed Juvenile Training, EXPELLED

1989 Completed puberty, placed in Patagonian Rooster Training
1991 Failed Rooster Training, Re-Enrolled
1993 Failed Rooster Training, EXPELLED

1994 Enrolled in Remedial Patagonian Rooster Instruction
1996 Failed Remedial Rooster Training, SUSPENDED

1997 Placed in Rehabilitation for Failing Patagonian Roosters, UNSUCCESSFUL
2007 Placed in Permanent Residential Supervision for Wayward Patagonian Roosters

2017 Placed in Parrot Forums as active member... SUCCESSFUL!

Employment (At Gail's House)

1984 - present: Companion Parrot (Paid in room and board)
1994 - present: Domestic abuser, giggolo, property destroyer and thief.(Unpaid)
2007 - present: Actor, Singer, Online Personality (Unpaid)
2014 - present: Textile Artist (Artist's wages on eBay)
2017 - present: Parrot Forums Community Member in Semi-Good Standing

References Available Upon Request
Warning! Not suitable for all audiences; parrontal supervision suggested!

Welllllll, it's fun to travel back in time...
That post was on this day in 2017... five years ago!
I suppose I should update his resume. Or maybe not...
Just a little compilation of memorable timewarps...

When Parrots Are Rude


When Parrots Lie




When They Were Still Tiny and Cute

Roosters With Delusions of Grandeur


When Birds Have Legal Problems



Annnnnnnnnnnnnd.......................... we're now back to the future. Present.
The Rival, an Archivist Venerable,
A Curator of Memories so Treasurable,
The Parrot is Rude,
And at Times even Lewd,
But our Chronicler’s Armour’s Impenetrable!

The Rival, an Archivist Venerable,
A Curator of Memories so Treasurable,
The Parrot is Rude,
And at Times even Lewd,
But our Chronicler’s Armour’s Impenetrable!

Oh, Smartypants... now you've done it. A beautiful blonde Australian chick has penned an admiring verse to him.
He will be insufferable!
I know I'm always outta my league when trying to figure out if the ladies are approving or not. I think they're saying GOOD BOY when they're really saying SIT,STAY or worse. This leads to many unfortunate things.
But I always get the guys: you said it, Boats. My thanks, and CHEERS!
I know I'm always outta my league when trying to figure out if the ladies are approving or not. I think they're saying GOOD BOY when they're really saying SIT,STAY or worse. This leads to many unfortunate things.
But I always get the guys: you said it, Boats. My thanks, and CHEERS!
Oh Rival, I know I speak for all the denizens of the Henhouse when I say we hold you in the exact same extraordinary high regard, great respect and deep affection that we feel for your good lady wife. 💖💖

How The Bird feels about you however, well my friend that is another matter entirely!
Well, dang. It was a gloomy time on Planet Rickeybird for a while today, but it got better. We had a vet visit this morning. The various magic numbers are not improving, so we have more meds. I deliver his medicine in teaspoons with orange juice; it generally works well. He still looks/behaves GREAT, definitely no suffering that I can see, but...
But, but but...
These long lives and late years are what we all hope for, yet...
Yet, yet, yet...

I had a sad time, but I renewed myself with memories of y'all, the Scrapbook, the years spent together, the sharing, the support.

So we'll get right back into the routine.

Long live love.
And pass the orange juice.

I hope the new meds get those numbers moving in the right direction. Kirby has a lot of one step forward, two steps back vet appointments too, and it’s always so hard. Every day with them is a blessing. I hope you and Rickeybird have many more years together!
Every day we get to share with you and the Rb is a blessed miracle, Aunty G. You and he and Rival fill our hearts with love, and we can only hope we do the same for you. Your journey with the Rb was predestined long before you got him, just as my Lilly's was with me. Whether that journey is long or short, and I pray that the Rb's journey still has many more miles yet to go, the miracle of our being brought together with them in this time and place is the same. And the love we have for them, and they for us, will be carried in our hearts forever. 💖
It’s been a heck of a ride. Remember that time we snuck backstage at that Eagles concert? And I told the band that Ricky was a Patagonian Cliff Eagle, and they all like totally lost their minds and begged you to let him go on tour with them? And they said we could ride on the bus? But you said no, he couldn’t be trusted around all the Substances which could possibly be abused not to mention being wingpit deep in hot henz? And I begged you and said “please Auntie Gail please it’ll be so fun”, and the Rival begged you and said “please, it’ll be so quiet”, and Rickey said “GAIL GAIL GAIL KIRBY KIRBY BOOTY MAGGOT” and the Eagles said “BOOTY MAGNET, BOOTY MAGNET, that’s a hit song right there!“ but you wouldn’t budge.
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I hope the new meds get those numbers moving in the right direction. Kirby has a lot of one step forward, two steps back vet appointments too, and it’s always so hard. Every day with them is a blessing. I hope you and Rickeybird have many more years together!
Thanks, ravvie! You got it right... it's all about every day. Every blessed day!
Every day we get to share with you and the Rb is a blessed miracle, Aunty G. You and he and Rival fill our hearts with love, and we can only hope we do the same for you. Your journey with the Rb was predestined long before you got him, just as my Lilly's was with me. Whether that journey is long or short, and I pray that the Rb's journey still has many more miles yet to go, the miracle of our being brought together with them in this time and place is the same. And the love we have for them, and they for us, will be carried in our hearts forever. 💖
You always manage to catch the magic in your hand, SmartyManuka. There is Eternity at work here, and we are sharing something wonderful. I don't doubt it for a minute. Love to you and yours, always... thanks for checking in and lifting me up. Again. And again... and...
It’s been a heck of a ride. Remember that time we snuck backstage at that Eagles concert? And I told the band that Ricky was a Patagonian Cliff Eagle, and they all like totally lost their minds and begged you to let him go on tour with them? And they said we could ride on the bus? But you said no, he couldn’t be trusted around all the Substances which could possibly be abused not to mention being wingpit deep in hot henz? And I begged you and said “please Auntie Gail please it’ll be so fun”, and the Rival begged you and said “please, it’ll be so quiet”, and Rickey said “GAIL GAIL GAIL KIRBY KIRBY BOOTY MAGGOT” and the Eagles said “BOOTY MAGNET, BOOTY MAGNET, that’s a hit song right there!“ but you wouldn’t budge.
Geeeeeez, 'Tuck... SOMEBODY had to take charge. If memory serves me (and I'm on shaky ground here) that was the '90s Hall of Fame Induction at the Rock Hall Here in Cleveland. I don't recall much about that PARTICULAR CONVERSATION, but I recall crying when all seven members, past and present, took the stage. So did you!

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