The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Hey now, Rb is way more than a bird. He is a feathered overlord who makes Gail do everything for him, and he allows Kirby to live:)
Picasso of the Green Birb Group says Kirby claims he allows HIMSELF to live.
He does not, however, have any supporting evidence.
Every now and then, I gotta post this. Apologies to those of you who've seen it before. Oh, geez, apologies to those of you who are seeing it for the first time!!

Another winter has passed; the vet's results are good; our big move was successful; our little family is intact; we are blessed to be safe and sound; Spring has sprung!

Here is the Rickeybird challenging his rival to another season!

Life is good. Love y'all.

I will never tire of seeing this video!
I'm so glad things are going good for you, love you too, Sunshine:)

I heard it was time for an update to the Anthology. Here 'tis! It's worth a complete read-through, but to those of you who want to cut to the chase, the most recent entry is at the very end. Enjoy, dear readers.


The First and Ongoing
The Parrot Forum Poetry
of the Kentuckienne

Compiled and managed by... ME, humble Scrapbook Archivist.
Let us begin.
Last update --- 3-21-2022


The Queen of Bavaria (dedicated to the lovely and stalwart GaleriaGila, whose favorite species is the Queen of Bavaria Conure )

Don't challenge me 'cause my rhymes will bury ya'

I'm Q.O.B. I'm the Queen of Bavaria

I bring the thunder, I rule the weather,

You mess with me, you get buttfeathered.

I got me a friend and I say the word,

You gonna get a dose of the Rickey Bird.

I'm the Beauty and he's the Beast

Your rhyme’s a snack, but mine’s the feast.

You better keep up 'cause I ain't gonna carry ya,

You never saw nothing like the Queen of Bavaria.


Anansi, the Spider God (dedicated as dedicated)
Sung to the tune of... you'll see...

Spider God, spider God

Does whatever he can to mod..

Moderate, moderate,

He's in charge of your new post's fate

Play nice, here comes the Spider Mod!

In the dead of night,

When he should be in bed,

He stays up to write,

And make sure posts are read..

Spider Mod, Spider Mod,

He's the ultimate trickster God,

Spins a yarn, always nice,

For eclectus has good advice

Anaaan-si is the Spider Mod!


Patagonian Gangsta (dedicated to... do I really need to say it?)
This one makes me sweat.

You say beautiful day, just look at the weather

But stay outta my way or you get the buttfeather.

I’m Rickey the Bird and I own the high ground

I’ll show you the works, both feather and down

Homey, this is my cage, my hen, my chili

You mess with my world and I’ll feather you silly.

The strong gonna crumble, the mighty will fall,

They saw what I did to the Demon Ball

The Devil, Godzilla, and Hannibal Lector

All gonna need a buttfeather protector

Run fast as you can, hide best you can hide,

You’ll never be safe from my under side.

Wherever you go I’ll be up above

And I’m gonna show you some rooster butt love

Look up overhead and BAM! You been served

You puny old humans got what you deserved

You oughta be glad I allowed you to see

The glorious butt feathers underneath me

There was never a sunrise, never a flower,

Compete with my Patagonian power

Come on you hot henz dressed in satin and leathers

We’ll show all the losers the Rickeybutt feathers!


To the tune of “Let it Snow”

Oh, the feathers below are frightful,

But your screams are so delightful.

So if you’ve no place to go,

Let me show you the pinions below!

Oh, I don’t think that I will be stopping

I might even add some droppings

So don’t stand too close below,

Let it flow, that’s my rule, let it go!

When we finally say night-night,

How I’ll hate you to cover my form!

If you don’t want to feel my bite,

Better make chilis the norm!

Oh, there isn’t no use in crying,

Of buttfeathers there’s no denying

So as long as you’re down below,

See the show, see the show, see the show!


ANOTHER stellar entry.
All hail the Sidechick.
This one is in response to the delightful and innocent Xanderbird, Gail's online parrot-love.

Rickeybird says:
He’s a shoulder lander,
A poop commander,
With parrot dander!
I don’t understand her…
She’s got a Patagonian gander -
There ain’t nothin’ grander -
But chooses to pander
To this walnut demander,
A down-under-lander!
In all candor,
You better unhand her!
That’s MY hen, Xander.


I must rest now.
The Rival

Oh, Rickeybird!
Tex, he LOVED the conversation... it inspired him into a real display of his own pipes.
MANNN, that bird right in front is a brute. Did you see him rip that little branch off the limb and man-handle/bird-handle it?? Also, just a beautiful setting of colorful berries and stuff.
Our thanks!
And, to think that some Human's believe that field information on Parrots in their Natural Range is just not available. Proven Wrong again!
And, no surprise, its one of RB's cousins bunting his way to a full branch all to himself!
RB has to be proud!!
Thank's Wes!!
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I found this behind the couch today!

View attachment 37346
I would not be surprised if RB has tucked away the 1989 Playhen of the Month Calendar and the Birbs Illustrated Swimsoot Edition!!! Check under the sofa cushions.

I (ahem) did some digging. This might come as a shock to you, but RB has been living another life:


You and Rival might need to have a solemn and meaningful conversation with RB about Hen exploitation….

Okay, so some of you will know that I did a "virtual adoption" of one of Terry's rescue-parrots... Xander the Alexandrine. He has his own thread and everything, and completed his first online visit to me today.
It was wonderful (well, depending upon whom you ask).

I made a little portrait of my darlings.
Rb and Xb.webp

Yes, I'm retired, with time on my hands, buttt...
I love this place, don't you?!
Rb TALK.webp

"Oh, heyyyyyyyyyyyyy, this here the Rickeybird, an I found out this is
So let's put that Xanderbird on a stick and..."

RICKEYBIRD! We are not putting Xander on THAT KIND OF A STICK!

View attachment 37744
"Oh, heyyyyyyyyyyyyy, this here the Rickeybird, an I found out this is
So let's put that Xanderbird on a stick and..."

RICKEYBIRD! We are not putting Xander on THAT KIND OF A STICK!

Rb's face says it all, Xander better watch out and beware of Patagonians bearing sticks.
Rb's face says it all, Xander better watch out and beware of Patagonians bearing sticks.​
Rb TALK.jpg

"What??? Patagonians don't go arounnnd sticking bears!
This CRAAAzyY!

I never stuck a bear, not with a stick, not nothing.
Never sticked a bear, not... uhhhh...


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