The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Okay, so...
Many of y'all know that the Rb has eaten Harrison's pellets for most of their existence, AND HIS (35+ years)_
They send us little goodies now and then.
Recently, they sent us a couple of throwback food cloth bags which they used wayyyyyyyyyyyy back for their products... I remember 'em. The new ones are sleek, plastic-lined, zip lock bags.
They challenged us to show a few... innovative re-purposings of the old ones..

Here they are, with the hapless Rival as grudging model.

View attachment 35144

Honestly, the combination of slapstick, punnery and pure wit of our Community members blows me away. You folks are an absolute riot. And Kentuckienne, get thee to a punnery, girl!
This was a funny entry, alright, and I'm glad it was enjoyed.
Yet another Harrison's anecdote... I am informed that the Rickeybird is the longest living mail order customer, having received his pellet deliveries since approximately 1988!!!
Oh Aunty G, 1988, the waves of nostalgia positively knock me off my feet! It was the year I spent living in London, making the musical acquaintance of another legendary Rick - Astley!! Who is also, by yet another co-incidence, another famous red head just like the Rb's incredible mum!! OMG, the stars are in alignment yet again, so there's really only one thing left to say, and I'm gonna let Rick say it!! 😁

REALLY, Marty???????????????
I want to read your memoirs.

Oh, HECKKKKKKKKKKKKK yeah... songs from those days always spark memories of the early times.

Yeah... my main worries back then?
How do I afford tuition?
How do I keep my grades up?
How do I manage my chronic illnesses?
How do I afford Rice-A-Roni?
How do I deal with this CREATURE?
How do I DATE in any meaningful way, with this hovering menace???

Scrapbook readers, you know the answers. I coped, I cried, I snitched restaurant condiments/creams/salsas/crackers, I soothed noise-angry neighbors with delivered pizzas/flowers/candies, I sneaked home to check on my bird during work hours, I did anything and everything to make it work. I loved him so.
Now I'm retired. I have YOU ALL! Life is easier.

This one goes out to you, LaMartynuka.
Oh Aunty G, where on Earth would I be without you? Where would any of us be for that matter?? I was lost when I found this place, and now I don’t think there’s anywhere I’d rather be than right here with you. And Rick and Cyndi too. Every. Single. Time. ❤️
We love this PF place, don't we? Each in our own way.
I wonder if there is some way we could muster up a group thank-you or something. To whomever the powers that be, who started the darn thing, pay for it, manage it, and of course the moderators...

I am going to set my mind to this. Input and ideas are welcome.

Tomorrow is special....
This one goes out to everybody on the Parrot Forums!

Happy Valentine's Day!
“The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.”
Helen Keller

And the very best and most beautiful in all the world is you, Aunty G.
This one goes out to you.
❤️Happy Valentine's Day!!❤️

My Valentine's Day is complete...

I replied to a few Valentine threads here and there; I relayed my own happy day of curses and attacks by my grumpy old Rickeybird (it only makes me love him more); I got a card and some chocolates from my ol' man (good boyyy!); I got some wonderful greetings from y'all...

Life is sweet.
I'm not too late, still an hour left in my time zone, yay!

Happy Valentine's Night, Sunshine, Rival, Rb & Pinky!


I love y'all with all my heart 💝
Many of you will recall that my little family recently moved across town. I was so worried about so many ways that things might go wrong with the Rickeybird. Well, we're more than a month in the new digs, and... we're gonna be okay! My biggest fear concerned NOISE. Nuttttttt...
Noise is okay... thanks to amazing insulation and architecture and ... LUCK. I am so grateful.

Here's a funny little thing that only parronts will appreciate...

I was so worried that he would be terrorized by people coming to the front door. It is right by his big window. But he isn't. He loves it. If he likes your looks, he just stares, maybe bobs and shakes in his little flirty way. If he doesn't like your looks, he snaps and screams and tells you NO. Of course, his intruder always departs, leaving the Rickeybird certain of his victory. The macho Patagonian Rooster prevails, yet again, as his challenger skulks away in defeat. He fluffs himself up, shakes his feathers into perfection, grinds his beak and resumes his patrol. ready for his next encounter. I am so relieved. Our townhouse area is a closed-off, almost gated place, very safe. Thanks to my (and the neighbors') addictions to Amazon (and other USPS/UPS delivery venues), we have a lot of visitors.

I am trying hard to get a good photo or video... it really is FUNNY!

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