The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

I KNEW I recognized the Rickeybird!! He played the Black Knight from a certain famous Monty Python movie! He’s actually a true icon of the 20th century, now posing as a random Patagonian Conure. I know what’s under this helmet now….

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"Tis but a scratch." ;)
I KNEW I recognized the Rickeybird!! He played the Black Knight from a certain famous Monty Python movie! He’s actually a true icon of the 20th century, now posing as a random Patagonian Conure. I know what’s under this helmet now….

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it's only a flesh wound...I'll bite you in the knee cap
If ever two threads converged...
With your permission, BeakBeakKiss...

Parallel Evolution!

Breaking news...
I just work here.


"OKAY heLLO ,,, this HERE the RickeybIRD speakin! Listen up right NoW!
This month National Bird FEEdING Month. You donT BELieve me, lookie here!
So this mean everYBODY send me Bags of bIG GREEN fresh green chile pEPPERS!!
The Rickeybird
Front WINdoW
Gailz an Kirbyz hOUSE

CleveLAND OhHiOh


As usual, the Rickeybird misses the point, aided and abetted by a certain household member.

Ya know, SOME Patagonians have to WORK for their food!
So do some husbands.


Stock Photo - Burrowing Parrot / Patagonian Conure ('Barranquero') (Cyanoliseus patagonus). Feeding in leftover maize fields. Province Rio Negro, Patagonia, Argentina.​

Rickeybird says:
He’s a shoulder lander,
A poop commander,
With parrot dander!
I don’t understand her…
She’s got a Patagonian gander -
There ain’t nothin’ grander -
But chooses to pander
To this walnut demander,
A down-under-lander!
In all candor,
You better unhand her!
That’s MY hen, Xander.
You have outdone yourself, my darling, you truly have!
Sinatra could sung it; Ludacris could rap it; Maya Angelou coulda recited it.
How are you not famous for this sorta thing??????!!!!!????????
Well, you are, here.
I adore you.
Thank you!
Oh, no, The Rickeybird took my mind over again and posted!!!

Rb TALK.webp

"Okay, this here the RICKEYbird, talkin about this little ole Rooster which am the XanderBiRD. I got NO PROBLEMO with this lil fella. MY HEN AM THE GALERIAGILA GAIL, okay, an GAWWWWD knows she is all Mine so he can honkerate and hollahrate how he PLEEASE, hardee-har-har-har HARRR. If I ever find out where HE'S hiding around here I will yankerate out all his TAIL Feathers an put em down The Garbage Disposerator. Have A NICE DAY. This was the Rickeybird which am ME! An I found that lil roosterz scrapbook, I sure did, and I posterated in it."
Oh, noooooooooooooo... not again... here he comes!

Rb TALK.webp

"An another thing to you Kentuckeinne, i got special plans for you I been needing PRIVATE Sexretary to kEEp my records an update my resoome an write poems an raps for me. SO we see if you got right stufff! come visit we give you Special Intervieww, see if you qualify, okay. Bring hot green chiles an yer bathing soot."
Rb TALK.webp

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh.................. no chilleez, hmmmmmmmmmm............. well we work sumething out...............
yeah we work something out. We work SUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMthing out!!!!!! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
A big, big medical development...

At the Rb's vet visit, his hematocrit dropped shockingly (A GOOD THING) as a result of an Enalapril increase. The vet said it was the most dramatic drop he had ever personally seen. The number previously was up in the mid-60s, despite receiving Enalapril for years... the number just kept sliding up, and was starting to be critical. The vet was worried about side effects of a dosage increase but finally felt he HAD to try it. On Wednesday it was 52. ALMOST NORMAL. NO side effects I can see. Still screaming and beating up green chiles and ruining everybody's day. The vet marveled that this dramatic improvement could happen at age 37.

So, the takeaway...

Meds CAN help. I struggled with perfecting my little dosage system. I'm still working on it.


MEDS REALLY CAN HELP, so, whatever your bird's issue is, if you're worried, or unsure how to proceed, or otherwise concerned, I urge you to work with your avian vet, or talk with us here.

Meds really can help.

52. A beautiful number.

A big, big medical development...

At the Rb's vet visit, his hematocrit dropped shockingly (A GOOD THING) as a result of an Enalapril increase. The vet said it was the most dramatic drop he had ever personally seen. The number previously was up in the mid-60s, despite receiving Enalapril for years... the number just kept sliding up, and was starting to be critical. The vet was worried about side effects of a dosage increase but finally felt he HAD to try it. On Wednesday it was 52. ALMOST NORMAL. NO side effects I can see. Still screaming and beating up green chiles and ruining everybody's day. The vet marveled that this dramatic improvement could happen at age 37.

So, the takeaway...

Meds CAN help. I struggled with perfecting my little dosage system. I'm still working on it.


MEDS REALLY CAN HELP, so, whatever your bird's issue is, if you're worried, or unsure how to proceed, or otherwise concerned, I urge you to work with your avian vet, or talk with us here.

Meds really can help.

52. A beautiful number.

This is the best news I have heard in a long time! Oh Gail, I am so thrilled!
I'm so glad you kept working with the dosages, and look what a change it made. You are such a good Mama to him.
Rb did good, now where are his chilis?
Thanks, friends! Yeahboyyy, nobody was more cynical/dreading/worried than *I*, but... meds are worth all the hassle. Terry, you know how I agonized... so much hassle; will he hate it too much; will there be side effects; what if there's only a tiny difference... ???
Laura, he LOVES his new digs. It has all worked out better than I could have imagined!
New room, SPRING FEVER (hey, Boats!), hot chicks in bathing soots... apparently, life is goood!
Thanks, friends! Yeahboyyy, nobody was more cynical/dreading/worried than *I*, but... meds are worth all the hassle. Terry, you know how I agonized... so much hassle; will he hate it too much; will there be side effects; what if there's only a tiny difference... ???
Laura, he LOVES his new digs. It has all worked out better than I could have imagined!
New room, SPRING FEVER (hey, Boats!), hot chicks in bathing soots... apparently, life is goood!
RB needs a reality check if he thinks 'hot chicks in bathing soots' are coming his way. He's an only bird!

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