The Ins, Outs, and Upside Downs of Budgie Parenting

Apollo!!! Amazing progress!!! Cute as pie
Aww, thanks! He'll step up to pretty much anyone! A question, though: He loves my dad and gets sad when I have to take him back to my room. He can't free roam (we have senior cats), so how do I make him feel better? Dad visits him in my room at least twice a day.
the heart wants what the heart wants. ... Thankfully he has bird freind and you, so I think visits from his special person are fine and enough.

Very interesting tho.
the heart wants what the heart wants. ... Thankfully he has bird freind and you, so I think visits from his special person are fine and enough.

Very interesting tho.
Yes, it sure is. My dad didn't tame him, doesn't feed him, care for him, or give him treats, but Apollo never wants to leave him.
Everyone's waking up! Picasso had to take her Baytril in some millet, so she's a bit grumpy! The pic is SUPER blurry, sorry!

(Don't mind that creep doll collection)
Ok, so I'll be doing some bird medical updates here. I saw the vet for Apollo yesterday (other birds were too stressed to bring), and he basically just proved to me that he knew nothing about birds. He then called me at, like, 6:30 PM, and said he just discovered budgies can get FUNGAL INFECTIONS!!! He then said he knew basically nothing about them, and asked me to research them.

Weekly weigh in: Apollo- 25 grams, Stormy- 35 grams, Picasso- 36 grams, Pepper, 23 grams.

Normal weights: Apollo- 34ish grams, Stormy- 38ish grams, Picasso- 36ish grams, Pepper- 28ishh grams.


Random Cossie pic to make you happy.
Morning update, they're all doing well. I'm working on converting them onto pellets in the evening, and it's going ok, it's only the second day though!
Indeed they are!
They're going to see another vet soon, they're still not getting better, and frankly, I don't trust this vet. Sure, he can be nice, but he also knows little to nothing about budgies. He just has this book of pets and meds for hem, and he looked up budgies in the book and just gave them the first thing he saw. The book was made sometime in the mid 20th century, so I don't even know how credible it is.

They have a humidifier for now and that's helping them breathe better. They're still getting Clavamox, even though I know it can be a hit-or-miss for parrots.
Cossie broke out of her cage today *facepalm*. She is such a smart little bird...
Small (just kidding!) photo dump! What should be my new pfp???


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Might as well introduce you to my goldies too! The calico fantail on the left is Mrs. T, the black moor in the center is Othello, and the oranda on the right is Monty.
Can you teach me how to identify different goldfish? I dunno how to :)

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