My closet is becoming the bird aviary. This is the closet that their cages are already in, but I'm going to open both the doors so they become "walls" of the indoor aviary, then I'll screen it off with fiberglass mesh (or stainless steel if they are chewing the mesh, so we'll see). It will be a large space, around 16 square feet (probably more). I'd really like to have my room not be an aviary, however I still want them to have space to fly a bit and plenty of space to just hang out. And of course, they will have free roam time, plus time to fly even more in our large living room. The aviary will be for when I want time to myself, or when I need to keep them confined. Plus, it's about half the price of a single flight cage, and I would need multiple, due to my territorial girls. The aviary should have enough space for the girls to be separate if they choose.