Talk me out of getting a large macaw!

I am self employed and my schedule changes daily! LOL! So my guys have periods all through out the week that they have to entertain themselves. You just have to teach them that. I don't like sticking to a strict schedule either. They need to learn flexibility. If you keep too much of a routine, they will act out when that schedule changes. So I try to mix it up all the time. My birds never know what's coming next and I think that helps keep them well adjusted to change!

I agree. I believe in this too!
On the topic of macaws...are they ALL pretty much one person birds? Is that pretty much expected to happen where they choose a favourite? Is it possible to socialize them to be family friendly or do they usually get unfriendly with the rest of the family? Is there a particular species that is more prone or less prone to this? Thanks!

No, but they are pair bond birds, so if allowed to overbond, they will.

My two will go to anyone, and love being loved on. My red front is a playahaulic, and will readily play with anyone who plays with her... But they didn't come this way. They've both been socialized extensively... So they readily accept strangers.

Some macs, particularly severed need more socialization than others. If they don't get it, then you tend to get one person issues...
Funny how the OP was asking to be talked "out of" a large macaw, but I see you mac people are doing your best to talk her "into" one LOL :D
Just to give everyone a laugh... I spent an hour on the phone with Rita from Avian Adventures discussing BTMs! LOL!

She has 3 babies that are 4 weeks old right now. Ready to go home in October!!!
Just to give everyone a laugh... I spent an hour on the phone with Rita from Avian Adventures discussing BTMs! LOL!

She has 3 babies that are 4 weeks old right now. Ready to go home in October!!!

There you go! Put down your deposit and you have plenty of time to get things together.
I third that! Lol! ;)
Big macs are the absolute worst. They always try to slip you the tongue! Even at 60!! Creepy old lady

Big macs are the absolute worst. They always try to slip you the tongue! Even at 60!! Creepy old lady


Ewwwww! I know, its just gross! :30:

You know my Maggie was originally one of Rita's babies... [That isn't where I got her, but she was an avian adventures bird...]. I met her more than a decade ago. She's wonderful. You're baby is in good hands...

I'm just assuming here, but...

I still want a female BTM... But I don't think sweepea wants a playmate if it means sharing more of her attention.
Ah yes, thekarens, that is one thing I need to remember about BTMs... they are escape artists!

What did Zoe have to do to take off the cage doors? How are they attached?

BOTH BTMs & RFMS take stuff apart. My greenwing will too, but not like those two.

I hand fed a BABY BTM, who wasn't even all there yet, that not only learned to work the cage latch in minutes, but also navigated his way out the bird room, and up the stairs, and was back on my lap within five minutes of putting him to bed.

They are the musiest lap birds out there... I've never seen one with a nasty disposition...

Its just not in their nature. They trust, they love.
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Big macs are the absolute worst. They always try to slip you the tongue! Even at 60!! Creepy old lady


Ewwwww! I know, its just gross! :30:

You know my Maggie was originally one of Rita's babies... [That isn't where I got her, but she was an avian adventures bird...]. I met her more than a decade ago. She's wonderful. You're baby is in good hands...

I'm just assuming here, but...

I still want a female BTM... But I don't think sweepea wants a playmate if it means sharing more of her attention.

Avian Adventures is definitely on my short list of recommended breeders. I doubt this girl came from them though since she is probably almost 70 years old.

Tallulah is a Lily Sanctuary bird and is not mine (yet.... that might change in a few months :54: ). I visited today on a whirlwind trip to California to pick up Chris for a wedding. I got smothered in I missed you kisses....more from her than Chris :09:
Thanks again, everyone, for your comments and your praise for Rita and her birds. It gives me confidence that I am heading in the right direction from a breeder standpoint.

After sleeping on it one night... I feel like my decision is made (OMG).

BUT, I'm going to give it the entire weekend since I know myself and my habit of changing my mind every 5 seconds. I want to go through several cycles of mind changing before I make the final commitment.

This is scarier than getting married, buying our first house, or having my son! LOL! Is that normal? Haha!
Buying your first big Mac is always a bit nerve racking, but you'll do fine! I was scared when I brought Savannah home. But she is my sweetest of all my birds! ;)

I have to say I am sooooo jealous of all you BTM owners. I have no breeders in VT and you can't adopt them across state lines. :( :( They would be on my top want list! So sad. I guess I will just have to enjoy all yours or move. Lol! ;)
Blancaej, we are actually going to have to go all the way to CA to pick up our baby (I'm n CT) if I decide I want the BTM. Told my husband that last night and he just laughed because he knows he won't have a choice once I've made up my mind. Good thing he likes traveling anywhere and enjoys making travel plans! I think it will be fun for the 3 of us to actually make the journey to Avian Advertures to meet Rita and our new family member. I also like the idea of spending time with our new baby in Rita's presence so we can ask questions and get advice from her in person.
Maybe I have that wrong then. Well that's good to know! Of course I will have to wait at least 10 years before hubby will let me bring home another macaw! Lol! [emoji14]
I just did a search. Apparently breeders can apply for a permit to sell btm's across state lines.
No, MY greenwing, Maggie, was originally an avian adventure bird. She went to a good home, but that person died, then she did life in solitary for awhile before finding a home with ,e...

But we traced her band, and that's her breeder. And Maggie has an exceptional temperament which usually goes back to how they were raised...

She bounced back in FOUR DAYS... Now granted some of that was me...but a lot of that is just who she is...
Somewhere on this forum there's a poem written about a red fronted macaw entitled, nobody told me...

You should read it.

I'm telling you, work with one of these guys and you will quickly wonder how you lived without one for so long...
It's true that BTMs have to be sold in state only though I'd think it would be hard to enforce.
Buyers remorse is not a emotion I can see any true bird lover having if they obtain a BTM . I know I would not .

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