Talk about anything


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
Hi guys I thought it would be fun to make a thread in this new chatroom board to just talk!

So let's talk about anything. Hows your day been? anything exciting happening in your life lately? what are you most excited for this year?
This is awkward...
I have no idea what we should be doing
What's in my life lately? exams, exams and exams
If everybody create own chatroom, we will have nothing to say 😛
What's in my life lately? exams, exams and exams
If everybody create own chatroom, we will have nothing to say 😛
We were quite aware of that
I have something to talk about:

Do any of you get extremely anxious about needles(like the one that are used to take blood or for drips and stuff)? I do. I have a medical procedure at the end of the month(not surgery luckily, phew!), and they'll need to put me under anesthesia(edit: and they're gonna use a needle!!).
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I have something to talk about:

Do any of you get extremely anxious about needles(like the one that are used to take blood or for drips and stuff)? I do. I have a medical procedure at the end of the month(not surgery luckily, phew!), and they'll need to put me under anesthesia(edit: and they're gonna use a needle!!).

When they have put me under, the only stick I feel is when they put the IV in. Then all the meds go through the IV.
I hope your needle doesn't hurt too much.
A friend of mine has to be held down by the nurses when she gets a shot because she is so afraid of needles.
I have something to talk about:

Do any of you get extremely anxious about needles(like the one that are used to take blood or for drips and stuff)? I do. I have a medical procedure at the end of the month(not surgery luckily, phew!), and they'll need to put me under anesthesia(edit: and they're gonna use a needle!!).
Hi Pip,

I work in the healthcare industry. I promise that stubbing your toe is a heck of a lot more painful than a blood draw or IV placement!

Here are some tricks to make it easier:
1. Hydrate very well up until the time You have to stop eating or drinking. Veins will be fuller and IV placement will be much easier/faster.

2. Make sure you’re lying down when the IV is placed.

3. Do not watch the nurse placed the IV. Distract yourself with either earbuds and music on your phone or talking with a family member.

I hope this helps and good luck with your procedure!
I have to have medical stuff and iv catheter every month. The nurses are great and barely feel like less than a mosquitoe bite. I agree I definitely don't look. Agree being hydrated helps a lot.
Also agree I'm always anxious too.

I hope everything goes beautifully.
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I also have an issue with needles and I have to get blood drawn annually as well as get IV infusions here and there where the "needle" is in me for an hour at a time. What I have found works for me is to mostly just not look and have them not tell me when they do it. it doesnt hurt it's just a slight pinch but it's still uncomfortable. It also helps me to listen to music while its being done so I have something to distract myself.
I used to have a real thing about needles but after:
Gall bladder removed
Carotid artery rooto-rooter
many tooth extractions
Compound fracture of tib-fib, skin grafts, external fixator and finally a rod w/4 screws which also involved 2 bouts of staph infections
Tibia plateau fracture
Tonsils removed

I say gimme the dam needle already !
I have a follow up echocardiogram next week.
check on my aortic stenosis.
not afraid of needles, afraid of medical bill$$$$$.

I did have a colonoscopy that I was much too awake for.
they said I would not remember a thing.
I remember every inch.
I have a follow up echocardiogram next week.
check on my aortic stenosis.
not afraid of needles, afraid of medical bill$$$$$.

I did have a colonoscopy that I was much too awake for.
they said I would not remember a thing.
I remember every inch.
Yikes! I was blessedly unconscious for my colonoscopy, I can't even imagine being awake.
Good luck on your ECG next week, I hope the news is good.
I've experienced it a lot(needles). They actually don't hurt, but it's scary! When the put the needle in and started letting the anesthesia enter my bloodstream, it didn't hurt, but I was in tears because of stress. It knocked me out quickly. I asked the nurses/doctors and mom "when am I going to fall asleep?" and the nurse saw me getting sleepy, and said: "You're already falling asleep." and just before I was about to answer, I was gone!

My mom puts on an emla patch before they use the needles since it numbs my arm and really helps me! I have to get blood testing every few months to check my iron levels(I have a deficiency). Once I was so scared that I held my breath for the whole duration they were taking my blood and I almost passed out!😂 I really wanted to know my blood group, so they took some extra blood(It's B- I think- it's the same as my mom.. yeah it's B-).

The "procedure" is just an endoscopy to check out what is happening in my bladder, kidneys, etc.

Why? Because I have ongoing infections and they(the doctors) can't find out what's going on. I've had testing done with urine samples but they come back inconclusive! 😑

it's at the point were I will wet myself sometimes because I can't control my bladder anymore really.. Oh well, I've gotten used to the discomfort I feel every second of every day.
Hi Pip,

I work in the healthcare industry. I promise that stubbing your toe is a heck of a lot more painful than a blood draw or IV placement!

Here are some tricks to make it easier:
1. Hydrate very well up until the time You have to stop eating or drinking. Veins will be fuller and IV placement will be much easier/faster.

2. Make sure you’re lying down when the IV is placed.

3. Do not watch the nurse placed the IV. Distract yourself with either earbuds and music on your phone or talking with a family member.

I hope this helps and good luck with your procedure!
I meant they're gonna use a needle to get the anesthesia in my bloodstream, so I can't drink a lot of water(otherwise they'll refuse to do the procedure). Though I'll keep this in mind when I ever need an IV!
I've experienced it a lot(needles). They actually don't hurt, but it's scary! When the put the needle in and started letting the anesthesia enter my bloodstream, it didn't hurt, but I was in tears because of stress. It knocked me out quickly. I asked the nurses/doctors and mom "when am I going to fall asleep?" and the nurse saw me getting sleepy, and said: "You're already falling asleep." and just before I was about to answer, I was gone!

My mom puts on an emla patch before they use the needles since it numbs my arm and really helps me! I have to get blood testing every few months to check my iron levels(I have a deficiency). Once I was so scared that I held my breath for the whole duration they were taking my blood and I almost passed out!😂 I really wanted to know my blood group, so they took some extra blood(It's B- I think- it's the same as my mom.. yeah it's B-).

The "procedure" is just an endoscopy to check out what is happening in my bladder, kidneys, etc.

Why? Because I have ongoing infections and they(the doctors) can't find out what's going on. I've had testing done with urine samples but they come back inconclusive! 😑

it's at the point were I will wet myself sometimes because I can't control my bladder anymore really.. Oh well, I've gotten used to the discomfort I feel every second of every day.
Hi Pip,

There are many conditions that can cause your symptoms:
1. If bladder control is worsening, may consider “neurogenic bladder”.
There are many causes of this and your doctors may have already considered it. Evaluation for this condition usually also involves MRIs of the brain and spinal cord.

2. In children and adolescents ureteral reflux can cause recurrent UTIs, but not overt loss of bladder control. Urine cultures will show infection.

3. Interstitial cystitis (IC) is an inflammatory condition of the bladder that causes pain like a UTI, but cultures are negative. It requires cystoscopy (a camera looks inside the bladder) to make a diagnosis. I think this is the procedure you are about to have.

D-mannose is an over-the-counter supplement that has worked wonders for many patients with IC and no side effects.

4. Endometriosis (in reproductive aged females) can also cause bladder pain too. Sometimes endo and IC happen together.

Good luck and many prayers! I hope they find the cause soon so you can get on the path to recovery!
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Hi guys I thought it would be fun to make a thread in this new chatroom board to just talk!

So let's talk about anything. Hows your day been? anything exciting happening in your life lately? what are you most excited for this year?
Hi guys !
I need your help !
my love bird been scratch's his beak into his cage for a long time and he never stops, what should we do ?
Note : we really take care of him and his beak .

I'll be thanking you <3
Parrots do wipe their beaks in a manner not unlike someone sharpening up a knife. If you think its excessive, look closely at the side of his beak, see if there is a lot of chipping and laminations. That might be a sign of a vitamin deficiency or other problem. Some chipping etc is normal though. Or he just likes the feel of it - beaks are not all dead tissue you know and can be very sensitive in spots. As always, if something physical about your parrot concerns you, see a Certified Avian Vet.
Parrots do wipe their beaks in a manner not unlike someone sharpening up a knife. If you think its excessive, look closely at the side of his beak, see if there is a lot of chipping and laminations. That might be a sign of a vitamin deficiency or other problem. Some chipping etc is normal though. Or he just likes the feel of it - beaks are not all dead tissue you know and can be very sensitive in spots. As always, if something physical about your parrot concerns you, see a Certified Avian Vet.
Thank you very much (y)
Back to the medical scarey stuff - worst thing I ever encountered, well 2, was first when they took a skin graft from my thigh. Not the actual skin removal, but when they bandaged it up, the hospital was out of the Silva-dyne cream they put on it between the graft site and the bandages. When it came time to remove the bandage, the graft site had started to heal connecting to the bandage. Out of all the operations, bone breaks etc I've experienced that was absolutely the worst pain I have ever felt. The Drs were going to take more skin grafts on my other leg, but I told them if they needed to do that, they could just cut the broken leg off, and meant it.

THe other scary thing ( but not painfull) thing was when they did some kind of probey thing, where I had to drink this radioactive solution and they sent a probe thru my blood vessels while hooked up to a X-ray machine. THey asked if I wanted to watch the progress and I did. Brrrrr. Still give me douche-chills to remember watching the progress.
I've experienced it a lot(needles). They actually don't hurt, but it's scary! When the put the needle in and started letting the anesthesia enter my bloodstream, it didn't hurt, but I was in tears because of stress. It knocked me out quickly. I asked the nurses/doctors and mom "when am I going to fall asleep?" and the nurse saw me getting sleepy, and said: "You're already falling asleep." and just before I was about to answer, I was gone!

My mom puts on an emla patch before they use the needles since it numbs my arm and really helps me! I have to get blood testing every few months to check my iron levels(I have a deficiency). Once I was so scared that I held my breath for the whole duration they were taking my blood and I almost passed out!😂 I really wanted to know my blood group, so they took some extra blood(It's B- I think- it's the same as my mom.. yeah it's B-).

The "procedure" is just an endoscopy to check out what is happening in my bladder, kidneys, etc.

Why? Because I have ongoing infections and they(the doctors) can't find out what's going on. I've had testing done with urine samples but they come back inconclusive! 😑

it's at the point were I will wet myself sometimes because I can't control my bladder anymore really.. Oh well, I've gotten used to the discomfort I feel every second of every day.
I'm going through something similar. Only lots of blood enough to drop my hematocrit. Sometimes kidney infections Sometimes not. I had the scope but didn't find the answers. More tests more doctors in my future.

I hope they are able to help you. I'm sorry you are suffering.

You can't drink after the cut off time before procedure. But really trying to hydrate the day before is helpful.

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