I have a CAG, she's on small side for them. Average wtg is 14.5 ounces. That is possibly still bigger than a TAG. I have requirements for my carrier. I must be able to keep it on my person. Even in bathrooms! I must be able to distract strangers from snatch and grab. They must be lightweight to decrease physical, mental need for spontaneous setting on ground. The zipper pulls must be able to be secured closed. I can use this driving, mass transit, vet visits etc. Don't do neighborhood walks w her due to rise in worldwide bird flu. I have large bacpacks. This can fit in one if weather indicates. This is what I use. It's light, I can use handle, backpack carry on front or back, hook a chest/waist seatbelt. Advantages: She can see what's going on around her. When out and about she wears her harness thats attached to the carrier. I don't trust opening it and having her decide she'd rather be elsewhere. The metal tray in bottom is good fit. I wrap a towel around it. Don't use the 'soft pad' that came with it. It's a piece of cardboard like material covered in imitation fleece. Impossible to keep sanitary. Nice perch inside. It screws in place. Pack is small emough to fit in a shopping bag. She can't be seen, left and is always with me. Has side access so I can reach in from from different directions. Plus she likes it! Disadvantages; feels like it needs more ventilation holes for hot humid weather. There's a lanyard on bottom w short lead. Don't think it's safe. Too easy to get toes caught and damaged with travel. So its on the too be removed list There's a water, food container combo in side pocket. Don't use because have my own travel w bird kit. My CAG is a disassembly expert. So she's not left unobserved. It's when, not if she'll start work on zipper threads, loose or created. This type of perch is near top of her to be destroyed list. First day she unscrewed bolt on perch and 'lost' it. Fortunately I had a replacement. I've looked into other perches for replacement. But not satisfied with any. The metal tray has 'beak' dents starting around edges. It's days were acknowledged at purchase to be limited. So not unexpected. The rivets? around the acess holes may be tempting to some parrots. The material is very chewable, hole-able, for any parrot. So double watch duty for those holes. Yes, if pack secured, she'll perch outside on top. I am always looking for backpacks, carriers for my CAG. I still keep the used(destroyed) ones in garage. This stops the maybe it'll work next time syndrome. Unfortunately my CAG is spoiled. She loves to travel, to see people, colors, surroundings. The 2 problems I have is (the normal) durability aka beak resistance and carry weight. If you find something that is better, I'm always interested.