TAG Sized Backpack carrier?


Well-known member
May 16, 2022
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Charlie (M) - 24 yrs - Peach Front Conure
Redshift (M)-23yrs - normal Cockatiel
Vortex (F) - Hatched March 15 2024
X-posted to Avian Avenue. I apologize for the duplicate message :)

I have a small cage with backpack clips for my white capped pionus, but once I get my TAG, I'm afraid that cage will be too small. I just want a simple TAG Proof carrier that can handle heat and cold. Any SUggestions? Where'd you get yours? Anything you'd steer clear of?

X-posted to Avian Avenue. I apologize for the duplicate message :)

I have a small cage with backpack clips for my white capped pionus, but once I get my TAG, I'm afraid that cage will be too small. I just want a simple TAG Proof carrier that can handle heat and cold. Any SUggestions? Where'd you get yours? Anything you'd steer clear of?

Traitor! (Just kidding).

How much are you willing to pay? Some carriers are very expensive and I know you've had to save up to buy the new bird. Why not just use a hard sided dog or cat carrier? How often do you plan on taking him out and about?

How's the "other forum" compare to this one? I can't imagine they're as nice. Most forums seem to attract nasty know-it-alls.
The Rolls Royce, Cadillac, Bentley or Ferrari of bird carriers are Pak-O-Bird. Super excellent product and they even make a fleece cover for all their sizes. But they are also the most expensive (surprise!). I have one - all true. Thier medium size should be fine for a Grey.
The Rolls Royce, Cadillac, Bentley or Ferrari of bird carriers are Pak-O-Bird. Super excellent product and they even make a fleece cover for all their sizes. But they are also the most expensive (surprise!). I have one - all true. Thier medium size should be fine for a Grey.
I just looked these up. How fun! Alas, I do not own a portable parrot. He is just too large! I struggle to lug him to the vet’s office in a medium size dog carrier. It works, but it is heavy and bulky. Might need to chop off my macaw’s tail feathers with a bolt cutter to fit him into a backpack. 🎒 😜

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