Cage or bag carrier?

I'm a Pet Big Box store corporate spy plotting to squeeze budgies in my fists, stuff them into tiny cages, and feed them moldy expired birdseed to stop all this bleeding heart Parrot Forum nonsense.
๐Ÿ˜ฑ o noes!!!!! How dar u? I shall vandalize your building and force feed you nasty Patties and foot cheese! I will even *GASP* spray paint not PG-13 things on your forehead! AAAAAH ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ‘น๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿค ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ
๐Ÿ˜ฑ o noes!!!!! How dar u? I shall vandalize your building and force feed you nasty Patties and foot cheese! I will even *GASP* spray paint not PG-13 things on your forehead! AAAAAH ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ‘น๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿค ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ
NO! PLEASE! I'm too OLD for not PG-13 things! My senile, humorless, old brain can't handle it! And the paint will get stuck in my wrinkles and scare Rocky!

By the way, I tried to catch a last minute flight to Norway to see the Northern Lights last night but they were all booked. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks for the heads-up anyway!
You're so spoiled living in Alaska with all those cool critters and fancy natural light shows. Very long, hot summers are highly overrated.
NO! PLEASE! I'm too OLD for not PG-13 things! My senile, humorless, old brain can't handle it! And the paint will get stuck in my wrinkles and scare Rocky!

By the way, I tried to catch a last minute flight to Norway to see the Northern Lights last night but they were all booked. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks for the heads-up anyway!
You're so spoiled living in Alaska with all those cool critters and fancy natural light shows. Very long, hot summers are highly overrated.
MUAHAHAHAHAHA THATS WHAT HAPPENS WEN U BE STINKI POOPOO ANIMAL ABUSER!!!! I wil spray pant โ€œhi rockyโ€ on yuor chinny chin chin! ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ’ƒโœจ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ˜ค

You shoulda taken a ride on Rockyโ€™s back! Just shrink yourself down and provide millet on a stick and sha bam! Giant birb jet!

Yeah, Alaska is a really cool (little pun there) place to live! And get this, there are no medically significant venomous animals (there are spiders but almost all spiders have venom, itโ€™s just some are more medically significant than others), there arenโ€™t giant insects, the temperatures very rarely exceed 90ยฐF (this is BLAZING hot and very unusual), there are very few threats in the summer (unless you are in anchorage where you could just get stabbed at a bus stop, attacked by a moose, or have your trash raided by black bears), and the land has MANY delicious berries and can support and grow some AMAZING crops! However, those are just the pros. The cons are huge and life threatening. Here are the cons: extremely high crime rates, giant mammals that are known for being highly aggressive (moose, grizzlies, and if youโ€™re far up north, polar bears), about 6 months of snow that can get 9+ feet deep depending on where you are (thankfully my town rarely gets more than 3.5 feet), animals often freeze to death if they escape in the winter, moose or bears can raid your crops and become a huge and dangerous issue to remove, moose can just up and walk into a building, as of right now, there is an Alaskan Spider-Man just running around, there are frequent earthquakes, and if you live in anchorage, your roof can just up and cave in if you canโ€™t/donโ€™t shovel or have someone shovel off the snow because clearly, the buildings are NOT meant for the Alaskan weather or natural events. My grandmaโ€™s ceiling cracked pretty bad in her old house during a 5.0 2015 (I think) earthquake. donโ€™t think the landlord noticed it after evicting her because the landlordโ€™s daughter wanted my grandmaโ€™s house. Iโ€™m not sure thatโ€™s legal but good god that landlord was a poop stain! Our house, and all my friendโ€™s houses didnโ€™t even crack because ours are built carefully and for the earthquakes and snow.
MUAHAHAHAHAHA THATS WHAT HAPPENS WEN U BE STINKI POOPOO ANIMAL ABUSER!!!! I wil spray pant โ€œhi rockyโ€ on yuor chinny chin chin! ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ’ƒโœจ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿคช๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ˜ค

You shoulda taken a ride on Rockyโ€™s back! Just shrink yourself down and provide millet on a stick and sha bam! Giant birb jet!

Yeah, Alaska is a really cool (little pun there) place to live! And get this, there are no medically significant venomous animals (there are spiders but almost all spiders have venom, itโ€™s just some are more medically significant than others), there arenโ€™t giant insects, the temperatures very rarely exceed 90ยฐF (this is BLAZING hot and very unusual), there are very few threats in the summer (unless you are in anchorage where you could just get stabbed at a bus stop, attacked by a moose, or have your trash raided by black bears), and the land has MANY delicious berries and can support and grow some AMAZING crops! However, those are just the pros. The cons are huge and life threatening. Here are the cons: extremely high crime rates, giant mammals that are known for being highly aggressive (moose, grizzlies, and if youโ€™re far up north, polar bears), about 6 months of snow that can get 9+ feet deep depending on where you are (thankfully my town rarely gets more than 3.5 feet), animals often freeze to death if they escape in the winter, moose or bears can raid your crops and become a huge and dangerous issue to remove, moose can just up and walk into a building, as of right now, there is an Alaskan Spider-Man just running around, there are frequent earthquakes, and if you live in anchorage, your roof can just up and cave in if you canโ€™t/donโ€™t shovel or have someone shovel off the snow because clearly, the buildings are NOT meant for the Alaskan weather or natural events. My grandmaโ€™s ceiling cracked pretty bad in her old house during a 5.0 2015 (I think) earthquake. donโ€™t think the landlord noticed it after evicting her because the landlordโ€™s daughter wanted my grandmaโ€™s house. Iโ€™m not sure thatโ€™s legal but good god that landlord was a poop stain! Our house, and all my friendโ€™s houses didnโ€™t even crack because ours are built carefully and for the earthquakes and snow.
I heard that the Ravens in Alaska work together to steal your meat out of your shopping cart in the Costco parking lot! Criminal birds, no less! Here in Maine, our Ravens aren't quite so brazen! We also have no venomous snakes or other venomous critters other than spiders, bees and other insects. Our moose leave you alone and our bears are smaller black bears that generally leave you alone unless they have cubs. We have no large wild cats or wolves but I'd welcome them. We also have one of the lowest crime rates in the nation. We seldom get too much snow, traffic is light except during the summer high tourist season, and even then it's not that bad. We are close to Boston (2 hours) so we have easy access to excellent medical care and even the local care is really good. Our minimum wage is pretty high at $13.80 and nobody expects even unskilled workers to work for less than $15/hour. Housing is expensive and in short supply and we have a big labor shortage despite our decent minimum wage. Electricity prices are going through the roof it seems and our gas prices are about $3.75/gallon last time I checked. Mainers are kind, friendly patient people. They mind their own business and we respect our neighbors' rights to live their lives the way they want. No earthquakes, thank God- I had enough of those in LA for 25 years! No water shortage either- we have more water than we know what to do with- anyone want some? We now have one the the largest Craft Beer industries in the country if you're into that sort of thing, and, of course, our Epic local seafood. We have beautiful State and National parks and most of the State is forested. Plus it's very clean up here- there's very little litter outside of Portland, which is still a small city of under 70,000 thanks to laws that aren't apparently conducive to growth, but that's why Maine remains so special.
It sounds like in Alaska and Maine, it's the way life should be.
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I heard that the Ravens in Alaska work together to steal your meat out of your shopping cart in the Costco parking lot! Criminal birds, no less! Here in Maine, our Ravens aren't quite so brazen! We also have no venomous snakes or other venomous critters other than spiders, bees and other insects. Our moose leave you alone and our bears are smaller black bears that generally leave you alone unless they have cubs. We have no large wild cats or wolves but I'd welcome them. We also have one of the lowest crime rates in the nation. We seldom get too much snow, traffic is light except during the summer high tourist season, and even then it's not that bad. We are close to Boston (2 hours) so we have easy access to excellent medical care and even the local care is really good. Our minimum wage is pretty high at $13.80 and nobody expects even unskilled workers to work for less than $15/hour. Housing is expensive and in short supply and we have a big labor shortage despite our decent minimum wage. Electricity prices are going through the roof it seems and our gas prices are about $3.75/gallon last time I checked. Mainers are kind, friendly patient people. They mind their own business and we respect our neighbors' rights to live their lives the way they want. No earthquakes, thank God- I had enough of those in LA for 25 years! No water shortage either- we have more water than we know what to do with- anyone want some? We now have one the the largest Craft Beer industries in the country if you're into that sort of thing, and, of course, our Epic local seafood. We have beautiful State and National parks and most of the State is forested. Plus it's very clean up here- there's very little litter outside of Portland, which is still a small city of under 70,000 thanks to laws that aren't apparently conducive to growth, but that's why Maine remains so special.
It sounds like in Alaska and Maine, it's the way life should be.
That sounds awesome!!! I would like to see Maine one day along with many other places but Maine seems like a kick-grass state to live in! I almost forgot we had big cats and wolves here! Maine seems friendly! I have never heard of our ravens doing that before! Maybe the waterโ€™s different in our water because the ravens are very polite and they respect you. I always like to feed the ravens because they are so polite and they are like, my favorite native bird ever! I heard eagles in a few towns will beg for chicken nuggets! Here itโ€™s pretty divided. My town seems very close minded and mean. People donโ€™t know how to keep their noses out of other peopleโ€™s business. People also seem to be real keen on accusing you of theft in a few stores if you put your hands in your pockets or even if you are socially awkward. Some disabled kid was accused of theft and had his pockets thoroughly searched by management in a small shop if i remember correctly. But hey, when I was eight Or ten, I got to watch a shoplifter get her butt kicked! She stole like, I think some pretty expensive stuff and was whooped for it. Thatโ€™s why you donโ€™t steal! Maybe my brother should learn a thing or two. Does wild stuff like that happen in Maine? Iโ€™d guess so but just curious!

Maine isnโ€™t badly Polluted? Here there is trash EVERYWHERE in my neighborhood and in the towns/cities.

Your gas is 3 dollars?! Here it is 4 dollars a gallon!!!! Itโ€™s coming up to 5!

lucky lucky lucky!
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That sounds awesome!!! I would like to see Maine one day along with many other places but Maine seems like a kick-grass state to live in! I almost forgot we had big cats and wolves here! Maine seems friendly! I have never heard of our ravens doing that before! Maybe the waterโ€™s different in our water because the ravens are very polite and they respect you. I always like to feed the ravens because they are so polite and they are like, my favorite native bird ever! I heard eagles in a few towns will beg for chicken nuggets! Here itโ€™s pretty divided. My town seems very close minded and mean. People donโ€™t know how to keep their noses out of other peopleโ€™s business, or how to not yell slurs. People also seem to be real keen on accusing you of theft in a few stores if you put your hands in your pockets or even if you are socially awkward. Some disabled kid was accused of theft and had his pockets thoroughly searched by management in a small shop if i remember correctly. But hey, when I was eight Or ten, I got to watch a shoplifter get her butt kicked! She stole like, I think some pretty expensive stuff and was whooped for it. Thatโ€™s why you donโ€™t steal! Maybe my brother should learn a thing or two. Does wild stuff like that happen in Maine? Iโ€™d guess so but just curious!

Maine isnโ€™t badly Polluted? Here there is trash EVERYWHERE in my neighborhood and in the towns/cities.

Your gas is 3 dollars?! Here it is 4 dollars a gallon!!!! Itโ€™s coming up to 5!

lucky lucky lucky!
I read the story about the Costco Ravens in Alaska in the news somewhere and I thought it was hilarious! What super-intellegent social critters wouldn't plot to steal a package of ribs from a bunch of silly hoomans loading up their SUVS? It's how they did it that was so funny- one bird distracted the shoppers while another hopped into the unattended shopping cart, grabbed the package of meat and they both flew off while the hoomans ran after them!
I live on a three mile dirt road (keeps the rif-raf out) an a beautiful lake about 30 minutes from downtown Portland and it's pretty idyllic. We have lots of Bald Eagles and Loons that laugh their maniacal laughter all night long from spring through fall. The nights are black with starry skies unless it's overcast. We don't lock our homes and cars in my neighborhood here in the woods. The commercial center of my 15,000 pop. town center is 15 minutes away.
People up here certainly know how to get in trouble but it's mostly innocent stuff, like attaching fake police lights to their car and turning them on so they can pass other cars (yup, my husband's 30 year old son did that for kicks and got arrested).
We do have our share of drugs and drunk drivers, and recreational marijuana is legal and so widely used that there are more "cannabis shops" than there are restaurants and gas stations it seems.
People here just mind their own business.
We have a good sized Somalian immigrant population in Portland and in Lewiston, a smaller city an hour away and they are known to be very hard and working family oriented, though there is some poverty in that community as there is in any city and occasionally they are targeted, usually by ignorant drunks.
Maine really is a very clean place- even cleaner now than it was when I grew up here decades ago. People care about the environment a lot and want Maine to stay clean and beautiful. If you want filth, foul and crowds go to Boston and leave your trash there! Tourists are welcome to come spend their money, clean up after themselves, and leave, thank you very much! Mainers are also not much for consumer snobbism- most couldn't care less if the word YETI is on their cooler full of beers and laugh at people who do. Needless to say, there are FAR more Chevy and Ford trucks on the road than BMWs and Mercedes. Mainers are VERY practical folks.
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I read the story about the Costco Ravens in Alaska in the news somewhere and I thought it was hilarious! What super-intellegent social critters wouldn't plot to steal a package of ribs from a bunch of silly hoomans loading up their SUVS? It's how they did it that was so funny- one bird distracted the shoppers while another hopped into the unattended shopping cart, grabbed the package of meat and they both flew off while the hoomans ran after them!
I live on a three mile dirt road (keeps the rif-raf out) an a beautiful lake about 30 minutes from downtown Portland and it's pretty idyllic. We have lots of Bald Eagles and Loons that laugh their maniacal laughter all night long from spring through fall. The nights are black with starry skies unless it's overcast. We don't lock our homes and cars in my neighborhood here in the woods. The commercial center of my 15,000 pop. town center is 15 minutes away.
People up here certainly know how to get in trouble but it's mostly innocent stuff, like attaching fake police lights to their car and turning them on so they can pass other cars (yup, my husband's 30 year old son did that for kicks and got arrested).
We do have our share of drugs and drunk drivers, and recreational marijuana is legal and so widely used that there are more "cannabis shops" than there are restaurants and gas stations it seems.
People here just mind their own business. I don't see blatant racism much, but the State is so overwhelmingly White that I don't really know how racist Mainers would be if Maine were more diverse. We have a good sized Somalian immigrant population in Portland and in Lewiston, a smaller city an hour away and they are known to be very hard and working family oriented, though there is some poverty in that community as there is in any city and occasionally they are targeted, usually by ignorant drunks.
Maine really is a very clean place- even cleaner now than it was when I grew up here decades ago. People care about the environment a lot and want Maine to stay clean and beautiful. If you want filth, foul and crowds go to Boston and leave your trash there! Tourists are welcome to come spend their money, clean up after themselves, and leave, thank you very much! Mainers are also not much for consumer snobbism- most couldn't care less if the word YETI is on their cooler full of beers and laugh at people who do. Needless to say, there are FAR more Chevy and Ford trucks on the road than BMWs and Mercedes. Mainers are VERY practical folks.
Guess I need to catch up on the costco raven lore!

Oof dirt roads SUCK to drive on! The aesthetic is great though but driving on them is not ideal imo. Sounds like my grandparentsโ€™ houses! My grandma and only (known) living grandpa live on a dirt road, my grandmaโ€™s sister lives on a dirt road, and my drug using, manipulative, rat of a grandmother who couldnโ€™t even put her drugs away when visiting her granddaughter years ago lives on a dirt road, and I think my great grandma lives on a dirt road. is this a trend?

You have loons nearby?! LUCKY!!! At our old condo, we lived on a lake and every night, I would fall asleep to the common loonโ€™s cry. Itโ€™s an old sound I havenโ€™t heard in about ten years and I remember it so vividly. I miss it. It was so soothing yet so unsettling. You are so lucky!

Yeah, we get 6 months of night skies like that. It looks like glitter spilled across some fresh ink!

How on earth are you and other people that trusting? I am literally scared some fart smella is gonna break in and snatch Rico and raid our fridge!

Bruh who thinks itโ€™s ever a good idea to put police lights in their cars? ๐Ÿ˜ญ

HE WAS 30?!

Oh boy! We have a CRAP ton of weed shops and a lot of idiotic drunks in cars.

Soooโ€ฆ yeah! Thatโ€™s why ya gotta know how to โ€œtalk backโ€ and defend yourself at the same time. I literally want to live anywhere else because I donโ€™t want to get stabbed over some frickin stupid crap. My mom once got a parking spot and some senile turd threatened to โ€œkick yer ***!โ€ Soโ€ฆ yeah.

Thatโ€™s sad they get targeted by those drunks. Those drunks are the human equivalent of warm toilet seats - gross and unlikable.

You are so lucky to live in such a good state! Maine seems chill as heck! Are there any goofy laws there? Here itโ€™s illegal to: get drunk in a bar, drop a moose from a plane, wake a sleeping bear to take a selfie with it, to have an unlicensed slingshot, to have a bow and arrow in city limits, have a child build a snowman bigger than itself, tie your dog to the roof of your car (what poopy head does that?), whisper in someoneโ€™s ear while moose hunting, have a two humped camel, and it is illegal to have a sugar glider but itโ€™s legal to own CROCODILES AND ALLIGATORS.

Yay! No snobs there either!
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Guess I need to catch up on the costco raven lore!

Oof dirt roads SUCK to drive on! The aesthetic is great though but driving on them is not ideal imo. Sounds like my grandparentsโ€™ houses! My grandma and only (known) living grandpa live on a dirt road, my grandmaโ€™s sister lives on a dirt road, and my drug using, manipulative, rat of a grandmother who couldnโ€™t even put her drugs away when visiting her granddaughter years ago lives on a dirt road, and I think my great grandma lives on a dirt road. is this a trend?

You have loons nearby?! LUCKY!!! At our old condo, we lived on a lake and every night, I would fall asleep to the common loonโ€™s cry. Itโ€™s an old sound I havenโ€™t heard in about ten years and I remember it so vividly. I miss it. It was so soothing yet so unsettling. You are so lucky!

Yeah, we get 6 months of night skies like that. It looks like glitter spilled across some fresh ink!

How on earth are you and other people that trusting? I am literally scared some fart smella is gonna break in and snatch Rico and raid our fridge!

Bruh who thinks itโ€™s ever a good idea to put police lights in their cars? ๐Ÿ˜ญ

HE WAS 30?!

Oh boy! We have a CRAP ton of weed shops and a lot of idiotic drunks in cars.

Soooโ€ฆ yeah! Thatโ€™s why ya gotta know how to โ€œtalk backโ€ and defend yourself at the same time. I literally want to live anywhere else because I donโ€™t want to get stabbed over some frickin stupid crap. My mom once got a parking spot and some senile turd threatened to โ€œkick yer ***!โ€ Soโ€ฆ yeah.

Thatโ€™s sad they get targeted by those drunks. Those drunks are the human equivalent of warm toilet seats - gross and unlikable.

You are so lucky to live in such a good state! Maine seems chill as heck! Are there any goofy laws there? Here itโ€™s illegal to: get drunk in a bar, drop a moose from a plane, wake a sleeping bear to take a selfie with it, to have an unlicensed slingshot, to have a bow and arrow in city limits, have a child build a snowman bigger than itself, tie your dog to the roof of your car (what poopy head does that?), whisper in someoneโ€™s ear while moose hunting, have a two humped camel, and it is illegal to have a sugar glider but itโ€™s legal to own CROCODILES AND ALLIGATORS.

Yay! No snobs there either!
We have lots of crazy stupid laws still on the books but my favorites are it's illegal to bite your landlord, catch lobsters with your bare hands, and tickle women under their chins with feather dusters! You should warn Rico of getting arrested for snuggling up too close to you, but no worries- we'll take up a collection to bail Rico out of jail!
We have lots of crazy stupid laws still on the books but my favorites are it's illegal to bite your landlord, catch lobsters with your bare hands, and tickle women under their chins with feather dusters! You should warn Rico of getting arrested for snuggling up too close to you, but no worries- we'll take up a collection to bail Rico out of jail!
Did I read that right? Itโ€™s illegal to BITE Your landlord and tickle women under their chin with a feather duster? Also WHO IS CATCHING LOBSTERS WITH THEIR BARE HANDS?! Itโ€™s illegal to cuddle birds? What? ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’€
We have lots of crazy stupid laws still on the books but my favorites are it's illegal to bite your landlord, catch lobsters with your bare hands, and tickle women under their chins with feather dusters! You should warn Rico of getting arrested for snuggling up too close to you, but no worries- we'll take up a collection to bail Rico out of jail!
We are very protective of our beloved Loons here. The Loons that breed on our lake every year are like family. They even have names! It's a huge tragedy when one gets killed in a boating accident or one of the chicks dies. They are huge and completely fearless but dangerous, with huge dagger-like beaks used to defend themselves and their breeding territories.
It may be illegal to drop moose out of a plane in Alaska but in Maine it's illegal to walk off a plane in mid-flight- exceptions made for sky-diving, but otherwise stay seated!
Did I read that right? Itโ€™s illegal to BITE Your landlord and tickle women under their chin with a feather duster? Also WHO IS CATCHING LOBSTERS WITH THEIR BARE HANDS?! Itโ€™s illegal to cuddle birds? What? ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’€
NOBODY- it's illegal. You can catch crabs that way but not lobsters- they must have proper lobster traps!
That sounds awesome!!! I would like to see Maine one day along with many other places but Maine seems like a kick-grass state to live in! I almost forgot we had big cats and wolves here! Maine seems friendly! I have never heard of our ravens doing that before! Maybe the waterโ€™s different in our water because the ravens are very polite and they respect you. I always like to feed the ravens because they are so polite and they are like, my favorite native bird ever! I heard eagles in a few towns will beg for chicken nuggets! Here itโ€™s pretty divided. My town seems very close minded and mean. People donโ€™t know how to keep their noses out of other peopleโ€™s business. People also seem to be real keen on accusing you of theft in a few stores if you put your hands in your pockets or even if you are socially awkward. Some disabled kid was accused of theft and had his pockets thoroughly searched by management in a small shop if i remember correctly. But hey, when I was eight Or ten, I got to watch a shoplifter get her butt kicked! She stole like, I think some pretty expensive stuff and was whooped for it. Thatโ€™s why you donโ€™t steal! Maybe my brother should learn a thing or two. Does wild stuff like that happen in Maine? Iโ€™d guess so but just curious!

Maine isnโ€™t badly Polluted? Here there is trash EVERYWHERE in my neighborhood and in the towns/cities.

Your gas is 3 dollars?! Here it is 4 dollars a gallon!!!! Itโ€™s coming up to 5!

lucky lucky lucky!
I think one of the reasons Maine is still so clean and safe as compared to what you tell me about Alaska is that a lot of people have moved to Alaska over the years in pursuit of financial reward, like mining and high paying pipeline jobs, not to just enjoy the sheer beauty of the wilderness, and with pursuit of riches, can come malcontent and crime. There's also a much larger military presence in Alaska which adds to the population pressure. I think the long cold winter nights may get to people after a while if they didn't grow up that way like they do in Scandinavia for example. Maine has never been a destination for the ambitious unless you're ambitious about relaxing, boating, hunting, fishing, and hiking. It's a simple life. Unfortunately too many young people leave Maine for more opportunities, leaving Maine with the largest proportional elderly population in the country. I have never been to Alaska unfortunately. My Dream Vacation is to take a train across Canada from east to west and see all that beautiful North American wilderness. My SECOND dream vacation is to spend a couple months in an RV traveling around Australia and see all the natural beauty and amazing animals (BURDZ) on the other end of the world. I wanna see a whole Bunch-o-Budgies!
We are very protective of our beloved Loons here. The Loons that breed on our lake every year are like family. They even have names! It's a huge tragedy when one gets killed in a boating accident or one of the chicks dies. They are huge and completely fearless but dangerous, with huge dagger-like beaks used to defend themselves and their breeding territories.
It may be illegal to drop moose out of a plane in Alaska but in Maine it's illegal to walk off a plane in mid-flight- exceptions made for sky-diving, but otherwise stay seated!
You should bite the ppl who kill the loons like they are landlords ๐Ÿ‘€

In all seriousness though, loons are so awesome and itโ€™s really sad when they get killed.

Aw man! Now I canโ€™t have any fun!!! I canโ€™t push moosies out of planes (with parachutes ofc) and now I canโ€™t WALK off my plane?! Ugh no fun!
NOBODY- it's illegal. You can catch crabs that way but not lobsters- they must have proper lobster traps!
I think one of the reasons Maine is still so clean and safe as compared to what you tell me about Alaska is that a lot of people have moved to Alaska over the years in pursuit of financial reward, like mining and high paying pipeline jobs, not to just enjoy the sheer beauty of the wilderness, and with pursuit of riches, can come malcontent and crime. There's also a much larger military presence in Alaska which adds to the population pressure. I think the long cold winter nights may get to people after a while if they didn't grow up that way like they do in Scandinavia for example. Maine has never been a destination for the ambitious unless you're ambitious about relaxing, boating, hunting, fishing, and hiking. It's a simple life. Unfortunately too many young people leave Maine for more opportunities, leaving Maine with the largest proportional elderly population in the country. I have never been to Alaska unfortunately. My Dream Vacation is to take a train across Canada from east to west and see all that beautiful North American wilderness. My SECOND dream vacation is to spend a couple months in an RV traveling around Australia and see all the natural beauty and amazing animals (BURDZ) on the other end of the world. I wanna see a whole Bunch-o-Budgies!
That makes a lot more sense! Doesnโ€™t make it okay but it has an explanation. I just wish people would have more respect for wherever they live and to not pollute the environment and to just clean up the environment or even area.

I dunno man, I got ambitions to be chill and relax

Ooh those are some good dreams! Australia would be so cool to visit but what is keeping me far away from it is the spiders and heat (If we just pretend I have money, a passport, and am a full grown adult) and neither of which I like. Traveling across the country would be SO cool! Thereโ€™s a lot to see and a lotta birds to watch and reptiles to observe! I would love to go to California to see the wild and feral parrot populations, to go to florida to see the feral macaws and amazons, to go to Texas to see the feral Quaker parrots, and to go to Phoenix AZ to see the feral lovebirds.
Hello! As you may know, I am most likely getting a budgie if I keep and maintain my grades for about 30 days. Anyway, I have 3 carriers (2 cages and one bag) and one is very heavy and clunky so it wonโ€™t be used. The other two However, are small and lightweight and would be very useful.

View attachment 49579
Kinda crappy image but here is a Rico for scale.

Here is the other carrier:

I am stuck between the two. View attachment 49580View attachment 49581
chicken tender sized hand for scale.

I am super stuck here and need some help here.

Pros of the cage:

Easy to navigate
Gives a full view of everything
Not very suspicious
Can be locked
Easy to slip a budgie into without risk of escape

Cons of the cage:

Would be tough to get the budgie out of
Could potentially overwhelm a budgie by giving it a view of MANY scary things
No soundproofing

Pros of the bag:

Easy enough to slip a budgie into
Dark and gives a sense of security
Has some soundproofing
Can have a perch or no perch
Would be easy to release the budgie from in the cage

Cons of the bag:

The perch is hard to reach
Nowhere to climb
Not super soft but soft enough
The front is mildly bowed so rapid closing is a bit harder but is possible
3 different straps that snag VERY easily on things.

Iโ€™m leaning towards the bird backpack just because the releasing would be easier and itโ€™d be darker and feel safer for the budgie but I honestly donโ€™t know if my thoughts are correct. Can someone please add some input?
I prefer the bag
Either is fine. Most likely the pet store will put them in a box anyways...I'd just leave it in the box till you get home. Safer. Baby birds are used to being transported in boxes so it's not going to be a big deal to them.
I recently bought this one :

It recently arrived to my house. The quality looks very good on first glance. It looks proper and strong. I can recommend this one. The price was 39.99$ . I will use it next weekend for the first time. I hope my birdies will stay relaxed. ๐Ÿ˜

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