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Mishka's interview with tame TIMES.
I could not scan it, re-type it and uploaded the pictures.

During this interview all he wanted to do was kiss the reporter.

Edition 83, 8 February 2011

[FONT=Cambria, serif]Who’s a clever boy then?[/FONT]

Mishka Routledge a three year old African Grey is Southcrest’s latest celebrity after winning the title of “The Best Amateur Talking Parrot” hosted on the best talking parrot website. Mishka will now be the star of an educational film entitled Train Your Parrot To Talk.
Antoinette Routledge is Mishka’s proud guardian. From the first minute of meeting Antoinette, she starts to chatter about Mishka and all the remarkable things he has learnt, showing us where Mishka got his talent from. Antoinette came across the competition on the internet and entered Mishka, sending in a total of 37 video’s of Mishka talking.. The competition was held by a Texas animal behaviour expert, Barbara Heidenreich, 60 parrots participated.
The winner was chosen by being the video most voted for.

Thirty four of Mishka’s video’s had over 100 votes, but is was one video that bagged 140 votes.

“I Want To Go To The Bathroom To Poopie”


Mishka won great prizes,he will be starring in the next parrot training DVD," His prizes include a Habitat Defined tm Avian Cage with Activity Center and 3 Enrichments Pods. As well as toys, bird food, and five copies of the forthcoming Good bird Inc DVD/CDROM, signed by professional animal trainer Barbara Heidenreich.

Mishka is a friendly bird that loves kisses, even from reporters, and enjoys all the attention that Antoinette gives him. He is well disciplined and knows how to use the potty when nature calls.
It takes him about a week to learn new words and a sentence, and he understands exactly what he is saying. When asked questions, pertaining to what he is being taught, he replies correctly.
Antoinette has invented a training method, when teaching Mishka to talk. Obviously this method is fantastic, we are hoping Antoinette will share her secret with all bird guardians.
He really is a clever boy, this was his first competition ever and he won, Antoinette said. Apparently Mishka thinks so too with his comment “Mommy I am a clever boy hey”


Even though Mishka has had his wings clipped, he still loves to pretend he can fly


Antoinette Routledge kisses Mishka after he won the title of
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Great..... We all are so proud of you and Mishka....
Great Pictures too....
None of you noticed something the reporter had writte
It starts of............
Mishka Routledge LoL I thought that was so cool.

AND I must mention, the beautiful necklace and ear rings, were hand made by our very own SPIRITBIRD. Thanks Di, they are honestly unique, you used the most eye catching colours. The green goes with my eyes beautifully.

Very pretty.... thank you...

SB great job on the necklace and ear rings...
Mishka and her guardian are both beautiful!! What is he sitting on in the photo. It looks like a potty! Your camera photos are super clear. What is an enrichment pod? Thank you guys for the compliments on the necklace set. I went shopping for antique jewelery today and hit the jackpot with a very old crystal necklace that I can recycle into about 6 bracelets. Oh boy!!! I will send you one Ant. Please measure your other bracelets and let me know the size in inches if you can. USA does not use the metric system much in my field. XXXX
Mishka and her guardian are both beautiful!! What is he sitting on in the photo. It looks like a potty! Your camera photos are super clear. What is an enrichment pod? Thank you guys for the compliments on the necklace set. I went shopping for antique jewelery today and hit the jackpot with a very old crystal necklace that I can recycle into about 6 bracelets. Oh boy!!! I will send you one Ant. Please measure your other bracelets and let me know the size in inches if you can. USA does not use the metric system much in my field. XXXX

Di thanks for the lovely compliment........
Yipe Mishka sat on the potty, and did his business, in front of the reporter. He never does it in front of me, only when I turn away.

I appreciate your offer Di, but I feel you have already spoilt me enough, in so many ways.........

The camera was the reporter's camera, not mine.
She sent me all the pictures she took, they came out lovely, it is a great camera. Actually very similar to mine. Now I must just learn to use it properly.
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Thursday afternoon a radio station in Bloemfontein called me asking if they could interview me pertaining to Mishka winning the bird talking competition.
Of course I agreed, sat watching the till they called at 4.45pm.
Rian, was fantastic, he introduced Mishka, like he was a real life celebrity, telling the listeners, that Mishka is the most talked about, and famous bird in the world at the moment. He mentioned Mishka beat 60 birds from so many different countries.
Asked me what is Mishka's longest sentence at the moment, I replied Mommy I want to go to Cape town, to go to the bathroom to poopie. He could not stop laughing, and said why would Mishka want to go to all the way to Cape Town
(1421 km = 882.968 miles) and said I must take him there. I replied, you pay and we will go. Asked me how do I teach him, to talk, made it short and sweet and said, taught him to say poopie, the I want to poopie, then I want to go to the bathroom. Told him Mishka knows what he is saying, and goes ahead and adds word, therefore making sentences.
He wanted to know what was the naughtiest thing Mishka says, I asked if I am allowed to say it on the radio live, he said go ahead and I did...............
He loved my reply.........................................................................
They have promised to send me the recording via e-mail, I will then post it.
Im so so so so proud of my lil nephew - go get em boy!!!!! Mishi deserves all the praise, well done Ant!!!! :)

My heart swells with pride when I think of how amazing our birds can be - doesnt matter if they can talk or do tricks or just be a loyal friend. I have no doubt that positive exposure like this can open peoples eyes to the fact that birds arent just a cage orniment and are little souls who feed ours with love and kindness.

Im blessed to know both you and Mishi - your an inspiration to everyone who knows you :)

Mwah.....cant believe a private joke about going to the loo could become so big - amazing how life turns out :) Have you got her on video walking to the loo? I will never forget laughing myself to standstill that day :)

When I play the vids of Mishi talking Rosie runs to the laptop to have a listen and take a look - too cute!!!!
Im so so so so proud of my lil nephew - go get em boy!!!!! Mishi deserves all the praise, well done Ant!!!! :)

My heart swells with pride when I think of how amazing our birds can be - doesnt matter if they can talk or do tricks or just be a loyal friend. I have no doubt that positive exposure like this can open peoples eyes to the fact that birds arent just a cage orniment and are little souls who feed ours with love and kindness.

Im blessed to know both you and Mishi - your an inspiration to everyone who knows you :)

Mwah.....cant believe a private joke about going to the loo could become so big - amazing how life turns out :) Have you got her on video walking to the loo? I will never forget laughing myself to standstill that day :)

When I play the vids of Mishi talking Rosie runs to the laptop to have a listen and take a look - too cute!!!!

Jess, thank you so much, your words are so heartwarming. Your lil nephew says kiss kiss. Must get him on video, walking to the bathroom, that would be the cherry on the cake.

I always mention, each and every bird is so special, each offering something so unique, in their own way.

I was so excited last night, Steven was stroking Mishka's head, for about 8 minutes. He NEVER lets us stroke him for that long, it was the coolest thing to experience.
AHHHHHHHH..... the love of a parrot.... nothing like it...
AHHHHHHHH..... the love of a parrot.... nothing like it...

On target Mike...... the love of a parrot......nothing like it

Earlier I was lying on the couch, just watching Mishka playing around, just being a typical little boy. OMG he was swinging from chain to chain, going through the loops, ringing the bells, then going to the bottom of his cage, picking up the balls and throwing them around.

They give us so much pleasure, without even realizing it

A Special Message
From Mishka
With Love


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHUt_QlulAw"]YouTube - ‪TALKING AFRICAN GREY MISHKA THANKING YOU ALL‬‏[/ame]


HE IS SO CLEVER!!!! I can't believe he mastered the WHOLE sentence.

I have to ask, was that Vonny Von at the end or Mommy Mom???? It sounded different....Dave is grinning like a village idiot haha!

He is such a joy <3

HE IS SO CLEVER!!!! I can't believe he mastered the WHOLE sentence.

I have to ask, was that Vonny Von at the end or Mommy Mom???? It sounded different....Dave is grinning like a village idiot haha!

He is such a joy <3

Thanks Von, he forgot to say thank you LoL, just could not get that on the video. Every time I stopped videoing him, he said thank you.....

He is going through a phase at the moment, every thing is Mom mommy. Today I went out to hang washing, he started calling me mom,mommy, then he got louder and louder, practically shouting moommmmmmmy. When I walked back inside he politely said
heeeeeeello mommy, that was so cute

If that is what makes Dave grin, even like an village idiot, Mishka will continue to please

Did you notice something in the video????????? Von, look carefully again
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That is great.. he kept his left leg up the whole time he was talking...
Looks like to me that he has some new toys and perches. Am I right? It sounds like he is talking in Italian.
That is great.. he kept his left leg up the whole time he was talking...

When his is absolutely relaxed and happy that is how he sits, with one claw tucked in.
Did you like his dancing in the beginning?

When teaching him to say kiss kiss thank you for voting me, I danced in front of him, guess I am not a good dancing teacher
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Looks like to me that he has some new toys and perches. Am I right? It sounds like he is talking in Italian.

I used my new camera/video, I guess you can now see inside his cage quite clearly now.

Nope no new toys or perches, I had just rotated them last week.
If you look to the right of the screen there is a wooden toy, with rope, where little wooden coloured balls are attached. That was Von's present Christmas to Mishka.

Talking in Italian, no, he was saying in English Kiss Kiss for voting for me

If he had to learn the Italian words i know, he would be swearing continuously

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