Special announcement

Whenever opening a newspaper all the news is about crime, murder's, politics and sport. I thought why not some pleasant news, and telephone the Sunday Times, a National newspaper here is South Africa.
A reporter came out, interviews us and took pictures.

This article below is what appeared on the Internet Live


Parrot talks his way into starring role

Stiff competition as birds from all over world compete

Jan 30, 2011 12:04 AM | By BIÉNNE HUISMAN
The quips of a South African parrot called Mishka have propelled him from a tiny city apartment to computer screens around the world.

: Fruit and nuts packager Antoinette Routledge and her 'third child' Mishka, a champion talking African grey parrot, at her Alberton flat. Mishka was voted Best Amateur Talking Parrot in a web-based competition Picture: SIMON MATHEBULA
Owner recalled how he fitted in her hand when she got him when he was six weeks old
The three-year-old African grey this week beat 60 birds from as far afield as Chile, Australia and Canada to clinch top honours in a worldwide parrot talking competition, which also earned him a starring role in a film.
Mishka was voted Best Amateur Talking Parrot in a competition hosted on besttalkingparrot.com, which is managed by animal behaviour expert Barbara Heidenreich, from Austin, Texas, in the US.
Said Heidenreich: "The amateur category had lots of competition; we let the votes decide and the front-runner was Mishka the Congo African grey parrot. Mishka has a lovely accent."
Mishka will also star in Heidenreich's latest educational film entitled Train Your Parrot to Talk, which is scheduled for release next month.
The celebrity parrot lives in a flat in Alberton, south of Johannesburg, with Antoinette Routledge, 48, who makes a living packaging fruit and nuts, and her sons Sean, 21, and Steven, 19.
He has long confused neighbours with his commands and comments.
His vocal arsenal ranges from "Call the police, call the police!" to "Oh, oh I'm in trouble"

The longest sentence in the parrot's vocabulary is "I want to go to the Kruger Park with Sterretjie" - Sterretjie being Mishka's friend, a ring-neck parrot.
Routledge kissed Mishka and rubbed his beak while speaking to the Sunday Times this week. She recalled how he fitted in the palm of her hand when she got him when he was six weeks old. He could soon say "hello", after which she started training him to speak using recordings of phrases.
Jenny Marais, a neighbour and caretaker at Routledge's apartment block, has grown used to Mishka's antics - which include beatbox sounds and shrill imitation of police sirens.
"Oh the sounds from that flat! But he's not a nuisance; we are used to him by now."
In fact, the award has proved a feather in the cap of the tight-knit community.
"Yes I'm proud," said Maria Chirwa, who cleans at the block. "He's always very friendly. When I sweep alongside their apartment I can always hear him talking to me."
The website besttalkingparrot.com invited owners to submit videos of their birds' chirps. "Does your parrot talk? Here is your chance to make him a star," it said. Mishka's winning video was posted on December 19, got just under 2500 views and 140 votes. His prize included toys, a cage and the part in the film.
"The DVD addresses common myths about talking parrots, which birds make ideal candidates for talking, and, most importantly, how to train your parrot to talk on cue," said Heidenreich, who has worked at Disney's Animal Kingdom, the largest animal-themed park in the world.
In addition to the film, she plans to launch an application on bird chatter for Android phones next month.
"It actually teaches you how to train your bird. The animated bird will respond much like a real bird, the vocalizations the animated bird will make are real recordings of my own parrot speaking. I have seen nothing like it on the market," she said.
The working title is "The good bird talking parrot application".
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AWESOME BABY...... I always knew that YOU and MISHKA would be be world famous..

Love ya'll

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A big congradulations to you and Mishka, your third child! I bet Barbara will like the article also. How proud you must be.
AWESOME BABY...... I always knew that YOU and MISHKA would be be world famous..

Love ya'll


Thanks Mike, weird thing tho, Mishka is the star and he has no idea what is going on. When I told him, he said ohhhhhhhhhhhh.
Told him again later on he said ohhhhhhhh shhhhhhh
A big congradulations to you and Mishka, your third child! I bet Barbara will like the article also. How proud you must be.

Thanks so much Di....... mwah I am proud of our little boy

Must mention this, a journalist from ABC Good Morning America called me earlier today. He is in South Africa, covering the Nelson Mandela story. Jeffrey saw the article in the newspaper, loved it, looked up my number and called. We chatted for a while, he was viewing Mishka's videos, from his end, asking me many questions. He mentioned that he has never come across a bird that has the talking ability that Mishka has. The tv crew, as well as the editor, are coming through probably tomorrow for an interview.
I asked him where will the interview be viewed, he said on the Good Morning breakfast show in America.

I will contact Barbara after interview, I am sure she will be
OMG I watch that!! How fantastic. $$$$$$$$

Keep us posted please.
OMG too exciting Ant!

I hope that someone will record and youtube it for us!

I knew you pair would be famous....remember what I said about that signed photo!

Love you both xxxxxxxxxxxx
OMG too exciting Ant!

I hope that someone will record and youtube it for us!

I knew you pair would be famous....remember what I said about that signed photo!

Love you both xxxxxxxxxxxx

Yipe sure do remember, remember I said when Mishka can sign an autograph


Love ya more than jelly tots X X X
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Mishka was not born to talk and would have been exactly the same as all other AG's, the difference here is his mother. The time and dedication that Ant puts in is applaudable and should be broadcast across the world. Ant spends hours a day teaching Mishka, repeating sentences, making dvds for him and it is all done with the greatest love and patiences. Every parrot owner should learn from Ant and Miskha because a better example will not be found.

That is really a beautiful article and I LOVE the fact that they are also promoting your business! You must grab that opportunity while it is still hot. Businesses should want to buy from you just because Mishka is famous! It would have been nice if you could change your labels and include Mishka's name, but of course that will cost money. Put Mishka on your website and give the people the websites address if they want to see Mishka's videos!

Thank you for mentioning Sterretjie, that was really heart-warming to see my little terrorist's name.:D
Must share this with you guys, you all voted for Mishka, the reason Mishka he has become a celebrity.
This is the article that appeared in the Sunday Times National Newspaper


Alberton parrot talks his
way into the movies

QUIPS by a South African parrot called Mishka, have propelled him from a city apartment to computer screens around the world.
The three year old African Grey, this week beat 60 birds from afar afield as
Chile, Australia and Canada to clinch top honours in a worldwide parrot talking competition, which also earned him a role in a movie.
Mishka was voted Best Amateur Talking Parrot in a contest hosted on
besttalkingparrot.com managed by animal behavior expert Barbara Heidenreich, from Austin, Texas.
Said Barbara, "The amateur category had lots of competition. We let the votes decide and the front runner was Mishka, the Congo African Grey parrot, who has a lovely accent. Mishka will star in Heidenreich's latest educational film "Train Your Bird To Talk".
The celebrity parrot lives in an apartment in Alberton, south of Johannesburg, with owner Antoinette Routledge. He has long confused neighbours with his commands and comments. His vocal arsenal ranges from "call the police, call the police" to Oh oh I'm in trouble a and quite a few expletives. My sons have taught him some naughty words, but we're trying to het him to swear less, said Routledge.
The longest sentence in the parrot's vocabulary is "I want to go to the Kruger Park with Sterretjie". (Sterretjie being Mishka's friend, a ring neck parrot).
The besttalkingparrot.com site invited owners to submit videos of their birds' chirps. "Does your parrot Talk?. Here is your chance to make him a star, it said.
Mishka's winning video, posted on 19 December 2010, received almost 2500 views and 140 votes. His prizes include toys, a cage, a gift voucher of $150, and the part in Heidenreich's film.
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Mishka was not born to talk and would have been exactly the same as all other AG's, the difference here is his mother. The time and dedication that Ant puts in is applaudable and should be broadcast across the world. Ant spends hours a day teaching Mishka, repeating sentences, making dvds for him and it is all done with the greatest love and patiences. Every parrot owner should learn from Ant and Miskha because a better example will not be found.

That is really a beautiful article and I LOVE the fact that they are also promoting your business! You must grab that opportunity while it is still hot. Businesses should want to buy from you just because Mishka is famous! It would have been nice if you could change your labels and include Mishka's name, but of course that will cost money. Put Mishka on your website and give the people the websites address if they want to see Mishka's videos!

Thank you for mentioning Sterretjie, that was really heart-warming to see my little terrorist's name.:D

Your kind words touched my heart deeply Linky, thank you. You have worded it perfectly, that is exactly how I train Mishka.

I had to mention Sterretjie's, Mishka's one and only bird friend. You have seen how Mishka re-acts when we mention Sterretjie's name. Mishka still says Mommy I want to go visit Sterretjie........ over and over again.

Mishka is busy learning a beautiful saying for the business, thereafter it will be on my business website for all to view.

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That is so exciting! Congratulations Mishka and Ant!!!
Responding to Linky's reply, I came across an old post I had posted

Mishka was not born to talk and would have been exactly the same as all other AG's, the difference here is his mother. The time and dedication that Ant puts in is applaudable and should be broadcast across the world. Ant spends hours a day teaching Mishka, repeating sentences, making dvds for him and it is all done with the greatest love and patiences. Every parrot owner should learn from Ant and Miskha because a better example will not be found.

Was I lucky to get a bird that will talk ????????

People assume I was lucky to get a bird that will talk :eek:

I am blessed to be a guardian to Mishka, an AG, 2 years and 4 months old. I hand reared him from 6 weeks old.
He is a lovable, expressive chatterbox, who loves clowning around 24/7
His ability to talk is amazing. :D

Believe me it has taken hours and hours of talking. I speak to him all the time, whatever I was doing, he knew about it.
Repeating words, sometimes for weeks, before I got any response. Making Cd's, recording my voice, saying words and phases as we went along. I started making the Cd's when he was 3 months old. This weekend, his CD collection grew from 13 Cd's to 19.
(LoL more Cd's than my 2 teenager sons) :rolleyes:
At about 10am he gets so excited, knowing a CD is going to be played. :11:
When I go out during the day, I leave a CD playing for him.
He talks and says the words etc. along with the CD.
When at home, while the CD is playing. I say the words or sentences along with him.

During Mishka's "Happy Hour" at night time, he sits on my lap, we play
talk and sing. Going over new words etc.

Was I lucky to get a bird that will talk

I was lucky to get a bird that is so happy ,content and willing to learn to talk !!! :grey:
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Well done Mishka and Antoinette! We are very proudly South African!! :-) And...I heard you on 5fm Monday morning- great to put a voice to the face !!
What a great newspaper article!!! So exciting for you and Mishka!!!:):):)
Well done Mishka and Antoinette! We are very proudly South African!! :-) And...I heard you on 5fm Monday morning- great to put a voice to the face !!

That was a one in a million chances of getting through to 5fm and for one of our S.A. members of the forum to actually hear it wow....
Let me tell you IT WAS NERVE RACKING LoL

LOL Antoinette you sounded like you could be on air every day- all calm and collected proud mommy!!!! :-)

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