Something is Wrong with Bixby.

For those of you wonderful people who have been inquiring about Bixby, just thought I'd give an update. I got a call yesterday from the vet saying the bloodwork results had come in. Overall, everything is looking good and balanced. But he does (or did) have an elevated white blood cell count. Which indicates he might be fighting an infection of some kind. :(

Some of you may recall me saying that he seemed a bit "off" before taking off from my arm and flying into the door. I guess it just goes to show you that when you know your bird, you have to pay attention to your instincts, right?

The doctor wants him on 2 weeks of antibiotics administered 2x a day as a precaution. I get the feeling that he's probably already fought off whatever the problem was, but when it comes to birds I reckon better safe than sorry, no? So I'll be picking up his meds later on, today.

Thanks again to all of you for being so supportive through this!
WOW, Stephen, I'm sorry to hear about the elevated white blood count.

Even though he may have fought it off, I don't think it would hurt to do the antibiotics, JUST in case there is any infection left.

How will you be administering the meds? Will he give you some probiotics for once Bixby is done with the course?
Thanks for the update, Stephen! So glad you caught the subtle signs because you know your bird so well. Let us know how Bixby feels about taking his meds. I bet he'll be his usual cooperative, good boy.
Morning Stephen,

Sorry Bixby has an elevated white blood count. I'm sure a run of antibiotics is prudent!!

Very Glad it is nothing worse !!

Thank you for the update, Stephen, and I am glad that he is going to do a round of antibiotics to be on the safe side. Shows exactly how well you know Bixby, since you felt all along that something else was going on:) Sending big hugs to you both:)
WOW, Stephen, I'm sorry to hear about the elevated white blood count.

Even though he may have fought it off, I don't think it would hurt to do the antibiotics, JUST in case there is any infection left.

How will you be administering the meds? Will he give you some probiotics for once Bixby is done with the course?

Thanks, Wendy! I was really hoping for an entirely uncomplicated thumbs up, but things could've been worse, I reckon.

I've been giving the meds via a dropper/syringe. I was hoping for something I could just soak into the food, but the doctor explained that I'd have to be sure he ate every crumb. And NO bird is THAT fastidious with his cleanliness. And definitely not my Bixby! Lol!

Oh, and as for probiotics, thanks for the crash course, yesterday! Now that I know what they are, I'll have to ask about them. Thanks, again!

Thanks for the update, Stephen! So glad you caught the subtle signs because you know your bird so well. Let us know how Bixby feels about taking his meds. I bet he'll be his usual cooperative, good boy.

Thanks, Allee! And you absolutely called it! Bixby has been wonderful about taking his meds! He's had four doses so far, and we haven't had to force him even once! Probably has less to do with him being a good boy than with the medicine tasting like a glucose bomb! I can smell the sugary sweetness before even loosening the cap! :eek: Lol!

Morning Stephen,

Sorry Bixby has an elevated white blood count. I'm sure a run of antibiotics is prudent!!

Very Glad it is nothing worse !!


Thanks, Joe! Yes, I agree. The treatment of antibiotics was definitely the most prudent course. And believe me, I'm glad it was nothing worse as well!

Thank you for the update, Stephen, and I am glad that he is going to do a round of antibiotics to be on the safe side. Shows exactly how well you know Bixby, since you felt all along that something else was going on:) Sending big hugs to you both:)

Thanks, Terry! I truly love how deep my bond with Bixby has grown. I can just sort of feel it nowadays when he's a little "off" or something, you know?
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I'm glad you got the answers you needed and that Bixby can be back to 100% soon. You're right that we know our own pets and sometimes something even slight can seem 'off' is!

Thanks for keeping us updated.
By the way, I was just thinking Bill Bixby, aka "The Incredible Hulk". You didn't happen to name your little green monster after the sweet, mild mannered alter ego of the Hulk, did you? :D
Nice, Patti! Cool points to you for catching that!
Stephen, I'm sorry to hear that Sir Bixby is not quite back in emaculate shape right now :(

I hope these antibiotics are the key to making him all better and back to himself ASAP! :) I'm glad that Bixby seems to be feeling okay. That's always a good sign. Sending good vibes to Bixby that the little green man is all fixed up real soon :D


**I can't believe I ALMOST missed these last posts until just now!! So many new threads have been pouring through lately that I have actually been MISSING a lot of new posts to threads that I want to keep up with, or new ones I may be interested in. :( Sometimes I don't catch it in my User CP quickly enough either, the days that I'm off the forum for hours.

I'm thinking the way to go to look for new threads I may have missed would be by looking under each forum section instead of just using "New Posts" or "User CP"?

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