Something is Wrong with Bixby.

Praying and fingers crossed that the vet visit goes well! It sounds promising that he is able to take food through the front now though. You both are in my thoughts and I am sending good vibes and positive thoughts your way today!
Thanks again to all of you for the support and well wishes, both on the thread and via pm!
I got home from the vet's appointment around an hour or so, ago. (Traffic was rough!) The good news is that Bixby's beak already seems much better. Apparently, he really was just sore from the impact. And it looks like he's healing quickly. He was already eating effectively on his own by the time I got home from work, though opening his beak past a certain point still causes him visible discomfort.

But I still wanted to take him to the vet, just to be sure. I was already shopping around for a good avian vet, anyway. The vet toweled him (despite the fact that I told him Bixby is scale-trained and would willingly step on) and put him on the scale. Then, after weighing him, he pretty much forced his beak open and then antagonized him into squawking at him.
He then told me that there was nothing wrong with Bixby's beak because he can bite down hard. I tried to explain that I wasn't saying that he COULDN'T use his beak, but rather that it causes him pain when he does. But the man was utterly uninterested in hearing anything but the sound of his own voice.
He then went on to tell me that the diet that I'm feeding Bixby is completely wrong, because there is no difference between ekkies and other parrots and that he needs to be on a diet of 75-80% Harrison's pellets! All the fruits and veggies I'm giving him are apparently no good for him and should only be around 15-20% of his diet.


Then, when he asked about Bixby's patch of down feathering at the nape of his neck and I told him that it was apparently Mojo's Molt, he said he'd never heard of it. Then he laughed dismissively and pretty much said he doesn't believe in that. Like I was telling him about the Easter Bunny or something. And he didn't know where I was getting all of my information from. Smh.

So I'm thinking he may not be the vet for Bixby. Wow. But Bixby's eating his dinner on his own, so I'm good!
I'm so glad Bixby is alright!

The vet sounds like a jerk with no idea what he is talking about...and he is an avian vet?? Really...

Different vet sounds about right:) I can check with the shelter about who they use as a vet if you would like. It is about an hour away from somerset but I'm sure better then that guy!

that vet sounds like a jerk! I'm sorry you and Bixby had a terrible experience!! He obviously didn't care about anything you had to say!

I'm glad Bixby is starting to feel better though! [emoji4]
Okay so I forgot I had the number for the vet since I babysit for the shelter. They are located in Morris Plains NJ which is actually closer to you:)

Animal Clinic of Morris Plains
Dr Sarah Marpet
Animal Clinic of Morris Plains

In case you did want that info:)

EDIT: I actually think that picture of her on the website is one of the shelter cockatoos haha
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Stephen, I am thrilled that Bixby is doing better, no thanks to that vet it sounds like.
Wow, I am speechless here at his treatment of you both. Definitely time to find a new vet, and an hour isn't so far if you decide to use the one Victoria mentioned. Well worth it to have a vet that knows what they are doing and can be trusted.
I hope Bixby is back to himself quickly and you both remain in my thoughts and prayers.
I'm so glad to hear that Bixby is healing quickly! I think that's what it was. Maybe bruised or something. Thank God he's okay otherwise!

This is no AVIAN vet Stephen!! I know I'm stating the obvious... I'm sorry this man is called an avian vet.
Saying Eclectus diets are no different from any other parrot?? That's awful. What if someone's Ekkie ate lots of pellets and some veggies like other species who can still be healthy on that, and came down with problems since their digestive tracts AREN'T like other parrots. He would be misdiagnosing the problem.

Anyway, young Mr. Bixby deserves to see someone more knowledgable! Again, I'm glad to hear he is doing much better :)
Wow, that vet is not someone I would go to again. To say that eclectus are the same as any other parrot shows his ignorance big time!!

I am so glad Bixby is feeling better, hard crash landings are always so scary. Give him some extra lovings and goodies. :)
I'm glad Bixby is doing better. That vet sounds horrible, I would give him a piece of my mind he wouldn't want to hear cause he obviously doesn't understand Eclectus parrots. Sorry you and Bixby had to go through that.....
Hmmm I think I might have strangled that vet if I was there. Wow, seriously.

I am glad Bixby is on the path to recovery. As with everyone else, I recommend a new avian vet ASAP.
Vets huh! you get the ones who think they are gods gift and FAR superior to anyone. Sounds like a good choice to look for a new vet, live and learn huh. I know AFTER i went through everything with Nelson a lot of people said the vet i went to was rubbish, though it was the only exotics vet i could find. Sometimes it is a bit trial and error, but im glad Bixby is going to be fine and is well on the mend! Tell him not to give us all such a fright again!!
Oh what a nightmare this had to have been, Stephen! Which vet did you take him to? We HAVE to get him off our list, if he's even on there.

Just so happy to hear that Bixby is doing better. :)
Okay so I forgot I had the number for the vet since I babysit for the shelter. They are located in Morris Plains NJ which is actually closer to you:)

Animal Clinic of Morris Plains
Dr Sarah Marpet
Animal Clinic of Morris Plains

In case you did want that info:)

EDIT: I actually think that picture of her on the website is one of the shelter cockatoos haha

Thank you, Victoria. I DEFINITELY wanted/needed that info! This time I want to look through a wide variety of vets before deciding on one, and a personal recommendation from someone with so much experience at rescues is very much appreciated!
Saying Eclectus diets are no different from any other parrot?? That's awful. What if someone's Ekkie ate lots of pellets and some veggies like other species who can still be healthy on that, and came down with problems since their digestive tracts AREN'T like other parrots. He would be misdiagnosing the problem.

Funny you mention this, Julie. I specifically pointed out to him the difference between an eclectus' digestive tract and those of other parrots. Namely, the difference in length which leads to the extraction of more vitamins from the ingested food.

His answer? There is no difference. It's a myth by eclectus so-called specialists who like to believe there's something different about their birds. But he's done x number of autopsies on ekkies and it's all the same.

Again, wow.
Oh wow, Stephen! I somehow managed to miss your post about Bixby and have only just read it with mounting horror! Poor Bixby! And poor you!

You must've been beside yourself when Bixby was showing such weird symptoms. I'd've been frightened he'd had a stroke or suffered brain damage or something equally dire. I'm relieved Bixby's getting back to normal, but I hope you do visit a more sympathetic vet and get a proper opinion about his health. Inability of a parrot to EAT is just not within ordinary observations, is it? I wrenched a little muscle in my jaw a couple of years ago and it took ages before I could feel normal eating and speaking. Poor Bixby! Do give him some special scritches from Aunty Trisha and tell him my Phloque is most concerned for his well-being!

On another note, I would just like to indicate very gently and in a very sotto voce sort of soft voice that you owe me a bloody-long tome. I'm a patient woman. I have excellent waiting skills. But fair's fair, y'know?

Bl**dy h***!!! On yet another note, I would just like to add that when I stood up, my hand got wedged between the arm of my chair and the edge of my desk. This has resulted in a whopping great bruise across the back of my poor, dainty little hand and I can't bend my pinky! EOWWWCHCHCHCHCHC! I have chagrin! Think I'll just toddle off to the freezer and find frozen peas... :22_yikes:
Oh my god! I feel terrible. I just saw this now, on Tuesday morning. I'm so sorry you and Bixby had to go through that terrible ordeal. I am so happy to hear that he is doing better, and I hope he continues to improve!

That vet sounds like a real jerk. I completely understand your anger and frustration in that area, believe me. Like us, it's time to find a good one, ASAP.

Again, I am so relieved that Bixby is OK. My heart was in my throat while I was reading this thread. Thankful that it has a happy ending!!
Thanks again everyone for your support. I absolutely love this forum! You all made the past two days easier to deal with, because the thought of Bixby being unable to eat was quite scary. Especially with how fast bird metabolisms are. (Though the good doctor told me that a parrot could go without food for up to 4 days. No idea if he's right or not.)
Oh wow, Stephen! I somehow managed to miss your post about Bixby and have only just read it with mounting horror! Poor Bixby! And poor you!

You must've been beside yourself when Bixby was showing such weird symptoms. I'd've been frightened he'd had a stroke or suffered brain damage or something equally dire. I'm relieved Bixby's getting back to normal, but I hope you do visit a more sympathetic vet and get a proper opinion about his health. Inability of a parrot to EAT is just not within ordinary observations, is it? I wrenched a little muscle in my jaw a couple of years ago and it took ages before I could feel normal eating and speaking. Poor Bixby! Do give him some special scritches from Aunty Trisha and tell him my Phloque is most concerned for his well-being!

On another note, I would just like to indicate very gently and in a very sotto voce sort of soft voice that you owe me a bloody-long tome. I'm a patient woman. I have excellent waiting skills. But fair's fair, y'know?

Bl**dy h***!!! On yet another note, I would just like to add that when I stood up, my hand got wedged between the arm of my chair and the edge of my desk. This has resulted in a whopping great bruise across the back of my poor, dainty little hand and I can't bend my pinky! EOWWWCHCHCHCHCHC! I have chagrin! Think I'll just toddle off to the freezer and find frozen peas... :22_yikes:

Ah, this is only one of the many reasons that I love me some Trish! My dear friend, only you could make me laugh while giving me such an eloquently delivered and admittedly well-deserved tracing out! Hahaha! And fear not, a tome of frighteningly epic proportions will be coming your way soon! ;)

I'll most definitely pass along the scritches and well wishes from you and your flock to Sir Bixby.

And careful with that dainty little hand! (Same freakish accident has happened to me with my significantly less than dainty hand! EOWWWCHCHCHCHCHC, indeed!)
Stephen, I am so sorry to hear about Sir Bixby's accident. While I was reading I was expecting the vet to explain maybe what caused Bixby to be feeling off in the first place. What an awful experience for both of you with such a jerk. I'm glad you will be looking for a better av vet for our sweet boy. Give him a kiss and a hug while you continue to feed him his favorite fruits and veggies.

Ummm! I hate to mention it, but after you send Trish her magnificent epic manuscript, please keep typing. :)

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