Some sad news

yeah Tex... just dont let your women answer the door... no innocent bystanders ;)

women --- Women ---- WOMEN?!?!?! You mean I have more than one ... $**T you better not tell Christy -- BTW, where are they all?! :D
women --- Women ---- WOMEN?!?!?! You mean I have more than one ... $**T you better not tell Christy -- BTW, where are they all?! :D

dunno ... better ask Christy! :eek: :eek: :eek:
Yes but you'll get bags under your eyes, or do you sleep in till midday. :D Oh for those days again. :D

Too late, i already have bags under my eyes. And i sleep in till like 10:30 -11
:D :D :D :D Ah well enjoy all these late/early mornings :D
Soooo...the lady who was going to take Iggy called tonight and said that her landlord got word of her taking in another bird and would go through the roof if she I have to find another home now. I have only 16 days left till school starts now :( At the moment he's being good and playing at least. I guess I'll follow up on some more small leads that I had and then have to improvise from there. I should have known that lady was too good to be true.
Oh dear, Lindsey, what a terrible let down. I know something will work out. I've continued day by day with you and Iggy's wellbeing in my thoughts. Hopefully, something just as good if not better will come to fruition in the next two weeks. (((big hugs))) and I'm sorry honey. :(
I'm so sorry, I'm now sending all positive thoughts your way that you will be able to find someone in a better position that will be able to give Iggy that wonderful home that you are looking for. Good Luck to ya Hon.
I'm sorry Minzer! Don't get disappointed, I believe too that you will find someone else..Keep us updated and good luck! :)
That's rough, that's really too bad - I'm sorry Lins ... you will find someone, and if you don't maybe it's a sign that you are supposed keep Iggy ... who knows, this world works in very weird ways, as I am sure we can all attest to!
Yeah I'm with Tex on this one, things have a funny way of working out for the best. :)
Thanks everybody...I do believe in fate and things happening for a reason and all that...but I'm just imagining me the night before a huge microbiology or neuroskeletal test...with a screaming bird...I just can see what a disaster it would be. He's been a good bird today, no screaming yet (I'm about to go shower though, I'm sure it will start up then), and we played with his toys for a bit...I don't know, I'll keep all of you updated!
I keep my fingers crossed for you that something might change and that your fate of both of you is to be together ...:D

What a nice surprise that would be! :D
amazon biteing problem

This is my first post ever:D:D:D:Dand this is my parvipus yellow headed amazon chacha.He wont stop biteing me ive tried evrything pleaseeeeeeeeeee help me...:(:(:(:(and yes ive tried the so called parrot whisperer thing.
Help my parrot wont stop biteing!!!...
So the vet that Iggy sees nowadays found someone who wanted him...she has a orange winged Amazon from a research colony who is contact calling and seems to need a birdy friend...I met with her and she seemed nice, said her husband spoils the bird rotten, but they've only had the Amazon (Xavier) for 2 months...She wanted to meet him, decide if she wanted him, and take him all at the same time...I wasn't keen on that idea, but she didn't seem willing to budge on that. So she was supposed to come yesterday with her husband, and then never called or showed up. I called her house and the husband sounded like he was missing his personality, didn't ask anything about Iggy or show any interest, and said she was working and he was babysitting. He said he would have her call me...I think she still thinks she's getting Iggy...thanks but no thanks. I'm sure all of you can see 4 or more reasons in that paragraph why that home is not right for him.
Right now he is again screaming non stop, again for no reason, and I just want to cry. :headwall: But as much as I want him to find a good home as soon as possible, I also don't want my baby to go to a home that does not understand or appreciate him. I have a few more people that I know I can still talk to for potential homes at this point, and hopefully one of them will be right. School starts in 9 days :(
Help my parrot wont stop biteing!!!...

First of all DING-DONG there isn't such an Amazon as a Yellow Headed Parvipus


THIRD: If you've come here to be a pest go away before we ban your IP address!
Parrot Kid, you need to watch where your posting, You can either start a thread off in the amazon section, or in the new members forum to introduce yourself, telling us a little about yourself and your amazon. I think we are all interested in him.

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