Some sad news

Sorry to hear that you have to say goodbye to Iggy. At least you know who is getting him, sounds like you found a very good home for him. Your doing whats best for both of you and I know that must be really hard. We're all still here for you. And like everyone else said you better still stick around here!!!
:15: So sorry that you have to let your fid go... I am currently driving over to your house to give you a great big hug LOL then were going to take a road trip to tex's house to play some 'ding-dong-ditch' to cheer you up :p

And I agree with everyone else, your not aloud to leave the forum. This place is more about out feathered friends, not about wether or not you own one. You clearly have passion for them, so besides the fact we are all friends here you clear have a reason to stay ;)
Sometimes you have to rehome them, I had an Amazon that for whatever reason would never take to me after a couple years, wasn't nippy or anything, or even a screamer except for mornings, but just wanted nthing to do with me, so I put her up for adoption knowing I was going to screen the people very heavily, and just keep her if I didn't find anyone suitable. Luckily I found a family that ran a parrot type rescue that were looking for the exact type she was. The thought even crossed my mind with my current Macaw due to his screaming and I almost found him a home as well. In the end the people that were interested in him were too old, and I hated the idea of of him bouncing from home to home for the rest of his life.
:15: I am currently driving over to your house to give you a great big hug LOL then were going to take a road trip to tex's house to play some 'ding-dong-ditch' to cheer you up :p

There will be a knock on the door and we will open it just in time to see a big gree conure running in to bite at our toes. "What the....??" And Tex will shake his fist at the door and scream "MINZER!"
Hahaha, I'll take you up on that Chi, it sounds like just the thing I need :D I think Tex needs it too, he just doesn't know it yet. However, if we do that, the stalker disguises might just get more elaborate...hmm...I guess I can take it.

Thanks again for everyone forbidding me to leave, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy in a not so warm and fuzzy time for me :60: And thanks for the continued support. Iggy and I did not get along yesterday, but I tried to play with him for awhile and give him attention anyway. Haven't heard back from the lady still, but I've started writing up everything I can possibly think of about Iggy to give her so that she at least has a background on him to make the transition easier.

Sprint- it must have been hard for you to give up your Amazon as well, but I'm glad you found a good home for her. And the lady that is taking Iggy is in her 30s as far as I can tell, and Iggy is only 5...hopefully the lady will live a long time :confused:
Ding-Dong-Ditch ... I mean really, do they even still play that game? C'mon can't you two very creative ladies come up with something other than ding-dong-ditch ...
I'm sorry Minzer, that you have to give up Iggy. Hopefully he'll get on well at her new home. :(
Ding-Dong-Ditch ... I mean really, do they even still play that game? C'mon can't you two very creative ladies come up with something other than ding-dong-ditch ...

Ok well at first i was like what the heck is Ding Dong Ditch? and then i realized that it's Nicky-Nicky Nine Doors. :D haha over here thats what we call it. I use to play it on all my neighbors. and i still do, do it to some fruitcake who went to my old school.
YOUR the one whose doing that meghanxx4???


Ding-Dong-Ditch ... I mean really, do they even still play that game? C'mon can't you two very creative ladies come up with something other than ding-dong-ditch ...

Yes I'm sure they could but nothing that could be told here. :D
Hey watch out your in the same phone book i have. I will find you full name somehow and prank call you. :)

Actually nope, I'm not listed. My two phones are a cell phone and Vonage lol so nanner nanner nanner :p:p:p
lol ... glad i am predictable!

HEY! why are you up young lady ... it's late ... go to bed!! :p
What is the time there, :eek: Its now 10.11 am, how far are you behind us?
Right now it is 2:16 AM Tuesday morning (and I am heading to bed very very very soon!!!)
Good night my dear.

Meghan get to sleep, its far too late for you to be up. :D
Ding-Dong-Ditch ... I mean really, do they even still play that game? C'mon can't you two very creative ladies come up with something other than ding-dong-ditch ...

would you rather us put a flaming pile of :54: in a paper bag and the do the ding-dong-ditch :33: :p
Hahahaha, she's onto something Tex, I think that you should prolly keep quiet on this one to avoid getting yourself in more trouble :21:
Hahahaha, she's onto something Tex, I think that you should prolly keep quiet on this one to avoid getting yourself in more trouble :21:

yeah Tex... just dont let your women answer the door... no innocent bystanders ;)

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