sick Jenday need help

Nooooo! Oh how terrible! Oh I am soooo sorry....I dont know what to say....we are here for you
I am so very sorry, feathered hugs and deepest condolences.
I'm using exact baby's store formula from pet store. Our birds are the same size. So start out slow, 1-3 ml the first time. A little watery at first incase hadn't been drinking. You don't want food to stop up inside them if they are dry. But not so watery they choke. Repeat in 2 or so hours . By the end of the day might take 3-5 ml. And can thicken. Watch poops, make sure is poop and crop is emptying. I weigh before abd after food, her average is a 5 gram weight increase from food, and by next feeding she will drop all ir part if that. By the end if the day she would start having higher start weight, but would always drop at least 2 grams to 4 grams before next feed.

Each morning first wright will be your birds true weight. Should only go up 0-2 grams each day. A big change could mean nit processing the food.

I make fresh each time as directed on container. You may use pediolyte( bsby electrolytes water fir human babies ),as yiur water to mix, first day only!!!

Laurasea -- what do you mean by weight only going up 0-2 grams each day -- my OWA's weight has been all over the place. I do not understand what not processing the food means.
For her size bird , her bird was weighing around a hundred grams and is simular size to my quakers. So this information was directed at her personally and her birds. Larger birds would be different naturally.

A very sick bird the gastric system can slow down and shut down. This happens in shocky birds and septic birds. There is actually a reduction in blood supply to the digestive system , slowing everything down. Or dehydration can cause constipation. Her bird was close to death, and burds that sick can have trouble processing food for the above reasons.

Or if the bird had an obstruction, impaction, or an egg /mass was pushing on and narrowing the gastric system.
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