sick Jenday need help

Does he still have wing drops?

You stopped fruit mix right? Can you explain how you make that, and store it? I do worry a fruit mix could go off, and that's a lot of fruit sugar for them.

But it sounds like he us eating on his own,,?
The fruit I did stop the other day. his wings are still drooped. this am when he came out of his little house i actually saw him stretch his wings out which was nice to see but hes still not well. The vet will be here in like 3 hours to check on him and take care of the rest of the flock (i made this appt month ago before toto got sick)
The fruit I usually only chop whatever Im feeding him that day. Usually grapes, blueberries, snap peas, greenbeans, apples and brocoli...all depends what I get from the store. usually I give them fresh stuff from the garden wen its that time of year.
Im glad hes hanging in there but this is exhausting just feeling helpless and refusing to leave the house for anything unless my bf is here
oh also, yes he does seam to be getting his appetite back today...i just hope whatever this may be that its fixable...
Sickies get to eat whatever they want, lol that the rule st my house.

Veggies is great you can still offer veggies. Guess I was picturing a fruit salad situation.

I hope the meds are kicking in. Do you give the rest by mouth? Or will you go get a shot each time?,

Doxyclin is the first choice if chlamydia is suspected.

This is a study of both our antibiotics doxyclin, and azithromyacin, to treat chlamydia. Its nit trying to say one is better than the other just that both work. If you are interested to read. It is a study so , things can be hard to read, about...
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I am def going to read that. She only gave him that one injection Tuesday night, which when I googled it I found conflicting doses... but I think she was waiting to see if it works or for the blood results to be sure? She just left here a little while ago. Toto does seam better than he has been..he actually took a bath on his own which he hasnt done since before the 31st. While she was here it was hard to tell toto and pheonix apart because toto was acting completely normall, wings picked up not floofy, just eyes a little tired as a sign of illness so we were suspecting that its working...but of course as soon as she pulled out of my driveway he started doing his baby bird thing again with the flappy wings and calls. but even with that being said, he is improving and it hasnt been 48 hours yet since injection so thats good. The wing stretch and the bath made me the happiest I have been in weeks. She did a health check on all the babies, and actually realized that our newest conure (the sun) isnt from the place claimed and isnt the age we were told (almsot 1 year) so he/she is still just a baby which explains alot. long story short we got it from petco after the one we were supposed to get died (at a different location petco) at the store so the manager sent us to the other store to see if we were interested but there was no bird there like she said, they sold it the night before but the guy told me to leave my number because he had a bad feeling it would come back. next day got a call..3 days later picked the bird up...terrible stress bars poor thing looked like it had been through the ringer...
we only noticed the info was incorrect because she was able to just pull the band off and she said the bird looked young and that normally hurricane aviaries where it came from is a different band code. Ours was silver and says EDL fl 845..sooo that being said, the test for the disease is probably BS paper work. We brought it home October 21 quarentined before meeting other birds which Im not sure if the time line would make sense if petrie has something and passed on to toto (toto would regurgitate for petrie but pheonix still not a fan) even though all birds would need treatment, atleast if it IS that, then there is a treatment...
Sounds good. I hope there us plan in place for continuing medication, before the 3 day weekend!
Keep us updated
Edit: seems like Doxycycline injections are every five days,? I thi k. Still learning about this stuff.

Hopefully your Toto is even more improved this Friday morning!!
Lot if parrot are bred in central and South Florida.

I hope you will update your user CP and add parrots, types and names. Helps us keep straight whos who , when you talk about them. Especially as we hope you will stick around once your flock is well. It a fun supporting community, and yiu cannoicknup great ideas and tips.
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I will def be sticking around and update all the profile stuff too! This is such a great forum!. Its now saturday and toto is doing better every day but I still havent recieved his bloodwork. Fortunatly the Vet works for herself so I have her cell number and I made sure to give her xtra money as a thank you for seeing me after hour. I was going to text her in a little bit to give her the update on Toto and see if the blood work is in yet. I have a feeling that with the doxy working maybe it is chlymidia and maybe it came from the sun conure whos documentation isnt adding up. Once I get a minute to breath Im going to call the pet store about that too... Thanks again for all your help. Not out of the woods yet but starting to see the light to the way out
It takes 40 days treatment to clear chlamydia. It easy to re infect and relapse. Ehole flock should be treated.
So glad things getting better

As a favor take a close up eye pic. Both my sick burds iris darkened when sick. Its nit well documented. Take a pic of eye when well to
Its the 21st now wanted to update..Not sure why but Totos blood work is still not back yet which he got his before Petries (our sun conure) and hers came back. Petrie was negative for chlymidia and all other blood work was in normal range.
The doxy injection really helped Toto but he still wasnt 100% after a week and Pheonix looks iffy sometimes (not sure if shes mimicking, but her eyes look sleep sometimes) so I asked the vet for some more antibiotics so its back to getting my fingers bit off giving them the oral meds for the next 2 weeks... WE will get through this dammit! How is your flock doing Laurasea? Yall have been in my thoughts too!!
Glad to see your updates. Are you weighing those birdies?! No excuses!
Are the oral meds doxycycline? I hope so!
When any antibiotics have been given before a culture its possible to have a false negative.

Penny is doing great. Tadah is struggling some, was being under dosed, and went as high as over 12% weight loss, she is needing supportive foods, but difficult to get in her..
Im glad penny is making progress, Tadah (LOVE that name) will be in my thoughts!! I know what you mean about getting foods in..mine were not having the formula/syringe method anymore...its can vent to me if you want!!
Yes I have been weighing every other morning and Toto is now at 109 g and pheonix is at 119. I got a better scale off amazon (nothing crazy, just better than the one i had) The doxy is oral, its .1 ml twice daily. Its even apple flavored for them..unfortunately its not enough to persuade them not to bite the **** out of me LOL.
I'm so glad you got to the veterinarian and they switched the medicine to doxyclin!! Even tho it wasn't cultured, which can happen a lot, it sounds like chlamydia, and is responding!!@ so the vet is only treating the 2 caged together? Not the whole flock? Or are you treating the whole flock? Are checking weights on the test of the flock?

I'm so glad the weight's improved on Toto and Pheonix !! So you did get the bird formula and feed for a while? That's great.
Would love an update on your burd? How us every one?,
I appologize I havent updated as much as I would like to. Its been a hard few months and my father has just ended up back in the hospital. Trying to balance life is hard lately and I really just need my babies to feel better at the very least.
Here we are almost a month later, Toto is still not right.
Blood work came back last night. Turns out Toto is a girl and pheonix is a boy. negative for chlamydia and neg anti-ganglioside antibody.. which is good but still have zero answers. The oral doxy hasnt been helping and due to the bloodwork coming back negative the vet advised I stop dosing them and see what happens. I feel like Im losing my mind. At this point Im thinking about calling Tufts.. I just dont know where to look for answers. Im at a loss of what to do
I'm so sorry to hear of all of this!
O hope your father will be ok .

Can you go over what the tests gave been?
CBC abd chem????
Fecal cytology and gram stain? Culture?,
Swab and cytology or culture from tge throat?

I feel doxycycline has likely had a partial effect , because yiur burd is still alive, and has gained weight.... maybe a secondary yest fungal issue? So sorry nit better.

What are the symptoms now?

Diagnostic tests to detect evidence of infection with Chlamydia psittaci in live birds include culture, serologic testing, immunoassays, and gene-based tests. Comparing results of the various diagnostic tests is difficult because different values are measured. Controlled studies of chlamydial infections in birds rely on information collected at predetermined intervals after the date of initial infection, whereas clinicians frequently cannot determine when an initial infection occurred in an avian patient. Culture is considered the gold standard of these tests, but it is the most difficult and labor-intensive test to perform. Results of serologic tests will vary because of the length of time a bird has been infected, host characteristics, and the concentrations of circulating immunoglobulins. Immunoassays will fail to detect chlamydial organisms if infected birds are not shedding chlamydia at the time of sampling. Results of immunoassays are also affected by cross-reactions with interfering antigens and the number of chlamydial organisms that are present in samples. Genebased diagnostic testing may prove more sensitive than culture, depending on the sample type, but comparison studies in birds have not been published. Any live bird assay may fail to detect patient infection because of the complex biology of Chlamydia psittaci.

Journal Information
The Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery is an international journal of the medicine and surgery of both captive and wild birds. Published materials includescientific articles, case reports editorials, abstracts,new research, and book reviews
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Very sorry to hear your father is hospitalized, hope he heals well.

Nothing wrong with second opinion from a quality source. Some testing info from previous visits may be admissible to help reduce costs.
Sorry that you are going through such a tough time at the moment

Has the vet ruled out kidney and liver issues, virus’ like APV and PBFD and heavy metal poisoning? These can all be checked with blood tests. But the vet has to draw enough blood and specially ask for these tests to be done.
i havent read the messages yet,,shes dieing in my hands my heart cant take any more hurt
oh no :(

I'm so sorry. You are loved by her, you know? She knows you care...

if the unspeakable happens, please consult a vet so that you know what went wrong- it's called a necroscopy and I know it is just awful to even imagine, but it's the only way to learn from this if it takes a tragic turn. You are not alone.

Again, I wish I could help take some of the stress and pain away-- what a nightmare...Losing a loved one is miserable. I still have my fingers crossed for you, but I wanted to put this out there because sometimes things happen quickly and it's hard to decide what to do in the moment. It's important to keep evidence cool but not frozen
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Oh how heartbreaking, I’m so very sorry Jess! Love and hugs to you and your darling girl!

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