sick Jenday need help

I appreciate everything you have told me, while you may not be a vet or be here yoy have offered me more info then i have gotten all week and great suggestions. I sent my bf out to get the formula. I just called both again and left messages. One is at lunch. The avian vet saw me at her house after hours she was great mayne she will do the same today after her normal day ends at 5..the other place didnt let me in we had to drop them off at the door
Ok i wouldn't drop at door, you mean hand off?,, trust your gut , go with who yiu like abd trust. Maybe see if after hours vcan meet yiu at lunch time?,
I'm praying for yiu. Keep him warm!
I appreciate everything you have told me, while you may not be a vet or be here yoy have offered me more info then i have gotten all week and great suggestions. I sent my bf out to get the formula. I just called both again and left messages. One is at lunch. The avian vet saw me at her house after hours she was great mayne she will do the same today after her normal day ends at 5..the other place didnt let me in we had to drop them off at the door

Welcome to you and your Jendays during trying circumstances. So much wisdom in Laura's advice, no need to duplicate!

Your beloved birds have been sick for close to two weeks and have not improved with broad-spectrum antibiotics. Nothing wrong with previous efforts, but a certified avian vet dearly needed to make the best judgement of care possible. I hope you can score an appointment (difficult during Covid) or prescription for "big guns" antibiotics/antifungals as needed. Wishing them swift and complete recovery, please keep us updated.
Yes sorry, hand off..
Scott thank you for the pic edit i appreciate it. The last vet they saw is an avian specialist. I thought we were making some progreas on the amoxycilin/nystatin/probiotic combo but today he just seems worse. Is there a way to upload a video of him?
Yes sorry, hand off..
Scott thank you for the pic edit i appreciate it. The last vet they saw is an avian specialist. I thought we were making some progreas on the amoxycilin/nystatin/probiotic combo but today he just seems worse. Is there a way to upload a video of him?

My pleasure, beautiful bird!! Best way to upload video via YouTube link. Other methods such as Vimeo are possible but unfortunately it is not possible to upload directly to forum from your source.
O watching and hopefully for a good update. That you got see a vet, git new meds git some food in him maybe What is his normal weight?,
prob should calm down before I write this but the vet they saw last monday pretty much told me to F off...atleast thats how I feel..I explained that they saw the specialist last week and she was coming this thursday, i explained the meds, and to make matters worse it seams as though pheonix is starting to show symptoms...ugh im so scatter brained sorry this is all over the place. the rest of the 2 places i had on my list didnt have their avian specialist in. The non-specialist vet they saw last week that called said im better off waiting to hear from the avian vet. I asked if they could atleast do the blood work and she told me the specialist would be better becasue "they dont have an account for avian bloodwork and it would probably take longer than waiting untill thursday" while i was on the phone with the vet pheonix started regurgitating ( maybe im paranoid and she was adjusting her crop) but maybe she is sick with the same at a loss. so toto has been sitting on a perch for like an hour (hes not bobbing his head anymore or screech thing anymore as much unless i get close to him and start talking to him...he has his foot up balancing on one and falling asleep, a little wobbly. i gave them seeds taht they hammered because i feel that anything is better than nothing at this point. I gave toto some of the formula you suggested but wasnt succesfull after, he just keeps running/flyting away from me and i dont want to burn his energy so i gave them the seed. the poops are watery..pheonixes more than totos now. I help off on their fruit chop today as i dont know what to do..what if its the food? the avian specialist never got back to me..i sent her another text saying i didnt want to keep bothering her but hes not doing good and that i felt pheonix was starting to show symptoms and I would pay her 1000 to come out tomorrow first thing if thats what it took (im def not rich and dont have money to throw away but i cant lose my babies) then i thought about what if its me, am i getting them sick? my father was in the hospital the week before christmas with 2 blood infections and c-diff. I went to their house and helped my mom get him to the car before the hospital found out thats what it was and than have visited too. I wash my hands somuch they are dry itchy and swollen but I have cuts all over them. what if i have a staph infection...what if im sick or have covid or something? i went down the rabbit hole in this forum and found the cases of people having strep and losing the flock...well my throat is scratchy in the am but ive had strep before and wouldnt think i have it now, but paranoia and helplessness is setting in, im losing my mind. i prob got side tracked and forgot to add something
Pheonix on left toto on right... just taken



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good news, the avian vet got back to me said I can bring them tomorrow to her house again and we will do bloodwork, just waiting to hear what time...atleast a little sign of hope...
I'm so sorry.
O put Penny standing on a towel and make a cave around her and hold my left over her with thumb in front if chest. To restrain if trys to get away. Then I out syringe just at tip of beak ir slightly left. Tge furst time I opened her beak sbd just out a drop in. She spit out. Tgen I waited abd brought tip of syringe to beak im lucky she opened mouth I out a drop in sge played with and ate, then we repeat a drop ir two at time. Tge food is warm. You can play with thickness. She likes it slightly thicker than directions. Yiu can move food bowl and water close to where he sits. You can offer millet spray. You can offer egg food that dry crumble stuff they sell for molting parakeets. You can try crumbled nutri berries as it's fortified. I would nit feed fruit as promotes yeast over growth with all that sugar. You can still offer veggies. Warm cooked sweet potatoes or warm mashed butternut squash.

Yiu can offer a half teaspoon of live culture Greek yogurt with no artificial sweetners. It won't her your burd to have a little and may help balance GI, I do this. My vet is ok with it, but she doesn't recommend it , as may do nothing. Sooo????

I do nit think you made your birds sick. We all worry. But if you aren't having diarrhea, then I don't think you spread c- diff to bird.

What is his normal weight? How much did he loose?

I'm sorry to get you so stressed. It is important to be seen right away. I wish tgey would see you. I hooe tge vet thst us coming Thursday can be convinced to see you sooner.
good news, the avian vet got back to me said I can bring them tomorrow to her house again and we will do bloodwork, just waiting to hear what time...atleast a little sign of hope...

That's so great. I hope she will changes meds. Bring your hand feeding formula and ask her to show you how,.

Warmth us so critical, I don't like heat lamps i feel dangerous. I font know if taping a sheet on the side he sits then tape a heating pad to hopefully radiate heat to him, and cover cage dine....I dont know you can also out a towel on top of cage and out heating pad on that. Sometimes depend on the stress thus would cause him , you can try setting up a hospital csge. I'll find links, not that I have used or tried their methods.... I use sweeter heater from Amazon, its powerful so depending on size might have to set back from cage even up to a foot back. The smaller size keeps selling out, probably cuz I recommend it all the time . Its a radiant heat panel nit a light. Bird safe marketed fir chickens currently . Yiu hsve to hold your hand in front sbd try to guess hiw far back. Your goal is to keep your burd at 85 environment temp

Sweeter heater

I didn't use emeraid, but there site provides some hand feeding guidelines

Burd meds

Burd diseases

Common diseases
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Laurasea you are an angel! even though I may be panicking (for good reason) you have helped me through this today. I actually have the egg food stuff so I will try that as well, good thinking! (i usually use for budgies). While I admit I was never good at weighing them regularly while they have been healthy ( i know now should have been) i think his normal weight is around 110 g as that was what pheonix was while looking normal last week and they have always been about the same (when I did weigh them). Im ganna order the lamp now! ...thank you again for everything, I will keep you posted and update tomorrow <3
I suck at math Saxguy always checks my work. Hey I learned about weighing my burds here 2 years ago when I had a mildly sick bird with yeast overgrowth. Im just paying it forward!!

But yiur burd has a 10% wright loss, that is a lot. Anything over 3% is trip to a vet, Anything over 5% is considered a pretty sick bird.

At 10% you are going to have to figure out the hand feeding. Watch you tube videos. Tgey need the calories to heal. It can even be tge meds are working, but with no food that's why bad. Tho I still think different meds needed.

Try hsnd feeding warm oatmeal. Mine really took that, I offered on fingers to her.
If needed you can make a burd burrito, with towel you roll them completely up in towel with just head sticking out. Care not to compress body. So you can hand feed. Don't hold them belly up for feed or tilt to far back, you dont want choking. If you think they aspirated or choking hold them with head toward floor , firmly no slipping, abd give a gentle downward shake. Then bsck to normal position.

If needed one time you can give about 2 ml of sugar water, half sugar divorced in half warm water. Or give 2 ml of apple juice with no art sweetner. This perks them up if blood sugar snd electrolytes are off. But just do once only.
I actually used the burrito trick today for his meds and weight. I weighed this am like you said for true weight, and he weighed 103 g. The vet is going to see him after hours again around 6.Toto looks better today than yesterday, prob with the extra food. Its hard to tell weather pheonix is hiding symptoms or mimicking toto. shes still her normal playfull self.
Because Im trying to find a reason for everything... is it possible to pass a staph infection or shingles to a bird. I tried googling the staph but all that comes up is getting it from them. I know Im being a little rediculous with sure you understand with what your going through with your babies. How are they doing today?
is Toto getting hand feeding formula? Or you
just let our poor sickness eat more of favorite? Which is great if eating!

What is Pheonix weight? Id ask vet to treat both they live in the same cage and eat and drink k out of same bowls.

I make it practice and always have to wash hands before touching birds or their food and water. I have 4 dogs, I worry of Pasteurella on their fur, or from them licking me. I haven't worried about staff unless you have an active infection. I have been very careful when I had strep throat, or influenza.

If they have chlamydia they can pass to you. But that is rare for them to pass to you even when treating them for an active infection of chlamydia . But it can and does happen in people they call it parrot fever
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Bitting my nails......Hopefully you'll will have a good update. Im thinking of you and your parrot!!!
it's been 24 hours since we last heard from you. So I'm worried. I hope vet visit went well, and you will be giving us a good update soon.
hey there! sorry I havent gotten on sooner, she saw them both last night at 600. pheonix weight was 118 g which was 110 the monday before last. toto was 104. she took blood took a mouth swab and poop swab. she checked them both out but only drew blood from toto last night, pheonix will get hers drawn tomorrow when she comes here. She also gave toto an injection of doxy and told me to stop other meds. I mentioned how when he gets his meds he goes like completely limp like he just got all drugged up in space then will come back to reality which she said was wierd. i also asked about the azythromyacin which she said she hasnt used in birds and we will see how the doxy does for now and see what bloodwork says.
as expected toto is pretty sore today im obviously very worried but she said it may take untill tonight or tomorrow to show improvement that sometimes when they are this young it takes longer to heal. I may have to give him the formula today as he doesnt seem to be interested in even the seeds right now. he ate a little this am.
she did ask if any of us in the house were sick at all...more asking if maybe one of us got sick from the bird. ive been feeling kinda run down/crappy for the last couple days (not covidy) and im usually the one thats around them the most. hmm i know im forgetting something..i just got distracted by a phone call
So great. An injection is great, works quickly. There are more ways to treat stuff.
Oops saw gave doxyclin!!! Thats great!! It Cover chlamydia which is a likely infection

I hope thing are improving!

Yiu can catch chlamydia from parrots, causes flu like symptoms in people. Google parrot fever.
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