She's coming home thursday

Ohh... I'm so jealous. I wish they didn't cost so much here in Australia. =(

Congratulations on your addition! She looks absolutely gorgeous!
Hehe, Safira and Stella have almost the exact same hatchdays! Yay one year old birdies!

Oh that's nice , we can celebrate together :).
Maybe a party at Whole Foods or the Nut Hut ?
Ok , this morning I had my girl Stella out on her tree and I wet in the adjoining room to get something , all the while talking to her so she knows I'm still here.
Well , that wasn't good enough , she did a very nice , I guess you could call it a jump , glide down to the floor . She cleared the coffee table , which is about three feet , and stopped herself before landing in a bunch of , lolol. Poor thing came waddling up to me holding her foot up for me to grab her :). Once she was on my arm , she fluffed up for a
head scratch :).
I sat by the window with her this morning so she could look out at my hubby with the dogs.
She found the figurines my step grandchild loves to play with on the sill. I leave them there now ever since I was told to by her royal highness ! She says" dogs don't belong in a box , they need to look out the window so they don't cry.".. Ok....fine :)
Well , Stella took a liking to one and before I could grab it , she did and wouldn't give it back. We had a tug o war and finally I talked her out of it with a walnut , lolol.

Note to self , move figurines next I need to take a picture of how she has them set up and then toss them into a box and when she comes , I'll put them out , hopefully in the same order , lolol. Kids......feathered , furred , and human....:)
I'm finally going to get to do some shopping for myself , clothes and sneakers , etc...
But I dot want to leave Stella :(. I'm going to have to , at some point , but it's so hard.

I told my hubby I'm going to order some things from MSBS and a few others.
He told me to wait till the smoke clears from the bank account , lolol.
He said there are still flames coming from it yet , lolol. Men !!

Anybody have any recommendations for Macaws and Cockatoos from
My Safe Bird Store ?
Congrats on getting Stella Home. She is very cute and appears to be a complete cuddle bug. Best of luck with her and hope she will be very happy with you. Love to se more pics and videos of her as she continues to grow. Thanks Joe
It sounds like you are having a blast with her and that she is loving her new home!! So cool!!!!!!!!!
Stella is way too cuddly to be real , I swear , I can't believe my eyes sometimes. :)
She now vocalizes if I leave the room and she is out on her tree. So I answer back , even though I'm just out of her sight. That seems to be enough for her ,must my hubby told me that she was looking and looking for me , and she looked like she was going to,leave the tree any minute , but she didn't , she waited for momma to come back :)
She has a vet appointment on Friday. I hate to take her and have her stressed , but , maybe she will handle it fine....l really hope so , I dont want her to hold this against me either :(. I'm so torn over this ! I know she has to go for her own good and my other birds own good as well .
she sounds so amazing! you must be so happy! to make it easier to leave, think of how happy she'll be when you come back! :)

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