She's coming home thursday

TODAY!!! And you're 3 hours ahead of me, so it's only a matter of hours now!!! PICTURES WOMAN!! :D

I sent her my cell because she isn't so techy with

I can't even imagine taking her's like a dream. Wow!

I told Hubs last night that we need a ranch. When he said why, I said "So you can get your B&G, I can get my Hy, and the four birds will make so much noise that with a ranch, no one can complain about the noise!" :D

I'm just... excited for her!! And very jealous!
Last I heard they were in the car....and her name is STELLA
Between watching the forum and my cell phone for pics....geez you would think she was giving birth!!! You know the anticipation is killing me! You guys want to come over for coffee or something??
Cool she used one of my name suggestions lol, so does that mean she's part mine lol jk

I can't wait to see pics
Ok guys , I'm exhausted , Stella is out cold as I type , lol. Poor thing , the ride home was long !!!! The traffic was so bad. :(
I will send pictures and video tomorrow , I'm so sorry but I can't bother her now .
Sheis the sweetest , gentlest , beautiful girl I have ever seen !!!
Seriously , I can't believe I have her !!!!!!! It's just freakin unreal !!
She does put some pressure on my fingers , but I just tell her no and move her beak off.
Shes just fine with that and then she rubs her beak on me as to say im sorry mom :)

I need sleep , my head hurts . By the time we got home , took care of the hungry animals and bother out and on a stand so she could eat , drink and watch us put together everything , lol. I am in love !!!!!!
I'm sorry everybody , I will send pictures and video in the morning.
I appreciate all your emails , they made me laugh when I read them :)
You guys are really a great , fun bunch of people , I enjoy this forum so much :)
Thanks again and I will flood you guys with video and pictures,...

Nite all :)
I'm waiting for her to say uncle Mikey!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
Congrats , can't wait to see some pictures ! She sounds like a sweet heart!
big welcome home stella....Alison and sweetie pie:
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! The countdown begins!
She must be having all kinds of fun with her because she hasn't updated us yet today! Don't you know we're waiting with baited breath to find out how the morning went? and if you got video! and pictures! We are living through your experiance!!
she must be having all kinds of fun with her because she hasn't updated us yet today! Don't you know we're waiting with baited breath to find out how the morning went? And if you got video! And pictures! We are living through your experiance!!

C'mon, I wanna see Stella!

luvmytoo is having some technical difficulties and asked me to post these with the following message:

Stella is awesome and is doing great. I'm sorry for not posting sooner guys, I will get it together eventually, lol. It wasn't a dream after all! But for some reason, Stella keeps calling for Uncle Mike!


I'll need an address so I can steal her!!! She's beautiful congrats!!!

gaaaah I am so jealous lol
Stella!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uncle Mike is HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Come live with your uncle you pretty girl you!!!
Ok , here is a video I owe you guys...I'm sorry it took this long.
I just made a long post explaining what happened and know I sent it , but where it went , I have no idea , lol.
But here's a short video of my beautiful baby girl Stella :)

http:[ame=]My baby girl Stella - YouTube[/ame]

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