She's coming home thursday

she is beautiful
She is so pretty! And she looks pretty bound and determine to destroy that Java tree. I wonder how long it will lasts, lol!
Stella is just so gentle and sweet , she's amazing. I can't describe her any other way !
She has already learned not to chew on mummy's clothes , lol.
I told her no a couple of times and that's all it took. I can't believe it !
She entertains herself very nicely in her cage or should I say apartment , lol. She has a few toys she really likes . Now I know what to,order more of , lol. I also made a couple myself with supplies from the store. That alone will save me lots along the way .....Stella loves her chew toys ! And her foot toys , she will hang upside down and play with she manages , I have no idea , lolol. Her favorite thing is to come to momma though :)
When I open the cage , she is ready with foot held up , opening and closing it till I put my arm in and say step up. She practically jumps onto my arm , such a cutie this girl !
When she is very happy and on my arm, she jumps up and down , lolol.
I need to video that for you guys , it's soooo cute :). If I bounce my arm she does it more , lol. . Her eyes are so expressive ! That is my favorite thing about Macaws , their eyes .
So beautiful ,warm and expressive.
I will send tons more pictures once I get my new computer working :/
I bought a new one the other day since my hubby's died. I thought , great , just take it home , plug it in , and it works , that simple. Well , apparently not !!!!!
I was in the Apple Store for like a hour or longer getting a little lesson on the new one and figured that's all it will take , I can figure it out as we go along .
Damn thing , I plugged it in , hooked up the new "router " I bought from Apple so I can get wifi , ando have the cable thingy router too. Well , my head is going to explode any minute , I swear , I can't take this crap !!!!!! ( small vent , sorry , had to )

Yoshi and Rosie , know there's another bird downstairs , and they do look a little perplexed , lolol. I can't wait till Stella can come upstairs for a visit. Buti think it's best after the quarantine she stay downstairs . I'm afraid with the TOOs dust and the keeps who are n the next landing going up , will be too much for Stella. So I want to play it safe.
She can come up and hang out for a while , but her cage is downstairs on her own floor .
Does anybody have any opinions on this , I would really like to know yours.

Stella's favorite fruit right now is apple :). She tried fresh bananas and i swear she made a funny face and spit it out :). lolol. Oh and she LOVES her brazil nuts too :)
We are trying new things everyday , so it's a fun experience every time :)
I dont know if I'm jinxing myself , but I wish Stella would make a little more noise , lolol.
She makes one that almost sounds like "mom" ,lolol. And she might know her name , but I think it hasn't been long enough , but she reacts to it every time I call to her. But I think she is just reacting to my voice :). W

Her cage is huge ! One of the stands we bought is tremendous ! I cant understand it ,
it didn't look that it in the store , lolol.

Thank you all for your well wishes , advice , wanting to adopt Stella and just for being there , your all the bestest friends
I am so so so happy for you!! It's like when my friend who had tried to have a baby for years finally exclaimed that she was pregnant, I just can't contain it!!!! YAY!!

Now, you must send me a daily picture ;)
She is so pretty! And she looks pretty bound and determine to destroy that Java tree. I wonder how long it will lasts, lol!

What do you mean , last ? Ha , only kidding , lol.
I was looking at it in the store and was saying , "this branch , this one , and this one will be gone in no time , these ones are pretty thick , should last a while" and my husband was just looking at me shaking his head, lolol. But I did get them for really cheap , so I can't complain. I have a double one up stairs for her that has a few branches that should keep her busy for a while. The others are pretty thick and should last for a while , hopefully. If not , I knew what I was gettig into , so I will have to replace them .

In the meantime , Yoshi and Rosie are on the big stand having a blast , lolol.
I hung all their new toys on it and it only took a short time for them to accept the new stand and start jumping on it :)
All is well with the world :)
Awww she sounds like an absolute doll!!

I agree with keeping her away from the Too's. I wish I didn't have my Macaw in with the CAGS, if I get a 2nd Macaw I'll probably put her back in the living room with the other and keep the CAGS in my office.. and they can visit on seperate playstands.. the dust is just so much.

and yes LAST lol
What are you trying to do with your computer? I bought an 27" Imac over a year ago and it was simple to run. I had it all running smoothly in 1hr doing setup. And it's all wireless the thing I love the most, no wires to deal with. Printer too!!! Bought the router, roku box, and got it all setup in 1hr.

I'm a proud uncle to have Stella calling me already! Love the video, need a spot light on Stella next time!!!
Stella is gorgeous!! Congrats to you both! I can't wait to see more pics. I have a friend in Michigan that has 4 pet Hyacinths. They are such magical birds!
Wow Stella is absolutely gorgeous!!!! You are so lucky! Congrats!!! Keep pictures coming. She is amazing.
What are you trying to do with your computer? I bought an 27" Imac over a year ago and it was simple to run. I had it all running smoothly in 1hr doing setup. And it's all wireless the thing I love the most, no wires to deal with. Printer too!!! Bought the router, roku box, and got it all setup in 1hr.

I'm a proud uncle to have Stella calling me already! Love the video, need a spot light on Stella next time!!!

Hi Mike !
I have a IMac . It is wireless and I have that router , it's a white box .
There is a tel. cord , the cable cord , and another cord that looks like a tel. cord.
Now , how can this be so difficult ?? If I take out either tel cord line ,my phone doesn't work, no matter where I connect it to....
When I turn on the computer , I can't get Internet matter how I try to change connections , I either lose the phone signal or I'm back to where I started , with no internet........I'm blond , I know , born that way :rolleyes:
And nobody else laugh !!!!!! Grrrrrr. :D:D:p. Only kidding. :09:
Congrats! So exciting, we've all been on pins and needles waiting for you to deliver this baby!! She is beautiful and can't wait to hear what the level of her loudest sound is, on a scale of 1 to 10! How old is she, again? So fun!
Congrats! So exciting, we've all been on pins and needles waiting for you to deliver this baby!! She is beautiful and can't wait to hear what the level of her loudest sound is, on a scale of 1 to 10! How old is she, again? So fun!

She hasn't hit the high notes yet , lolol. But I'm sure she will one day :)
The sounds she makes now are maybe a 1-2 , lolol. If I call her from the other room , she reacts and makes this low grunt like noise , lol. That is what my hubby calls it anyway :rolleyes: It's a very different noise then what we are used to with our TOOs . So , they should make a great band some day :/

Stella's hatchday is June 11,2011 . So it's coming up soon , my little baby will be a year old :).
it is exciting and fun. We are getting to know each other everyday.
I'm floored at how she looks you right in the eye! She has such a beautiful face and her expressions are so sweet. I can see her looking at me when I talk to her , she looks very intently at me.....almost makes me uneasy :/. But I knows he is trying to figure everything out yet. The woman who was taking care of her was blond too , and we both have the same voice , so that could be throwing her off a little , lolol. Stella is so huggable too , it's outrageous how she loves to be cuddled , just like my boy Yoshi :). I'm in heaven :)
Night :)
OH MY GOSH! shes gorgeous! you got a hyacinth, the crowning jewel of parrots (imo)! you must be ecstatic!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! :D! sorry I'm a little late lol. im so happy for you!
congrats!!!! I am so happy for you!! :) Having stella in your life must be amazing to you!! :)
congrats!!!! I am so happy for you!!
:) Having stella in your life must be amazing to you!! :)

Yes , she is amazing :). I love her good morning pose, lol.
Her back is facing me and she hangs her head over the perch and looks at me upside down , lolol. She does that a lot , she is so freakin cute ......
Hehe, Safira and Stella have almost the exact same hatchdays! Yay one year old birdies!

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