Stella is just so gentle and sweet , she's amazing. I can't describe her any other way !
She has already learned not to chew on mummy's clothes , lol.
I told her no a couple of times and that's all it took. I can't believe it !
She entertains herself very nicely in her cage or should I say apartment , lol. She has a few toys she really likes . Now I know what to,order more of , lol. I also made a couple myself with supplies from the store. That alone will save me lots along the way .....Stella loves her chew toys ! And her foot toys , she will hang upside down and play with she manages , I have no idea , lolol. Her favorite thing is to come to momma though

When I open the cage , she is ready with foot held up , opening and closing it till I put my arm in and say step up. She practically jumps onto my arm , such a cutie this girl !
When she is very happy and on my arm, she jumps up and down , lolol.
I need to video that for you guys , it's soooo cute

. If I bounce my arm she does it more , lol. . Her eyes are so expressive ! That is my favorite thing about Macaws , their eyes .
So beautiful ,warm and expressive.
I will send tons more pictures once I get my new computer working :/
I bought a new one the other day since my hubby's died. I thought , great , just take it home , plug it in , and it works , that simple. Well , apparently not !!!!!
I was in the Apple Store for like a hour or longer getting a little lesson on the new one and figured that's all it will take , I can figure it out as we go along .
Damn thing , I plugged it in , hooked up the new "router " I bought from Apple so I can get wifi , ando have the cable thingy router too. Well , my head is going to explode any minute , I swear , I can't take this crap !!!!!! ( small vent , sorry , had to )
Yoshi and Rosie , know there's another bird downstairs , and they do look a little perplexed , lolol. I can't wait till Stella can come upstairs for a visit. Buti think it's best after the quarantine she stay downstairs . I'm afraid with the TOOs dust and the keeps who are n the next landing going up , will be too much for Stella. So I want to play it safe.
She can come up and hang out for a while , but her cage is downstairs on her own floor .
Does anybody have any opinions on this , I would really like to know yours.
Stella's favorite fruit right now is apple

. She tried fresh bananas and i swear she made a funny face and spit it out

. lolol. Oh and she LOVES her brazil nuts too

We are trying new things everyday , so it's a fun experience every time

I dont know if I'm jinxing myself , but I wish Stella would make a little more noise , lolol.
She makes one that almost sounds like "mom" ,lolol. And she might know her name , but I think it hasn't been long enough , but she reacts to it every time I call to her. But I think she is just reacting to my voice

. W
Her cage is huge ! One of the stands we bought is tremendous ! I cant understand it ,
it didn't look that it in the store , lolol.
Thank you all for your well wishes , advice , wanting to adopt Stella and just for being there , your all the bestest friends