Setting a pet parrot free in its natural habitat?

This story just seems so crazy. I am glad that Peeko was rehomed to a great home, that at least is a positive outcome. I am outraged over the cats, but at least they are spayed. That lady really does need to see the light, and I believe the 'light' is at the tip of my boot and it needs planted where the sun don't shine. Mantis I'm sorry you've gone through all that, but 'life is like a box of chocolates.....' Thanks for updating.
NO NO NO...With most birds that escape they literally fly themselves to death. Reaching extortion. By this time the predatory birds have zoned in.
The bird, if escapes the above has no idea on food source and will decline rapidly.
This woman needs a good Slap in the chops!!.
Take the bird to your vet s it can be properly re homed
I am sorry you had to rehome Peeko. I know what it is like to have a strict father. However, I can not get my head around them letting guest dictate how they live. Have you saved enough to find you a place or maybe move with a friend? I understand your need to save money but I think it is best to move as soon as possible. My father was a no pets in the house kind of guy but my mom allowed me to keep birds and my father did not complain since he saw that having a pet was good for me. I live in my own house now and know my father would never allow another bird in his house because they are messy. When you move out I would explain to your parents how it upset you to give up your pets. I would say you are growing up and spreading your wings but when those guest came you felt like a stranger and a normal life that allow you to do things such as use a microwave was destroyed. You know it is their house and desire to respect that and their rules but you began to feel like a stranger when the guest started dictating. Point out a lot of people would not tolerate those guest (even my dad wouldn't). While you love your parents a lot they failed to see that you did not view your pets as someone would view pieces of furniture etc. I hope you find a place and hope you get to calmly tell your parents how you feel. To be honest part of me hopes your parents could see what I wrote.
Your guest's "vision" of liberating Peeko is a very manipulative rationalization for getting what she wants. The fact that your father agrees makes me think maybe he wants the bird gone & is just using your "guest" so he won't have to be the bad guy. I do think it would be great for Peeko to be in the room with you; I think it would encourage his bonding with you & calm him down, ESPECIALLY if he has been in the crosshairs of your 3 cats! Your other pets do not have the same need for companionship that an intelligent parrot does. Even if it's a pain, I think it would be worth it to move the other critters where Peeko is & put Peeko in the little room with you. Perhaps staring at your lizards for a change would encourage your "guest" to rethink her position or nudge her in the direction of the door. If none of this sounds feasible, the only other thing I can think of is finding a parrot sanctuary or posting flyers in vets' offices. It would be a shame though; Peeko has already been traumatized once with "abandonment." Putting him (& you) through this ordeal seems cruel. I am so sorry for you both.
I'm so glad to hear the bird ended up in a good home and not tossed out by crazy lady. Glad you came back with an update. Sorry to hear you're still there, but that IS something you can change and hopefully you'll be able to get the means to get out of that insane asylum.
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I wonder if there is a way to change the title of my post, a lot of people are thinking I wanted to release my bird into the wild which was not the case... I know very well enough not to let a pet of ANY kind, not just birds, go into the wild. However it was the crazy lady that even brought up that idea and I needed confirmation to show my mother exactly why it is a bad idea to release pets.

One thing I had also forgotten to mention, I have my job at Petco now. I've been working there for a little over two months, and its going pretty good. However, my biggest problem right now is my car situation. I cant go anywhere without a way to drive (petco is walking distance).
I still barely even know HOW to drive. I'm going through classes, but im stuck on the very last one, highway driving and the test. I need more practice and experience on my own, which I can't do yet until my current car either gets fixed or exchanged for another one because of this dang shady dealership were dealing with. And I certainly can't move anywhere in a friends house, because then I wouldn't have a way to get to work or earn any sort of income. I really am just stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Sure, I really appreciate the benefits of free rent and no bills living here, but so much has changed recently it doesnt even feel like my home anymore. My dad has actually recently started asking for money to help with bills and just for no reason at all, although I got out of it. I only rejected his "offer" because I know very well he only needs the extra money because our guests are jacking up the bills and grocery costs. I just buy my own food now. The only thing I consume from them anymore is the occasional big meal they cook for everyone or lettuce for my tortoise since the Target by my house doesn't sell fresh veggies, and then theres the usual lights/internet/water which hasn't changed. The guests however consume so much electricity and internet that our bill went from (rough estimate) 130 to 280.
Tell her that if you were set that bird free, he will surely die either of the diseases other wild birds and other animals carry, or he could be attacked and killed by a bigger bird or another creature. Does she really want you to sentence him to a life of pain, starvation, sickness and eventually death? If she does, she clearly has no respect for animal life, and honestly, if I had someone living in my house like that, I would kick them out pronto!

Also, he's not accustomed to having to search the wild for food, nor is he accustomed to be half starved (well, starved compared to the good constant food he has now as a pet). The dangers are overwhelming if I was to make a list of all the dangers. He hasn't been brought up by wild birds in the wild to know exactly what animals are ok to be around, and which ones to never ever go near! (like my bird who recently got lost, she went to investigate a cat and got attacked, luckily she escaped unharmed).

That woman would drive me INSANE as well! They are the 'guests'. If they can't handle your bird, then perhaps they should find somewhere else to live. Have a good talk with your parents, you are 18, therefor you are an adult and have the right to be able to keep your pet bird. Especially if it's just these 'new-ish' people who have an issue with it. You were living there long before they were. They cannot move in, and then demand you release your pet because THEY don't like it.

Try to ignore that woman as much as possible.. otherwise you'll just get so angry and frustrated that you'll go off your head at her one day when she REALLY crosses the line..if you're like me that is. ^^
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Mike17, that's extremely hot! 40C= 104F (I'm a nerd, I had to look it up). 47C=117F. WOW. :eek: On June 29th we hit 106F= 41C.

We have a lot of humidity here. The Gulf of Mexico is 232km away. Is your area where you live a desert dry heat or is it humid?

It gets to 48 degrees here every summer - 118.4 fahrenheit. It's a very rare lucky summer when it doesn't reach that! So yes, not sure what I'll do with all my birds outside this summer [20+ parrots, summer just beginning now] - maybe I'll just have to go out every so often and spray them with a hose attachment/mister.
Awww just read your update about Peeko going. :( Good that he's in a nice home though. ^^

The MICROWAVE!? They have actually weaselled their way into your Fathers mind SO much that the Microwave is ACTUALLY outside?! OH That is a NEW kind of PATHETIC!!!

Microwaves are only bad if you stand directly infront of them while they are on. But apart from that... OUTSIDE!?!?!? THEY ARE NUTJOBS!!! If they REALLY don't like 'new age' stuff that we rely on so much, then maybe they should go become Amish and LIVE in their own 'Amish Paradise'. - Weird Al ;P

Your Dad REALLY needs some sense slapped into that skull of his! How DARE he take these house-guests, or ANYONES word over his own WIFES! That is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE! My husband would even say that sort of behaviour is unacceptable and downright WRONG! Your poor Mother D: She must feel so awful.. to have NO say in what goe son in her home. As my husband would say, The Workplace and the Shed belong to the husband, the home belongs to the Wife. It is the wife that has the children, looks after them, tend to be the house-cleaner etc. It. is. her. HOME! Sorry.. but this has REALLY aggravated me! A mans wife must ALWAYS come first, even before their own children. So if he won't even heed his wifes thoughts etc, then I'm so sorry, but you have absolutely no chance. :( He really needs to get in gear and pull his socks up! *so aggravated*
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