Setting a pet parrot free in its natural habitat?


New member
Dec 10, 2012
None currently!
I am pretty sure I know the answer to this but I would like to have some clarification so I know what to say in an argument. If you aren't interested in the situation (I would at least skim, its very..... interesting, to say the least) then just skip down to the very last part.)

The story and situation is, my parents recently took in some people that are now living here for a little while until they can find their own place. I am now being pressured to get rid of some of my animals because they have allergies and you can guess I am not too happy about this. My amazon in particular is causing the most trouble because of the apparent bird dander and noise that was never much of an issue before they came. Theres nothing I can do about this because I'm living under my parents roof (I'm only 18) and my dads the homeowner. One of them thats staying with us, a lady, I believe is a little... not in the right mind.

She is one of those extremely spiritual people that speaks light language (look it up), is into everything completely all-natural, is allergic to practically everything in the house and anything chemical-related, prohibits the use of bleach or microwaves, and quite frankly its driving me crazy. She claims she can speak to animals and plants and can sense the energy around and she knows what they want and what they are feeling, somewhat like a psychic. I'm not going to get into my thoughts on this and I'm not trying to say that this stuff is bad, my point is that this isn't my lifestyle and its having an affect on me that I'm not happy with.

Anyway. Back to the bird. Peeko is my (approx) 2 year old male YC Amazon that I've had for about a year now. We got him for free from some people that were moving and were about to abandon him. They were keeping him in a cage outside permanently (which I'm already pretty sure is a big no-no) even during the winter. I don't think he got a whole lot of attention. I am not an experienced parrot owner but I am experienced with other animals in general, so I didn't know everything right off the bat. I've looked up a lot of guides on training though and they were finally just starting to work. He is currently being housed indoors in a X-large 6 ft tall cage, fed high quality ZuPreem pellets, and a mix of fruits and veggies every day.

Peeko does try to bite and I haven't been able to hold him yet, but he shows progress with target training and treats with a clicker. He does know a few words like Hello and Hi bird, and he laughs, sings, and dances when you do. Hes a ham for attention and he will sometimes make a fuss when he doesn't get it. I can't always give him the attention he needs and this is the only reason I think he can find a better home.

The lady is telling us that Peeko makes a fuss because he wants to be set free into the wild. I don't really know how much of this I believe, but I don't even know if its possible to set him free. She says he should be rehabilitated to his natural habitat and that birds were never meant to be caged. She says we can also give him up to a zoo. I would much rather sell him to a more experienced parrot owner who can bring out the potential in him and give him more attention. What do you personally think is the most responsible choice?

Long story short: The lady is telling us that the bird wants to be set free. Peeko is a 2 year old male YC Amazon that isn't completely hand tame but is dependent on food and water out of bowls. Is it possible to rehome a parrot such as this into the wild (not locally- a native area like South America) or a zoo? I'd like to see him go to a more experienced parrot owner that can give him more attention. What do you think is the most responsible choice?
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no, he would not be able to survive in the wild safely. he was not raised by wild birds to locate native wild foods... he'd starve to death.

its a very common misconception of people to think a bird can just be tossed outside. the most responsible choice is to keep him as a pet, as it is all he knows.

as to the lady, she should have more respect for you, since YOU are the one who lives there first, not her. she should not be the way she is to the people who took her in... how ungrateful :( no offense, but i'd be having a word with your parents about how she is trampling your feelings. that's not right.
i think that a bird thats never been wild doesnt really miss it they dont after all know about it and my birds certainty have fun and are happy birds not living in the wild. i have a bird that i cant leave in a cage outside alone cause he will scream for me to come he is a shy bird and feels most comfortable with me. Also NEVER set a tamed handreared parrot free they wouldnt know the first thing abut dangers and how to find food and water on their own its a bad idea!!! You should talk to your parents about how you are their child and your bird is your baby practically it depends on you for everything those people really dont have a right to come into your familys home and demand you get rid of your companion bird I get you cant really do anything but I sure wish you could just make the people leave! If you really cant keep the bird find it a home with someone who is knowledgeable on parrots please dont set it free that wouldnt be a good idea!
For a pet bird to even have a chance of being released into the wild they would need to go to a conservation group, who would slowly teach the bird what foods to eat, how to survive, and release with a entire flock of birds. But those are normally birds raised for release, not pets.

You should not have to rehome your bird! Set up air filters, keep your bird in your room with you. I would never rehome a pet because of an extended house guest, they can deal with it and take allergy medication. Be firm about your decision if you want to keep your bird and don't back down.
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I may have made the lady seem a lot meaner than she is. Yes she is a hypochondriac nut thats pressuring us to get rid of the bird. But she isn't mean-spirited or heartless, shes actually fairly nice. I think shes just..... misunderstood and she believes what she thinks is right. I can't really just barge to my parents and tell them shes crazy and needs to leave. My dad especially will always take their side on things like this. Messed up I know, but my dad is extremely stubborn and has eye problems so he wants the bird gone just as much. The sad thing is, he liked Peeko for a while. He only recently started to complain about his eye problems and the noise when they came to live here. Its like they've got him corrupted!

I actually don't know anything about Peekos past other than that he came from his previous owners. I have no idea if he was hand-reared or even wild caught or vetted. We were never able to take him sadly and yes I know that is irresponsible as a parrot owner. He does have a band on his foot, no idea if it means anything. I was thinking of trying to find a way to contact the old owners if possible and asking some questions on that...

(Btw DallyTsuka, I LOVE Munchlax's name. Huge Pokemon fan here. :D Peeko's name actually came from the Wingull in Pokemon Emerald!)
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well what about your mother? will she listen to you if you politely express your concerns? no, i wouldnt call your house guest MEAN... just a little ungrateful in my opinion. i mean, she's being housed and she thinks she can tell you how to treat your pets? i think that's a little unsettling in my books, she should be a bit more polite about it, despite her beliefs. different views dont get respected by being thrusted upon others. ;) i think maybe you might want to just talk one on one with your mother and explain that you are feeling quite a bit uneasy with the situation and explain to her how much peeko means to you and try to work out a way to work this out for all involved :)

and yes, pokemon fan here too. but it was my husband who named munch lol
Wow, just reading this has me at a loss for words. She is a guest on your parents home. A guest! You are not a guest, you are their child. She seems a bit too creepy for me. I would kindly ask her to keep her comments to herself and then avoid her like the plague. I don't understand people like this. So what is she going to tell your parents next that since your 18 you should move out, to set you free. I think it might be time to have a sit down alone with your parent and tell them how you feel. Maybe it's time thier guest should be set free, not your bird. Sorry probably not the best advise but people like this get under my skin.
Ok as you are 18 and also in the eyes of the law now, no more than a house guest your self, you need to tread lightly. Is there a shed on the property you can set up as a bird room until these folks leave? Amazons can handle cooler temps and where you are this should not be a issue.
Comes down to it, a place you could run away and hide and hang out with your bird with out hearing the comments may be the best for you also.
Oh boy, you don't want me to respond to this the way i'd like to. The "woman" is clueless and i'll leave it at that. Except to add she needs to worry more about "fixing" herself instead of the rest of the world.
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Ok as you are 18 and also in the eyes of the law now, no more than a house guest your self, you need to tread lightly. Is there a shed on the property you can set up as a bird room until these folks leave? Amazons can handle cooler temps and where you are this should not be a issue.
Comes down to it, a place you could run away and hide and hang out with your bird with out hearing the comments may be the best for you also.

This is exactly why there is nothing I can really do. I'm no more than a guest myself legally speaking. I also have more than just the bird, I also have 2 sugar gliders, 3 cats, a turtle, 2 chameleons, and a bearded dragon under my care. Peeko isn't kept in my room because his cage is way too big for my tiny room, and the reptiles are in here. I'm starting to wonder though if I should sacrifice some space and do some renovating.... it would be in the best interest for everyone as the reptiles stress easily and do not like traffic, they would do better in minimum company room. Putting Peeko in here will quiet him down some. That is going to be such a huge hassle though and im not even sure I could do it.

As for finding a place I can just run and hide, ha, I wish... theres no where I can go with as many animals as I have. I love all of my animals, not just Peeko. And it wouldn't be very smart to move out so early with no income (yet, I do have a job lined up) and while I can still benefit from living off free rent.
Ok as you are 18 and also in the eyes of the law now, no more than a house guest your self, you need to tread lightly. Is there a shed on the property you can set up as a bird room until these folks leave? Amazons can handle cooler temps and where you are this should not be a issue.
Comes down to it, a place you could run away and hide and hang out with your bird with out hearing the comments may be the best for you also.

This is exactly why there is nothing I can really do. I'm no more than a guest myself legally speaking. I also have more than just the bird, I also have 2 sugar gliders, 3 cats, a turtle, 2 chameleons, and a bearded dragon under my care. Peeko isn't kept in my room because his cage is way too big for my tiny room, and the reptiles are in here. I'm starting to wonder though if I should sacrifice some space and do some renovating.... it would be in the best interest for everyone as the reptiles stress easily and do not like traffic, they would do better in minimum company room. Putting Peeko in here will quiet him down some. That is going to be such a huge hassle though and im not even sure I could do it.

As for finding a place I can just run and hide, ha, I wish... theres no where I can go with as many animals as I have. I love all of my animals, not just Peeko. And it wouldn't be very smart to move out so early with no income (yet, I do have a job lined up) and while I can still benefit from living off free rent.

I think that henpecked nailed it when they said "she needs to worry more about "fixing" herself instead of the rest of the world."
Lets put it into perspective. If I was told I had to give up some stuff to keep my bird and animals I would happily sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag. I would give just about anything up and would do anything I could to "make it work" If this is something you can not or are not willing to do , then maybe you should look for a great bird home for the zon. AS you are so young and at this time not even able to buy the food to feed your pets your self. I would be asking my self some long hard questions, not just about the parrot, but the other pets also.
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Not going to lie, I'm loving the comments on the guests.... :p Also I could talk to my mom but we thing she also might be allergic. I just need a way I can prove Peeko can't be set free and I need to find a way I can keep him if possible. If I can't then I will make sure he goes to a good home.

He is sadly already on craigslist (made a huge long explanation and description of him, named a price) and I will make sure he goes to someone good. I'm not too worried about him going soon because CL is often not very responsive especially in my area and not too many people want to pay the price. But if someone does respond I'll be ready.

For now though I'm going to try and see if I can work something out for the time being... if I can get everyone to calm down about the bird and stall before someone takes him theres still a chance we can work out something maybe.
Two courses of action appear necessary. First, the lady needs to be "set free" (either that or confined, LOL) Second,Seek out your own independence. It might take some time, but I'm an old Jarhead (US Marine) who started working at 14 and was on my own by 18. So I'm not much on long term residency with parents. The sooner you cut yourself free, the sooner they will respect you and your "property".
Do you have a close friend you could stay with while your parents have the house guest? I have a very close relationship with my best friend and her entire family, if my house was ever tented or it wasn't safe for the birds to live in they would gladly let me and the fids, giant cages and all, stay at their house.
Lets put it into perspective. If I was told I had to give up some stuff to keep my bird and animals I would happily sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag. I would give just about anything up and would do anything I could to "make it work" If this is something you can not or are not willing to do , then maybe you should look for a great bird home for the zon. AS you are so young and at this time not even able to buy the food to feed your pets your self. I would be asking my self some long hard questions, not just about the parrot, but the other pets also.

Yes I understand what you are saying, but why should she have too?
I'm currently in Central America and many of the native parrots are wild caught. I'll bet 9/10 of native pet parrots are wild caught.

With this said, even people here will tell you that you cannot release it back to the wild. It'll die a cruel death. First of all, there are wild white fronted amazons that pass over my house everyday and even if I released Milo in the morning when they're going to look for food there's no guarantee he'll understand he has to follow them. Even if he does they might not accept him. Also, he's a bit of a picky eater so the first days would be rough on him, but he may lighten up (if he survives them). You're feeding your parrot pellets right now, how do you know he'll know what to eat?

Would your parrot know and understand predators? Would they understand when there is danger? What about bodies of water? Does your parrot know it can drown in it?

Now what about night time? Where will he sleep? How will he sleep? If he doesn't find a proper area to sleep he will be eaten.

Also, depending on the band it can indicate if there's a chance he's wild caught. If it's an open, he may have, if it's one that can only placed when they're days old, I highly doubt it.

If your father would prefer a friend over their own child's wishes then I think you should let your parrot go to an awesome home. Please don't release him. I highly doubt he'll stand a chance. Start looking for a good home for him now while you still have time so you can see who'll be the best match.
Peeko is my (approx) 2 year old male YC Amazon that I've had for about a year now. We got him for free from some people that were moving and were about to abandon him. They were keeping him in a cage outside permanently (which I'm already pretty sure is a big no-no) even during the winter.
Keeping him outside isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as he is safe from predators, has protection from wind, rain, sun, cold and heat and he's in a good sized enclosure.

If his dander is an issue, you can bathe him daily and lightly mist the cage papers before you clean them every day. This will help keep feathers and such from flying around. Vacuum around the cage daily, and if you can get one, get a true HEPA filter without an ionizer.

The lady is telling us that Peeko makes a fuss because he wants to be set free into the wild. I don't really know how much of this I believe, but I don't even know if its possible to set him free. She says he should be rehabilitated to his natural habitat and that birds were never meant to be caged. She says we can also give him up to a zoo.
There was one bird of mine in particular that if * knew* he could survive in the wild (which I knew he couldn't have), I would have set him free! I felt so bad for him and I wanted to give him the world! (he had multiple health prolems) But alas, I could not. My other birds? Nope, not going anywhere! LOL

Birds raised for release are parent raised birds. Being that he's hand raised, he would not do well being released because he does not have the fear of humans that he should. He also doesn't know how to forage for food, what foods are good to eat, and what predators to avoid.

You said he has a band and that he's 2 years old. This confirms that he is captive bred and raised. Peeko would have to be older than you (21+ years old in fact) in order for there to be any chance of him being wild caught... and even if he was wild caught, it doesn't mean that he has any clue how to live in the wild! Many wild caught parrots were captured as chicks out of their nests, so they never learned what it's like to truly be wild.

Yes, it is possible to put him into a zoo setting, however, this would require a zoo who would want them. Not all zoos will accept parrots... and if he was put into a rehabilitation program, it would not be for release, but to breed birds like him for release, since he's hand raised. This would also require having a program out there that specifically breeds this species for release.

I've been in a somewhat similar situation as yourself... having too many pets to move out without the money necessary. I've had a few friends say that I could move in with them, but at the time I didn't have a job... and also having birds that can be noisy, that's not something I wanted to put on them. They all said that the noise wouldn't bother them, but a lot of people also don't realize just how *noisy* birds can be! Smaller species may not be deafening, but they can chirp throughout the entire day. Larger species may not make a lot of noise throughout the day, but when they scream, it can be deafening! Because of this, I stayed home longer than the majority of people my own age. Right now, I'm looking at getting a loan to put a house that I've been living in for a year and a half now into my name. I do currently have a job as well, although I'm actually wanting to get a new job.

I wish you the best of luck in the job you've applied for or are looking to get!
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Lets put it into perspective. If I was told I had to give up some stuff to keep my bird and animals I would happily sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag. I would give just about anything up and would do anything I could to "make it work" If this is something you can not or are not willing to do , then maybe you should look for a great bird home for the zon. AS you are so young and at this time not even able to buy the food to feed your pets your self. I would be asking my self some long hard questions, not just about the parrot, but the other pets also.

Oh I'm paying for nearly everything. Cat food, litter, crickets for the reptiles, Peekos pellets, all of their supplies, the only thing my parents help out on is the fresh fruits and veggies that they ALREADY buy for the house. And the only reason I'm not getting that myself is because all I have is my bike and there is no grocery store close by (but there is a Petco.) Petco is where I'm about to start working actually. I went over there so often that they want to hire me. :)
I am able to pay for all of these things because before I was 18, I started to get my own Social Security money. That only lasted for a few months though. After that and after I graduated high school, my grandmother sent me a check for my own car. I had to use some of that money for the animals but it's about to be replenished with my first paycheck fairly soon. Trying to find the right car and getting drivers ed is a whole nother hassle. I do consider myself fairly lucky despite my situation with Peeko.
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Do you have a close friend you could stay with while your parents have the house guest? I have a very close relationship with my best friend and her entire family, if my house was ever tented or it wasn't safe for the birds to live in they would gladly let me and the fids, giant cages and all, stay at their house.

I have several close friends + a brother and a boyfriend, but their situation isn't the best either. They are either on extremely low income and can barely support themselves or have an area such as a trailer thats too small for any of my animals, particularly a large cage.

I'm currently in Central America and many of the native parrots are wild caught. I'll bet 9/10 of native pet parrots are wild caught.

With this said, even people here will tell you that you cannot release it back to the wild. It'll die a cruel death. First of all, there are wild white fronted amazons that pass over my house everyday and even if I released Milo in the morning when they're going to look for food there's no guarantee he'll understand he has to follow them. Even if he does they might not accept him. Also, he's a bit of a picky eater so the first days would be rough on him, but he may lighten up (if he survives them). You're feeding your parrot pellets right now, how do you know he'll know what to eat?

Would your parrot know and understand predators? Would they understand when there is danger? What about bodies of water? Does your parrot know it can drown in it?

Now what about night time? Where will he sleep? How will he sleep? If he doesn't find a proper area to sleep he will be eaten.

Also, depending on the band it can indicate if there's a chance he's wild caught. If it's an open, he may have, if it's one that can only placed when they're days old, I highly doubt it.

If your father would prefer a friend over their own child's wishes then I think you should let your parrot go to an awesome home. Please don't release him. I highly doubt he'll stand a chance. Start looking for a good home for him now while you still have time so you can see who'll be the best match.

Thanks for this, I think this is all the info I need for proof as to why I can't release him. Like I said, I was pretty sure of the answer before I even made this thread, I was just looking for clarification, backup, and to know what to say when it gets brought up again.
I would like to know more about the band though. What do you mean if its open? Peekos band is metal and I think it has some numbers on it. If you need any more info I can tell you, I'll have to go look.

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