Screeching conure


New member
Feb 26, 2025
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Green cheek conure
Hello all, I’ve asked a couple questions here before and I have another.

(The tl;dr is that I have a screeching conure during cage time).

I recently purchased an approximately 1 y.o green cheeked conure that is believed to be male three weeks ago. He has bonded quickly with me and I think the relationship is moving along well. One problem is he dislikes being in his cage, however there are times when he has to be in there if I can’t watch him. He will bite me when I attempt to get him in and when I eventually do it he will start to screech loudly and will not stop. I have tried to ignore him and that doesn’t work so I started going to his cage and saying “stop” or “quiet”. That only works for maybe 3 mins. The problem is I have family living in the home with me and I’m sure it’s driving them crazy. How can I stop him from this very loud screeching during cage time? Thank you.


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