Clingy conure - biting


New member
Jan 29, 2025
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I have a conure who is about 2 yrs old. When he's out he always has to be on me. It's great, until he gets hungry or thirsty. He will not leave me to go to his food. Instead he nibbles and bites (not too hard most of the time). I have multiple spots for food, and if i put him with the food that is out, he will eat for a minute then go back to me, and start nibbling again. When I put him in his cage, he will eat for a long time.
Any advice?
It sounds like he's preening you but doesn't understand that bare skin can't be preened like feathers can. In my experience it's hard to get a bird to understand this. I would wear a hooded tee shirt or sweatshirt and let him preen the fabric.
so so true. My conure loves to do this but when he is hungry oh he will go to my lips and tap it till I take him to his cage hilarious 😂
I daren't offer training advice... I'm a shameless indulger and helpless toadie for my bird. But you'll get loads of good advice here, like the above!
I'm glad you're here.

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