Problem with screeching Senegal parrot


New member
Dec 1, 2024
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Senegal parrot
Hi, everyone! I’m new on here and have a 10-15 year old estimated Senegal parrot. I adopted him about a year and 4 months ago and for the first 9 months he was so great and screeched minimally. When summer hit in May he started screeching a lot more. He screeches when he’s in the cage, when he’s out of the cage running around, when he has new toys, when he’s sitting on my lap, when I’m petting him, when he’s around people, it’s constant. He gets at least 2-3 hours out w day but normally close to 5. I have a travel backpack for him so he gets to go on adventures, he goes outside in an outside cage but still screeches no matter how much enrichment I give him. I target train with him, worl on positive reinforcement, have him on roudy bush and oven fresh bites diet, he gets fresh veggies and fruit. However, he developed a cataract in his eye over the summer and I’m wondering if that is the cause of his screeching. The vet thinks it’s from the previous diet from his previous home. Is there anything I can do to stop the screeching and can anyone think of anything else the screeching may be? I read somewhere that fruit (sugar) can increase screeching, does anyone have any experience with this? He’s also been becoming more aggressive( jumping at hands or towel) I’ve worked at a sanctuary with parrots and a Zoo so I understand parrot behavior but I’m definitely missing something unless it is the cataract. I’m really just looking for any advice I feel like I’ve exhausted all my options and the screeching is beginning to get to me. Does anyone have any trainer recommendations? Also, just a note I don’t clip him but he was clipped in a previous home. I also know to only pet on the head but it still seems as if he views me as a mate at times because he likes to attempt to regurgitate over my feet and hands.
My ramblings...

Patagonians are generally (and worthily) considered the loudest parrots.

May I add some thoughts about expectations? I hope I don't sound preach-y. I also want to make it clear that I completely support all the great advice on training!
My bird is "difficult", and so I have expressed these thoughts so often that I made a cut-and-paste (below). Apologies to those of you who've heard it a zillion times!
My bird is pretty awful. He's a fun mimic and a real character, but...
Even after all these years, I sometimes find myself putting myself or my bird down... stuff like...
Stuff like that.
Since he's fully flighted, the ONLY way I get him into the cage is to toss a chile pepper in and he flaps in after it. So food reward is a necessity for me. Time-out doesn't exist in the Rb's kingdom.
But the Rb is a parrot... in his particular case, one generation out of the wild.
I do all the right things, as much/well as I can, but in the end, I just LOVE my bird,
Some parrots are SO SWEET, some are NOT. I'm a bit JEALOUS of those successes.
I have lessened my psychological and physical wounds over the decades... not because I've changed the bird, but I have changed me. And a lot of that has involved giving up on a lot of my desires/expectations. After years of battle, I surrendered.
Consequently, I have a Tazmanian Devil on my hands. I love him. I have no complaints, really. He's HIMSELF. And I'm MYSELF. And the result... check my Signature for videos. etc., if you like.
Over the years, I have sometimes been very embarrassed/downhearted/sad about having a pet that was so... out of my control. But it is my choice to indulge and adore him.
Finally, I accepted that I have an amazing half-wild being who shares my life! It's magic enough for me!
Parrot-owners usually wind up determining their own personal comfort level with various behaviors, and it's okay to be okay with that.

As for grumpy neighbors, I recommend cookies, gift certificates, flowers. I have used these proactively and reactively. I also made my ol' man mow a lady's lawn a few times!
Good for you for reaching out. The SEARCH tab above is really good for researching things you want to know about.

I'm glad you're here.
Hi, everyone! I’m new on here and have a 10-15 year old estimated Senegal parrot. I adopted him about a year and 4 months ago and for the first 9 months he was so great and screeched minimally. When summer hit in May he started screeching a lot more. He screeches when he’s in the cage, when he’s out of the cage running around, when he has new toys, when he’s sitting on my lap, when I’m petting him, when he’s around people, it’s constant. He gets at least 2-3 hours out w day but normally close to 5. I have a travel backpack for him so he gets to go on adventures, he goes outside in an outside cage but still screeches no matter how much enrichment I give him. I target train with him, worl on positive reinforcement, have him on roudy bush and oven fresh bites diet, he gets fresh veggies and fruit. However, he developed a cataract in his eye over the summer and I’m wondering if that is the cause of his screeching. The vet thinks it’s from the previous diet from his previous home. Is there anything I can do to stop the screeching and can anyone think of anything else the screeching may be? I read somewhere that fruit (sugar) can increase screeching, does anyone have any experience with this? He’s also been becoming more aggressive( jumping at hands or towel) I’ve worked at a sanctuary with parrots and a Zoo so I understand parrot behavior but I’m definitely missing something unless it is the cataract. I’m really just looking for any advice I feel like I’ve exhausted all my options and the screeching is beginning to get to me. Does anyone have any trainer recommendations? Also, just a note I don’t clip him but he was clipped in a previous home. I also know to only pet on the head but it still seems as if he views me as a mate at times because he likes to attempt to regurgitate over my feet and hands.
I would recommend starting with taking out fruit and other sugar from his diet.
he developed a cataract in his eye over the summer
He’s also been becoming more aggressive( jumping at hands or towel)

I'd consider these two things are very likely related. A bird's eyes are on the side, so he's lost vision on half his environment. I'd be more surprised if he *wasn't* jumpy.

The screeching is another thing, and he's trying to communicate. Maybe because he's lost vision, maybe because he's trying to locate his flock, maybe because he's frustrated. All you can do it try to be there - and always let him know when you're around, especially on his blind side - so you're not suddenly popping up and surprising him.

Scooter doesn't have vision problems, but the garage door is out of her sight. First thing I do when I open it at the end of the day is whistle to her. She knows it's me and she's no longer stressed about weird sounds coming from a place she can't see, she's excited that I'm home.

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