Scientists discover that parrots hate techno

Bosley loves rock and metal guitar, August likes pop and easy listening, she tries to sing along LOL
Sweet Pea likes the Meow Mix commercial.
Thank you both Tab and Blue for that answer. :D
My poor birds have to listen to mostly 1960 music or folk songs and easy listening music and Peruvian music. I love the sounds of bamboo flutes.:rolleyes::)
hahaha yes its a boy band.. I had never listened to them before until a few days ago, cause i really hate justin beiber, so i thought i wouldn't like them :p but! i listened to all of their songs, but only liked 2 of them, so Fargo can have the other 2 on repeat ;)
Heres the video, it's only short :) and i sing for a second :o
He talked more through what makes you beautiful, but then started regurgitating through one thing :p hahaha

fargo loves 1D - YouTube

Tab.. when my macaw does that, he's
My boyfriend likes 80s punk, new wave, etc., and Darcy expresses a noticeable opinion from one song to the next. Some songs he just sits there looking bored, and other songs he will rock out!
That's such a strange study. Imagine asking for the funding for the study from the university/institution for it:

"Hey, we need some money to test out which music parrots like the most"
"... Just because?"

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