Salty is RELENTLESS !!


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
Oh my Lord - will mating season ever stop! So, Salty's mating season this year started in Dec and continues ... and continues and continues! He was going through this exceptionally LOUD period, which seems to have calmed down a bit, but now, and this is HIGHLY unusual for him, he is seeking out every single dark hiding spot in the house! Relentlessly and with great determination! We have had to block up, deny entrance to or remove so many places around the house, it's almost comical. Under couches, in bookshelves, entertainment center, you name it. If its slightly darker then the room, he wants IN ! Funny thing, Salty was never much of a flyer or one to climb down from his cage and go exploring, but now? I no sooner retrieve him from some spot then he climbs down or flies over to it again. Attacking the wood I use to block things up with, almost maniacal in intensity. We have been following my own good advice - 12 hrs sleep, no fruit or sugar bearing foods, no touching except head, no access to shreddy type stuff or toys, etc but it seems to make little difference.

I feel so bad for my horny little rooster! Aside from me venting a bit, maybe this can help others appreciate how intense mating season can be for our parrots!
Mine was at vet yesterday for routines. I asked him because having similar problems with my soon ro be 21 yo CAG hen. Started before Xmas, and still going strong. He said he's getting more then usual avians; Molting intermittent or constant, feather color changes, moods fluctuating like a pendulum, spontaneous aggression and so much more. This is going on with healthy, normal exams & labs like my CAG. She's normally fairly cooperative but was growling, fluffing, hacking aggressive barking, even to me! Owners are bringing in healthy birds asking why their nice sweet pet is an unpredictable pain. He suggested using avian light therapy with controlled light and dark times. It's use is becoming more common. The usual; limit warm food, avoid excessive carbs etc. My CAG is in the pendulum class. Sweet, aggressive, calm, attack status, posturing, aggressive and repeated. She's even started sleeping in her 'waste not' food box! It's clear acrylic or similar. I'm lucky in knowing her 'tells'. So I'm going to send a virtual pat on the back to all suffering.
Same here
Ms. Behaving is always a pain however.
The only thing that slows her roll is the BOSS being in the room. She is calm and cool around the BOSS as she sees her as a rival.
Oh my Lord - will mating season ever stop! So, Salty's mating season this year started in Dec and continues ... and continues and continues! He was going through this exceptionally LOUD period, which seems to have calmed down a bit, but now, and this is HIGHLY unusual for him, he is seeking out every single dark hiding spot in the house! Relentlessly and with great determination! We have had to block up, deny entrance to or remove so many places around the house, it's almost comical. Under couches, in bookshelves, entertainment center, you name it. If its slightly darker then the room, he wants IN ! Funny thing, Salty was never much of a flyer or one to climb down from his cage and go exploring, but now? I no sooner retrieve him from some spot then he climbs down or flies over to it again. Attacking the wood I use to block things up with, almost maniacal in intensity. We have been following my own good advice - 12 hrs sleep, no fruit or sugar bearing foods, no touching except head, no access to shreddy type stuff or toys, etc but it seems to make little difference.

I feel so bad for my horny little rooster! Aside from me venting a bit, maybe this can help others appreciate how intense mating season can be for our parrots!
My budgies are very hormonal, and everyone, it seems, wants SEX! Boys with girls and boys with boys! No girls with girls, if that means anything in the avian world. I found my best girl female budgie Rocky exploring in the trash can next to the dining table where we all hang out. We keep it covered with a piece of cardboard and only put paper waste in it. There was a one inch gap and she squeezed in while her faithful manservant Beau looked on. Imagine my surprise when I went to put some trash in and out popped Rocky! I wish I could get them back to normal, but I'm beginning to think that with a small mixed flock of happy, healthy budgies, this IS normal! I don't begrudge them their "pleasure" but I don't want more budgies!
At least you don't have this problem with Salty. Without a mate it's bound to stop! I had to laugh when you said you were just "venting" because that's what we call budgies mating- that and "doing the humpty dance"!
I know mating season varies from year to year - I can remember a few years ago, while not overly strong, it just lasted FOREVER, like into May if I'm right.
JJ is still screaming way more than usual and I thought it was just us because hormone season shouldn’t still be going on in late March? Right? But it sounds like a lot of people are dealing with awful, long lasting hormones this year. At least we’re all in it together!
Well this is probably just wishful thinking.
But yesterday I had a mostly calm and behaved grey
Maybe the hormones are starting to subside here(fingers crossed)
The BOSS suggested that maybe she heard me talking about adopting another cockatoo and figured she should be good?
Don't know what it was but I enjoyed it.
Well this is probably just wishful thinking.
But yesterday I had a mostly calm and behaved grey
Maybe the hormones are starting to subside here(fingers crossed)
The BOSS suggested that maybe she heard me talking about adopting another cockatoo and figured she should be good?
Don't know what it was but I enjoyed it.
Maybe. My feathered owner this morning woke up singing and blowing kisses. She was polite for her chop. Honestly the way she's been acting this worried me. Rule 2 (after poop check) is note behavior changes. Nope I wasn't thinking about a new bird. I was looking at bird memes yesterday. We can only hope!
I wish I could give my birds birth control seed! I don't mind the "venting" as much as the thought of eggs and babies. My budgies don't get obnoxious when hormonal, just horny. In fact, they get even more clingy toward us.
2 days ago I took a parrot break. I was pretty frustrated with one of my parrots. I know it’s hormones, and that they can’t help it. If I ever get frustrated I just put them back in their cage, and leave it until the following day. It never fails if I’m emotionally reactive, and they are hormonal that I’m going to get bit.
FWIW, we switched yesterday to using brown butcher paper from a roll, to line Salty's cage. We have been using junk mail papers for years, but these provided him ample shreddy type material, which he has been making full use of. The hope is the butcher paper lies flatter then the junk mail and he won't be able to get to it and shred it to tatters. And reduce the mating behavior!
I used to buy cage paper on Amazon pre cut to fit all my cages because they were all 24x24. Now, many of my cages are larger and they are all different. I now order 24x32 sheets fit one cage exactly and can be folded to fit the rest.

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