Oh my Lord - will mating season ever stop! So, Salty's mating season this year started in Dec and continues ... and continues and continues! He was going through this exceptionally LOUD period, which seems to have calmed down a bit, but now, and this is HIGHLY unusual for him, he is seeking out every single dark hiding spot in the house! Relentlessly and with great determination! We have had to block up, deny entrance to or remove so many places around the house, it's almost comical. Under couches, in bookshelves, entertainment center, you name it. If its slightly darker then the room, he wants IN ! Funny thing, Salty was never much of a flyer or one to climb down from his cage and go exploring, but now? I no sooner retrieve him from some spot then he climbs down or flies over to it again. Attacking the wood I use to block things up with, almost maniacal in intensity. We have been following my own good advice - 12 hrs sleep, no fruit or sugar bearing foods, no touching except head, no access to shreddy type stuff or toys, etc but it seems to make little difference.
I feel so bad for my horny little rooster! Aside from me venting a bit, maybe this can help others appreciate how intense mating season can be for our parrots!
I feel so bad for my horny little rooster! Aside from me venting a bit, maybe this can help others appreciate how intense mating season can be for our parrots!