Rudy at Brandywine Park Wilmington DE

Yes, please keep us posted. I’m hoping Rudy chews his way through, flies down and is reunited with you soon.

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Yay!! 6pm yesterday to 10 am this AM not a huge deal looking back. But yes kind of traumatizing during. I have an appt now and will post details and interesting pics later. Rudy Taught me something very interesting, which I suspected.

He is in his house and appears seeminly passed out. I think he is quite content now.

Thanks for the warm thoughts!
Whew, that was a close call! Glad Rudy is safe.
oof good to hear he's okay. Might be an idea to bring this up to Aviator, possibly they could update their harness to have a stronger line on them maybe a stainless steel weave to at least strengthen the line
oof good to hear he's okay. Might be an idea to bring this up to Aviator, possibly they could update their harness to have a stronger line on them maybe a stainless steel weave to at least strengthen the line


Rudy is on his fourth Harness now. Picking up a new 2X Lg tomorrow. To be fair, The number of hours wearing a harness, well.. wear and tear occurs.. Looking back in retrospect, I have more of a problem with the price, for what it is...

He managed to chew the cinch. the neck collar was still on him. Manages to chew the buckle to undo the cinch. I frequently have use a small piece of wire to keep it from pulling apart. I think I will rivet the tab in the future. I will pay strict attention to inspecting for knicks in the cord. I post a detailed pic of both harnesses..

Ive got pics of two of the colors. I think its difficult to make issues with Aviator. The harness works beautifully. I can put it on him in consistently 30 seconds. Yeah , tough call. I mean if you run a car all the time your going to need to replace the tires.

Kind of cute tonight, I was worried he was going to be mad at me for keeping him in a tree out in the 37F temps. Turns out he was quite affectionate tonight.

I think I'll create a map with his flight lines over 16 hour along with photos of him i each tree. I hope it is an interesting story. If nothing else how the story might make it a bit easier to handle when a bird gets loose...
very true wear and tear does happen.

I only had one attempt with the aviator and it was horrible. I think they need to make a unique sizing for Green Cheeks, because the one that fits body wise is far too small for the head and the one big enough for the head is way too large for the body from my experience. When I used it the thing squeezed the poor little guy's eyes and completely petrified him.

I would prefer one that doesn't involve putting heads through loops
very true wear and tear does happen.

the one that fits body wise is far too small for the head and the one big enough for the head is way too large for the body from my experience. When I used it the thing squeezed the poor little guy's eyes and completely petrified him.

I would prefer one that doesn't involve putting heads through loops

I think I if you were in your shoes. I would place you bird

From one hand onto the back of a chair
with the other hand grab a small piece of shirt material over his head.
then slip his head through the collar
then one wing through one side
then the other wing through the last side.
I gently pull the shirt material free.
then cinch up the buckle.
I can gently fit one finger between the waist and the cinch.

Not have any experience with anything other than a macaw, I have no idea whether this above sequence will work for you.

Oh! also.It sound like you might want to consider to step up to the next size Harness. Rudy can wear the XLarge and the XXLarge. I like the XXLarge the best, it doesnt seem to make any difference to him.

I talked with Aviator and hope to create a video for their use and Rudy's Notoriety.
Thank you for your comment. Periodically see if you can get the hoodie part to work for you!
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This question might best be posted in Behavioral..

I walk him nearly everyday weather permitting.
A harness is always .. uh on..
He interacts with people he has never met before.
A zillion distractions both natural and urban.

He is getting a little more "nippy" and the pressure is increasing..

Now those nips, might be in the neighborhood of 20 or more times. My ears 90% of the time..

I know that it probably is just a matter of time before he removes a chuck from my ear.

He may be signaling (feed me)

I have a pocket full of Pistachios, cashews, a small water bottle. (he will say, water, water)

Maybe I should just change up the taking him outside routine more frequently?

I guess just giving him a stick to chew might stop the initiation as I go down the stairs to the door....

Any ideas on how to help either distract or keep him from continuing to taste test my ears?.

Once they go after the ears it’s hard to get them to stop. You’re likely looking at revoking all shoulder privileges if you think it’s escalating.
Once they go after the ears it’s hard to get them to stop. You’re likely looking at revoking all shoulder privileges if you think it’s escalating.

Good point. When I walk him, he frequently, although not consistently, he sometimes will change to position himself on my forearm.

I changed to a curved soled sneaker to alleviate the bounce when I walk. It was something I noticed, when at the end of the day, I saw my shadow on a street curb. He would at the end of the day, seemingly, had no interest of staying on my shoulder .. so I wear a softer walking shoe.

So revoking seems a little harsh, However I get the point. I have the mindset to consistently change our routine. I think I will try the next few days, so that... any time he goes for my ears, ill transfer him to my arm..

Certainly worth a try! Thanks!:red1:
FWIW. I have experienced an empathetic nature of an Amazon and a Macaw. Its a bit difficult for me to feign my own behavior, So I currently take my boy into the "time out" category.

I am picking up on his growth and sense that my boy who isnt (probably) an adult yet. It feels like a subtle form of dominance.

My point to this thread is that Rudy interacts with me and the general public when we go for walks. He is getting more "bitey" or nips more frequently.. I don't have the vaguest clues on or if there are triggers. All I know is my ears are sometimes sore after a long walk.

Other times are, he doesn't want to be put into his house, my arm will get a "correction with a nip..

Sometimes he will pull at someones sleeves, ( seems to be sweaters) anyways...

More or less, he is a bird, he needs to keep the beak filed and that's what he does!? :)

@DiscoDuck - Any possibility that he isn't comfortable on long walks? Or maybe something on those walks is triggering the behavior? It could be something far off, like another animal, a person, a vehicle, etc.

Going back in the cage - definitely need to find a treat that he only gets when Rudy goes back in!

Stole this from another thread
More coming out and going in the house.. yeah... I am overdoing the over posting thing..

Once a behavior has been learned, one should never stop giving treats. Sparingly, perhaps, but never stop completely.

Would be like working at a job that pays well and then all of a sudden stops paying. If they stop paying, you might stop performing! But if they continue to pay, even if intermittently, you may continue to do your job.

I get it.. I just haven't figured out what entices him. His running from me is new thing. I've already played this game a bit with him. If could still stand on my head I would try that!

personally. I think it is the harness and he knows he has to wear it. It takes a grand total of 30 seconds to put it on.. I can dive into details.. He steps up to me at any time. flies to me, knows to nip my ear for pistachios and cashews..

Once he is on hand, he chills out and accepts the placement on the back of the chair, hoodie comes next. I switch up.. sometimes the hoodie 20% of the time no hoodie.. Keeping the harness outa his mouth is uh sometimes he wins, sometimes Im quicker.

He doesnt protest with the harness on, hell he even lifts his wings up to pull them thru the harness.

The trigger seems to be when I start putting shoes on, filling his water bottle, filling pocket with his treats. By the time I get to the cage, he has already anchored himself to where I cant reach..

To me it's weird with how attentive and accepting he is, to nearly everything (except yap yaps) Its kinda funny right now. in that he is hanging out contently in his house preening. I got a hunch hmmm sorry dont mean to go on and on and :red1::red1::red1:

I bet if I stand up with the routine going for a walk, he may rebel..

Whats the chance I am takiing him out too much?

Yeah its definitely "he wants to be the boss" I just went to his cage without the typical preparation I do when taking him out. This behavior only happens at this time of the day.

When I first started taking him out, I would have to chase him around the house. It was after that that I started waiting for him at the door. That worked for awhile.. Right now he is talking his head off (which is unusual).. he knows... Hey , why arent you getting me dressed to go out?....

This is the only time when he wont come to the door for his favorite treat, ive tried other objects. The look right now is priceless. I swear he knows that I am trying to bait him..

Funny to hear him right now. "Hi, Hello.. How r ya.. step up, step up. apple, mmmm Yum yum hahaha, want some more, kissy kissy.." he is pulling out all stops. Makes me wonder... who is training who?:)

He was hollering yesterday. too cool and windy. we hit 34F last night. Anyways, this is such a minor thing. If things get easier, I'll post that!

i am going with... Variety is the spice of life.
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haha, now that he has quieted down....oh how he is staring me down, he has his eagle eye on me all the way from the SunRoom. TThe intelligence level is seriously near frightening.

I wonder if he knows I have a Dr appt this pm yeah.. changing up routines should be a good thing? Yes? No?
FWIW. I have experienced an empathetic nature of an Amazon and a Macaw. Its a bit difficult for me to feign my own behavior, So I currently take my boy into the "time out" category.

I am picking up on his growth and sense that my boy who isnt (probably) an adult yet. It feels like a subtle form of dominance.

My point to this thread is that Rudy interacts with me and the general public when we go for walks. He is getting more "bitey" or nips more frequently.. I don't have the vaguest clues on or if there are triggers. All I know is my ears are sometimes sore after a long walk.

Other times are, he doesn't want to be put into his house, my arm will get a "correction with a nip..

Sometimes he will pull at someones sleeves, ( seems to be sweaters) anyways...

More or less, he is a bird, he needs to keep the beak filed and that's what he does!? :)

@Tami2 I get that! He must like that spot a *lot*! It's honestly great the way you work with Levi!

@DiscoDuck - Any possibility that he isn't comfortable on long walks? Or maybe something on those walks is triggering the behavior? It could be something far off, like another animal, a person, a vehicle, etc.

Going back in the cage - definitely need to find a treat that he only gets when Rudy goes back in!

From what little I know about macaws, I know that they need to be worked with from an early age on socialization and desensitization to both people and animals or they will get overly attached, develop behavioral problems and will likely show much aggression as they age. Will he let others handle him other than you? Does he get adequate time in his cage playing by himself and being independent while playing on a stand? Can you leave the room without issue or does he scream?

Allowed to bond to one person, they will very strongly, but the umbilical needs to be cut and this super bond I fear is going to be dangerous for everyone involved. But he is still young and as you say, very smart. I believe working with him daily on desensitizing him and socializing with will help to make him more tolerable. Remember you shouldn't be petting him anywhere but the head, no stroking along the back or wings, the more cuddles and snuggles as he ages can make him stimulated to mate.

Does he have a large toy selection and things to chew on and entertain himself?

THIS IS AN AMAZING POST.. Its spot on accurate to what I have done over the last 2 years.

Please when you have time... post your thoughts regarding Macaws as they enter into adulthood? THANKS!!
I know that Rudy will becoming an adult soon.. The changes are so subtle. I guess it is possible that our interaction may come to the point where we can't do the things we have been doing from a safety point in his interactions over the past 1-1/2 years with thousands of people.

I currently have strong thoughts of worry that such an epic involvement may not be achievable. Today I had 3 vehicles stop. Everyone was ecstatic with thankfulness. One mother and 15 year daughter wanted pics etc. etc. The girl was scared, the mother more confident, entered into "our" envelope.. Rudy quickly stepped onto moms arm.. Ok next. the girl... scared slightly.. it was an easy read... for me.. I asked her to simply look at me, not Rudy.. Rudy went to her arm, I remained very close... The girl's relief and or comfort soared.. The thankfulness was as extreme as I ever heard from both mother and daughter..

The point is, I am learning more, and perhaps I am crossing waaaay over the proverbial line. Afterall, there was one point earlier where Rudy broke the skin on my finger. It was an outa the blue chomp. I have no idea of what if anything triggered it. Nothing like that has happened before. Its likely I am the fool for getting my hand anywhere close, let alone wrestle with his beak.

If anyone reads this. Toss me ideas of what you might consider trying or changes to what we do now.

I think I have made some comments about my interaction with public park servants and officials. Positive with the Rangers, not so positive with the Zoo..

I met the Zoo Director at his bequest. We met for 45 mins or so at a picnic table just outside of the Zoo entrance where Rudy and I sometime hang out by the river, talk and interact with scores of people.

It turns out that in the thousands of people that Rudy and I have met... There were a couple people who made enough of a complaint that the staff then called the State Rangers. While the complaints weren't detailed back to me. they were of the nature, Rudy Bit them....

Of course as thousand will attest (not true, that Rudy bites) they have to define and prove that that is indeed what happened. Im the only person that bites. LOL! Most everyone knows or hears my education of example of "bite pressure" of 1k lbs..., that a macaw can exert.

Anyways If my memory serves me right, the director got to see at least 3 groups of people who took pics while they held Rudy. I got to do the interaction progression with children (who Rudy is not totally comfortable with). I think it was a positive meeting. I did see a couple glances that led me to think he wasn't as joyous as others who met Rudy in his presence, however I understand there are probably substantial limitations of what a Zoo Director can accept..

He knows that the zoo is part of the Park, however they are separate byway of admission.

I did inform him that I am happy to hand out membership incentives. (since people ask frequently whether I work for the zoo). They have a low low rate, for an all season long membership to the zoo. It is a beautiful very well maintained park with huge amount of historical significance prior to our nations founding.

I let the director know that my intent is to invite other Parrot owners to join us in the park. I have no idea of where, if anything more will occur with my interaction with the zoo. They know how to find me..

I ended the conversation with.. Don't forget.. "this was an example of a minority trying discourage the majority" just ignore them.

OH! interestingly a tweet i sent to our State Senator had an effect... So if anyone cares say thank you to for politics and my parrot!!! so there!!!
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Another good day in the park.. Long Conversation with State Ranger. The funniest thing Rudy Does is when he drinks from these little 150ml plastic liquor bottles. The Hilarity is addictive.. I will be posting video soon.

I think I may have already written.. about the response i give to people who ask "does he talk"?
Marshall Radio Telemetry - Premium Transmitters


This is CalistosMom.. I have been reading so.e of your and Rudy's adventures. I think Rudy is beautiful by the way. I wanted to touch base about your harness experience with Rudy. Calisto is free flight also and while he was younger I made his harnesses and he was comfortable with that, however now I want move to a regular bird harness. This will be his first for the spring and summer here. We have several shops but none carry a bird. So I will have to order. What do you recommend?
This question might best be posted in Behavioral..

I walk him nearly everyday weather permitting.
A harness is always .. uh on..
He interacts with people he has never met before.
A zillion distractions both natural and urban.

He is getting a little more "nippy" and the pressure is increasing..

Now those nips, might be in the neighborhood of 20 or more times. My ears 90% of the time..

I know that it probably is just a matter of time before he removes a chuck from my ear.

He may be signaling (feed me)

I have a pocket full of Pistachios, cashews, a small water bottle. (he will say, water, water)

Maybe I should just change up the taking him outside routine more frequently?

I guess just giving him a stick to chew might stop the initiation as I go down the stairs to the door....

Any ideas on how to help either distract or keep him from continuing to taste test my ears?.


Just reading through this thread. There are some beautiful pics of Rudy throughout.

Some of the questions you've asked we've discussed in other threads, so I'll skip to this one about the ear-nipping. The problem here, as I see it, is that you've essentially taught Rudy to nip your ear anytime he wants a treat. The fact that this behavior has been thus reinforced means it will be somewhat difficult to break the association. Difficult, but not impossible.

But before I go into how to approach this, let me address something else that might be contributing to some of the nipping and such that has been increasing lately. It's possible (though hard for me to say with any certainty without actually observing his interactions with you) that either the trips might be too long in duration for his comfort, or the sudden shift in temperature when you take him out between the interior of your house and the cold of outside might be causing him some discomfort (yes, birds definitely acclimate to colder weather by developing more down feathering, but they usually do better with a more gradual transition. A shift greater than ten degrees at once can be uncomfortable and stressful for them, even if they have the necessary extra down to handle it. Birds manage the cold by trapping warm air in pockets of down, but they need some time to make the adjustment. This is why drafts are such a problem for them.)

I mention those potential factors because you've pointed out that Rudy, who is obviously bonded to you, sometimes runs when it's time to go outside. And while I don't doubt that he overall enjoys those trips outside, there might be aspects of those trips that he's not as thrilled about. So duration-wise, you might want to try either making the trips significantly shorter or finding a way to break up the trip into shorter segments. At least, you could try breaking up the socialization aspects. Basically giving him time in between meeting people to "catch his breath", so to speak.

As for the cold, thankfully it's getting warmer now. Guess we can tackle the cold issue in another post (as nothing jumps immediately to mind and this post is already too long.)

Okay, now back to the ear nipping. I had a similar issue with Jolly. There was no pressure whatsoever, but I just don't like having my ear nibbled - even gently. (By birds, anyway. Lol) So whenever he did it I told him no in an even, yet firm, tone and moved his beak away. Repeated transgressions earned him a timeout for a few minutes. To properly pull this off, you need to remain close enough to home that you can give a proper timeout. (There are too many distractions to do a good timeout outside.)

This will likely take time, and you'll need to be consistent. Reward proper behavior enthusiastically. Jolly wound up replacing the ear nibble with rubbing his beak against my cheek. Definitely an acceptable compromise.

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