This question might best be posted in Behavioral..
I walk him nearly everyday weather permitting.
A harness is always .. uh on..
He interacts with people he has never met before.
A zillion distractions both natural and urban.
He is getting a little more "nippy" and the pressure is increasing..
Now those nips, might be in the neighborhood of 20 or more times. My ears 90% of the time..
I know that it probably is just a matter of time before he removes a chuck from my ear.
He may be signaling (feed me)
I have a pocket full of Pistachios, cashews, a small water bottle. (he will say, water, water)
Maybe I should just change up the taking him outside routine more frequently?
I guess just giving him a stick to chew might stop the initiation as I go down the stairs to the door....
Any ideas on how to help either distract or keep him from continuing to taste test my ears?.