Rudy at Brandywine Park Wilmington DE

Dont have to tell me about being CHOMPed by Amy. Right Jim-bo?
Even though Amy is very well socialized and enjoys meeting "new" people..anytime we are out and someone wants to "pet" him or hold him..I STRONGLY tell the OP "I am not responsible IF he for warned!"

Even though I can read how he is feeling at the time very well..even if I think everything is ok...there is still that chance!




Winner Winner , chicken dinner!

Jim, your post is spot on. Rudy has multiple thousands of people to his credit of interacting with him. It only takes one to reach up and pet him out of my sight to end up getting "nailed". Certainly not when our birds can create so much happiness and memory points with how well these animals can adapt.

Can I pet him?

My stock answer is:

"yeah......... NO!"

I then explain, I cant make you not react if he decides to put your fingers in his mouth. I go on to say "its not a dog or cat with four paws. Its a bird with 2 feet and one very sharp beak".

"does it bite"?

I put my finger in Rudy's mouth.. At which point, most react. I then bend my forefinger down and say. "Yeah sometimes.. he likes fingers, would you like to feed him one?" done with humor..

My sermon then continues.. all on a positive educational viewpoint..

Thanks Jim! ... for pointing out what is obvious to us and now others.
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Just wondering ...

(As an european I am always amazed by the "we *will* sue you" attitude in the USA, but then we have healthcare so no second mortgage for just seeing a doctor is needed.

Overhere it would be: "So you were warned long before you got bit: you have bad hearing perhaps??" .)

... how bad was it?
If Ruby went for a ring instead of a finger... just bruising?
Or was it a warning nip (like a papercut ) ?

(my parrots are forever trying to remove things from my fingers; stains, bandaids, nailpolish, too long fingernails - I don't even bother with rings, too dangerous when they go in preening modus)
I know of two incidents where someone petted a dog in public after being told by the owner not to and both times the owner was held liable after they were bitten. Doesn't seem fair and I personally wouldn't hold anyone liable if I was stupid enough to put my hand in a strange animals face, that's the first thing I taught my kids not to do when around animals, but it happens all the time.
Just wondering ...

(As an european I am always amazed by the "we *will* sue you" attitude in the USA

Ah yep.. over the last five decades, Things have gotten pervasively worse.

Our Laws are fueled by an increasingly larger legal system where the profession of becoming a lawyer, then become a judge earns more income through frivolous law suits. Sadly, our subsidized schools and then courts are contributing to the epidemic of, "I'm gonna sue you" attitude.

To look out into the future, I wonder where this will all go.

Already, our state parks signage states first, that all pets are to be on a leash. I make jokes with people when they notice and say something about Rudy's Flight harness.

It's Officially Official!!

Rudy is now a celebrity. He got to meet with John Carney on 2 occasions and a couple of his staff during our annual Clifford Brown Jazz Festival.

I wish I had gotten photos.. oh well. an amazing memory point for me nonetheless...

LOL, your parrot has a drinking problem: nothing left in that bottle! :D

(you made me laugh out loud, again!)
Rudy is so beautul !! Obviosly well cared for.
naaaaa.. LOL He is handsome!!

Hey! Aargh Matey!

You might appreciate a group that Rudy and I will be doing our best to join long term..

Not sure if this link works.. Wilmington Pirate Festival | Kalmar Nyckel

We will be doing the July 7th event at a minimum. Should I put in the good word for you guys?

Nah, they can't afford us~

LOL.. uh yeah they can. !st Mate told me they spend 3 million a year in rope alone. Nothing ventured nothing gained mate. This is an event coming up open to the public, thats how they raise funds..


Rudy waiting for his pirate ship.

If you get the chance to take a tour of the Nyckle look for the amazing carvings on almost everything. Example: look at the stern and sides - you'll see carvings of all the captains of the Nyckle. It is an amazing reproduction of the original. We know her well - our first year at Blackbeard Festival the captain ( who has since passed away ) invited us to take publicity pics on board before the ship was open to the public. Our second album "Bloody Seamen" was dedicated to him.

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