Roadside Zoos, DISGUSTING

Thank you Deanna I am glad to be here, I love birds of all feathers and love to help when I can. this just horrified me
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Welcome to the Forums.

Where are you to in Canada. I'm all for a news report on this. I want to go down and get a mass break out on the go, most cages are left unlocked.
Please call this number and ask that a story be done on this and to help us shut them down!! I am calling tomorrow- if we get enough people calling in on this they will do the story... 403-508-3333 this is the number for city tv in Calgary Alberta Please call to save them even if you don't live here PLEASE and Thank you
from Strathmore Alberta i just sent the number for city tv in calgary they do alot of stories I had a friend who worked there and I know that if generally they get enough calls they will do a story on it I sure hope I can get them enough calls I run a couple of groups and I am going to send the number to my members as well...
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I live in Red Deer, didn't even know this place existed until recently. I'll call the number tomorrow. There is a petititon you can print from the internet and get signatures from Alberta residents to send to our government.
Its at
Lady friend in Edmonton is going to take petition to work and have all sign it and we will get many copies and also send to local Mp and MLA to see if they will get off their fannies and do something too..
:eek: Thank you for the Welcome;) so glad to be here
Quick update.. I have just gotten off the phone with the MLA and let them know I have contacted various news casting offices, and asked who I could talk to that over see's this So called organization.. Here it is
[email protected] or you can call the arshole at 1866-843-4314 The mla still has emails and phone calls pouring in and have seen this place and claim to have been trying to get some thing done for a couple of years now and NOTHING!! so I am also going to call this "honorable Ted Morton" guy and see what his response is and ask him what will be his response when the camara's are rolling!!
well he is not available and won't be till tomorrow his secfratary said she has never heard of the place and when I mentioned the MLA as well as wanting to speak to him before talking to the news city tv and CBC then her memory jogged Oh yeah well imagine that!
Hello All...I am new here.

I have not been to the "zoo" your mentioning but I know of one in Alberta north of Calgary called "Discovery Animal Park", Or "Discovery Park", it sounds much the same as your talking about. Pisses me right off. The BF and I took our kids there to see what it was all about. There were many Grizzlies, Bears, Monkeys, Tigers, Lions, Ostriches, large Turtles, Buffalo, many species not native to Canada or even N America. It was upsetting. There were bears pacing back & forth completely board out of there minds. It was so depressing. Many had inadequate cover from the heat (we went in the summer).

It is Disgusting and they should be shut down.
1485 signed as of my signature

Really hope we can see some action taken towards the better and have a positive impact on these animals lives

The power of people is strong and will prevail
let us people speak for those who can't

Be strong animals help is on it's way :)

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