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- #41
Wow, I didn't know this hot will be so hot...
As you see - here we had an argue about meat for parrots. Last 1,5 month in every about two days I read about wild parrot life including their diet and next write articles for plWikipedia. I've never read about any meat so far... expect insects. I study enviromental protection and had zoology lessons. Each big animal needs a bit of meat, even typish leaf-eating like crows. But in general we say "leaf-eating" because this meat are just insects or worms which very often are eaten by mistake with leaves. And this is enough for leaf-eating animals. In opinion of my parents: we aslo are created as leaf-eating "animals" but since we started using fire we eat meat... but we don't have to. If an animal doesn't eat something in the wild, it doesn't need in capitive... I have just "egg food" (not sure how is called in English) where are some worms and I know this is enough amount of meat for parrots. In general parrots in the wild don't eat a lot of insects.
In answer to the questions about Polish CAVs - I've never heard about any (we have just avian vets) but it's not the reason to be very bad in aviculture. We abut to 2 of 3 countries which are said to have the greatest aviculture in Europe (they are the Czech Repubic and Germany, we don't abut with the Netherlands). We are worse than they but this makes easier comunication especially when somebody lives close to one of these countries. I noticed many Polish people (includnig me) read Czech articles and even concact with Czech breeders. Also, we have a bird magazine which is available only in two languages - Czech (original; I think some articles in Slovak, they are too simillar to translate) and Polish. We have Polish ornithologists, some are mentioned in foreign sites. Thanks to them we have own site "Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World" where classification is regularly updated. Belive me - in some cases the site is updated first before IOC World Bird List and IUCN. This case was when was created new genus Parviopsitta (probably I wrote incorrectly). At this moment there are some new genera of lories and lorikeets like Saudeos or Charminetta and few others and they aren't on IOC and any other English/American sites yet. I know they will be.
As I mentioned - I don't wanna any argue. I know for some people like Ira this is hard to understand (I have the same thoughts when I read that somebody feed with meat their parrots but I try being calm...). If somebody will try change my opinion I will have to ask super mods to close the thread to avoid an argue.
Good said. Facts are facts but understand in other ways in different parts of the world.Coming in late on this thread, but wow! Just, WOW!
I think so very many cultural and current issues are being demonstrated here. Firstly, there's COVID. Please don't tell me the atmosphere surrounding the virus isn't affecting the way people are thinking and feeling. Everyone's jug is full, everyone's wick is smouldering. I'm seeing arguments all over the world that would never have blown up so fiercely if not for lockdown blues. I think this is a good example.
Secondly, I think Rozalka's observance of the cultural divide is very accurate and well-considered. One poster commented 'To me personally, however, its important to remember that just because its cultural doesn't make it correct. Facts are facts.'
I think it's important to remember that 'facts' in the US may not equate to 'facts' in Asia or Australia or central Europe.
It seems to me that some folk treat their birds like family members (almost like surrogate children), giving them the best of medical care and the most absolutely perfect scientifically formulated diet available, sparing no effort to afford the same level of care they would their families. Others simply acquire an animal and treat it respectfully, but without the kind of fellow-feeling one might have for another human being.
Which is correct?
I dunno!
I've been a member here for quite a few years and have been vocal about what I think is shabby treatment of folk from countries other than the US, Canada, UK, Australia etc. I've seen numerous people from India and Pakistan driven away because of the cage they use, the diet they feed and their inability to find a vet (let alone a CAV). I've been virtually told to put a sock in it (that's Australian for 'shut up') because right is right and wrong is wrong and we can't allow people from Asia (or, to be fair, from anywhere) to be doing 'the wrong thing'.
Who gets to determine what 'the wrong thing' actually is?
I dunno!
I think you can 'know' as much as you like about optimum cage size, optimum diet, optimum veterinary care, but if these things simply aren't available to a member, what's to be gained by insisting he's doing wrong? All that does is drive him away from the group and leaves him to keep the bird in the same awful conditions without any input whatsoever to help him do better.
And then there's the elephant in the bird cage.
We all know perfectly well that parrots should not be kept in cages at all. Owning a cockatoo has taught me once and for all that no bird should be caged, no matter how spacious and well-appointed the cage might be. Birds were created to fly the skies, yet we confine them and cut off their feathers. They were born to fight and squawk and poop and forage and roost and flock together, yet we shut them into veterinarian-approved stainless steel cages and feed them scientifically-designed yuck and subject them to television, foul language, dogs, cats and children (and that's not counting the fumes from teflon, perfume, hairspray and a million other toxins in our homes).
But we know what's right, don't we? The CAVs have told us. Science has shown us. We feel it in our hearts.
I think we could all be a lot more accepting and tolerant than we are. I think it's not kind to assume we know better because we have Science on our side and I think we should all try to pull our heads in a bit (that's Australian for 'don't be quite so outspoken') when it comes to members from other nations.
Thank you for posting, Rozalka!![]()
As you see - here we had an argue about meat for parrots. Last 1,5 month in every about two days I read about wild parrot life including their diet and next write articles for plWikipedia. I've never read about any meat so far... expect insects. I study enviromental protection and had zoology lessons. Each big animal needs a bit of meat, even typish leaf-eating like crows. But in general we say "leaf-eating" because this meat are just insects or worms which very often are eaten by mistake with leaves. And this is enough for leaf-eating animals. In opinion of my parents: we aslo are created as leaf-eating "animals" but since we started using fire we eat meat... but we don't have to. If an animal doesn't eat something in the wild, it doesn't need in capitive... I have just "egg food" (not sure how is called in English) where are some worms and I know this is enough amount of meat for parrots. In general parrots in the wild don't eat a lot of insects.
In answer to the questions about Polish CAVs - I've never heard about any (we have just avian vets) but it's not the reason to be very bad in aviculture. We abut to 2 of 3 countries which are said to have the greatest aviculture in Europe (they are the Czech Repubic and Germany, we don't abut with the Netherlands). We are worse than they but this makes easier comunication especially when somebody lives close to one of these countries. I noticed many Polish people (includnig me) read Czech articles and even concact with Czech breeders. Also, we have a bird magazine which is available only in two languages - Czech (original; I think some articles in Slovak, they are too simillar to translate) and Polish. We have Polish ornithologists, some are mentioned in foreign sites. Thanks to them we have own site "Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World" where classification is regularly updated. Belive me - in some cases the site is updated first before IOC World Bird List and IUCN. This case was when was created new genus Parviopsitta (probably I wrote incorrectly). At this moment there are some new genera of lories and lorikeets like Saudeos or Charminetta and few others and they aren't on IOC and any other English/American sites yet. I know they will be.
As I mentioned - I don't wanna any argue. I know for some people like Ira this is hard to understand (I have the same thoughts when I read that somebody feed with meat their parrots but I try being calm...). If somebody will try change my opinion I will have to ask super mods to close the thread to avoid an argue.
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