I know here on the forum are people from different countries, from all continents (except Antarctica of course

). I don't really know if this is an interesting thread but especially in last year I see how much the parrot care is different here on the forum and on Polish groups and wanted to write as a curiosity.
My experience:
First few years (since getting 1st parrots) I wasn't on any forum or fb to contact with other parronts. The 1st place where I created an account was a Polish forum - there are mainly bird breeders and isn't really active. I gained a bit of knowledge there (eg I started bying more healthy food, understod I bought my fids in a wrong place). I would say there people were calm and nobody was inerfering in others opinions.
Next place was this forum. I didn't have any shock (except this one is
very active) because I hadn't any chance to know the real Polish culture of parrot caring yet. So I knew the US parrot care culture first.
Next was Facebook. The 1st parrot group which I joined belongs to one of the mentioned Polish forum members. The group was very calm too. Once time another friend (met by the same forum) invited me to a big conure fb group and then I had a schock... In the first moment I was suprised they was sayng green cheek conures are conures (for me this was obvious but in Polish they aren't called conures) but later I saw they thought quaker parrots are conures too

(Somewhere was a thread "Are quaker parrots conures" or something like this where I wrote more in details about it).
After few weeks my "forum-mate" started being attacked by other group members for....
having one parrot. And she wasn't the only one there... hopefully I wasn't really active there and avoided this (I have one conure too so also could be...). There also were some other attacks like somebody gives food from a shop because of from a garden... Well, posting a parrot in a cage was enough for the attack because wasn't let out!
We both left this group. Currently I am on few small and medium groups and nowadays I know this what I wrote is very common here
I think these are the biggest differences between these two cultures:
1. Having one parrot
As mentioned aboth - in opinion many Poles (and other Europeans) nobody should have just one parrot - but two, few or none. Some of us let having just one parrot in some cases, others will tell to buy another one...
I've seen about 2 times when somebody from Europe asked you here if this is true - can be just one parrot? I remember somebody wrote that this is common in Europe. Yes, this is so common - yesterday somebody told me to go for 25 years to the prison for thinking some parrots may be kept alone! Really! And it was on this forum which I thought is very calm...
Ps. I forgot to explain why they forbid having one parrot - because they are social and live in flocks in the wild
2. Mixing species
In opinion many Europeans: different species have different languages and they never are friends as seem to be. If somebody has one parrot of type A and one of type B they both are alone - here again is the point 1.
Exception are close realeted species eg green cheek and black capped conures or B&G and scarled macaws because their languages are simillar. But in these cases can't be bred. Here hybrids aren't tolorated in general.
if somebody has two parrots of type A and 2 of B and they tolorate each other this is ok here. I think the rules of aviary breeding are the same like in US.
3. Parrot tents
From what I read here you have to reasons why they are bad: some of them are so deadly and all of them may increase hormonal problems. The first reason also is here in Europe - to avoid famous happy huts. But... some Europeans say caiques, conures and some lorikeets
must have a place for sleep. So here are done parrot tents from the safe material or given nest box even alone parrots.
But as mentioned this increases hormonal problems. I was talking with an expert who said that each parrot may have them. Yes, I agree but I mentioned about
increasing not having... For these people it's not a reason why to not have. But why mentioned parrot types must have? Because they sleep in tree holes in the wild... The expert said only then they feel safe...
4. Wing clipping
I've seen many of you see pros and cons. Here most people see only cons.
5. Human food
Many people in Europe never give them. Some of them let parrots taking during letting out but others will not let them at all. Meat also isn't given at all.
This what I wrote is about Europeans which have a contact with other parronts. About 80% of all Polish parronts keep their fids in small cages, not letting out, without natural perches etc. But they aren't in contact with other parronts. They don't know about these points aboth what I mentioned.
Also, it's not like "all Europeans are like thsese". I know some tolorate wing clipping, having one parrot but often they are attacked by others (like me yesterday). Also I don't mean I am more by one side - eg I have one conure but I am against wing clipping. In some points I am divided between "US" and "Europe" opinion. But one thing I will never understand - why to attack others for different opinions? Ok, maybe sometimes I am angry when I see clipped wings... but I never said to go to the prison for it... lol
Finally: what if I show or mention this forum to Polish people?
Mentioned Polish expert: "It's just a forum"
Another person: "American forums aren't good sources - they feed their parrots fast foods!"
I hope nobody feels injured