Right now Salty is.....

He will be elated! I am actually working on 2 books, a sci-fi one titled "Here and no Further" and a semi fictional autobiography titled "One Free Ride on the Merry-go-round". Good luck with yours.
He will be elated! I am actually working on 2 books, a sci-fi one titled "Here and no Further" and a semi fictional autobiography titled "One Free Ride on the Merry-go-round". Good luck with yours.
Do you plan to publish them?
I'll take a copy of each... autographed, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Merry go Round" for many years, as I remember different things and viewpoints of my life. "No Further" for about 3 months, I have my cast and most of chapter 1 written.
Not that we're nosey here on Planet Rickeybird, butttttttttttttttt...
Can we get a hint on the characters or plots??????????????????
Not that we're nosey here on Planet Rickeybird, butttttttttttttttt...
Can we get a hint on the characters or plots??????????????????
A Sandwing/Seawing hybrid dragon goes to a summer camp where she becomes someone she would never guess, becoming a prophet is not easy, and what happens when an not even born yet dragonite(child dragon) becomes the star of the prophecy?
"Here and No Further" - Mankind never reaches anything close to lightspeed. A story spanning several millenium, with a little help from some friends Man learns what is and what is not out there.
A Sandwing/Seawing hybrid dragon goes to a summer camp where she becomes someone she would never guess, becoming a prophet is not easy, and what happens when an not even born yet dragonite(child dragon) becomes the star of the prophecy?
Oh and you can start reading it now, I met with one of the wings of fire wiki content moderators and he showed me that I can start sharing my story, look up on Google "wings of fire fanon" click the first thing that pops up, at the top right corner there is the search bar, click it and type in "Salty's Story", and tada! you will probably not understand it because you would need to read like ALL the books to truly understand.
Oh and you can start reading it now, I met with one of the wings of fire wiki content moderators and he showed me that I can start sharing my story, look up on Google "wings of fire fanon" click the first thing that pops up, at the top right corner there is the search bar, click it and type in "Salty's Story", and tada! you will probably not understand it because you would need to read like ALL the books to truly understand.
Oh, I see I'm not the only Fandom user here - I also had a fanfic there, just on another wiki... and I deleted it from there :p
Alright! The birdy birdcycle is finally FIXED! The original chain drive ( just like real bikes) was terrible and used to kink and stop or sometimes catch Salty's foot in it. SO I shelved that trick for months, until i located the right size pulleys, orings, etc to convert it to o-ring drive instead of chain. Safer and I can control the ratios of the pulleys, origninally too much effort for him to turn the pedals. Note even though we haven't touched this trick in easily 6 months (lost the damn thing for awhile too), Salty fell back into training mode on it first try. Feet properly placed on each pedal, beak holding the 'handle bar', and letting his feet follow the pedal pattern as we move. A few more nights of this and I will start to ask him to make the pedals by himself, that's the big hurdle in this trick. Toure' De France here we come!
Riders of the "Toure' De France" beware, Salty is in training!

Never liked the design and your upgrade is spot on, good friend!
SO I can say FINALLY mating season is over. Since Dec '23 Salty has been in rooster mode. We can deal with the humping stuff, but Salty was also really LOUD from like 3-4 PM until after dinner around 8:30 or so. And very bitey, and Salty is not normally a biter. Thats calmed down too thank heavens. I'd say the change started a few weeks ago.

On the training front, the bicycle is among Saltys fav tricks now, he would practice that all session long if I let him. But SLOW progress!

Salty's also been more talkative lately too, especially after training is over and he is mellowing out, he is just a blabber mouth!
All 3 of my parrots have been hormonal on & off. The weather cant be helping. One day it’s 90 degrees humid & sunny. The next day it’s 60 degrees with a torrential down pour. Everything is flooded around me. My conures are nippy like salty, and want nothing to do with me. My Ekkie gets the humps, and regurgitates all over the place, and does his distressing calls until he can be held so he can try to mate. I can’t decide which one I’d rather deal with. Hopefully it comes to an end soon.
Salty is an intellectual... there are higher-order things in his life than base pleasures. The Rb, on the other hand, is known by his vet as the Masturbating Patagonian because he is 'in the mood' all year, all day. There's a head-injury syndrome in mammals that causes aggression, poor appetite and hypersexuality; I think the Rb bonked his noggin long ago.
Julio was a bit late to begin Hormonal Season, but made-up for lost time. The slope for coming off has been filled with variation in rate. At this late point, he is pretty much into Summer mode.

Julio has alway been an announcer of Sun Rise and Sun Set as he keeps the World aware of himself.
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One of these days we'll be reading that Salty is entered in the Tour de France. First parrot ever to be a serious contender. :D

Ralph seems to be finished with hormone season too. For the past few months I've been living with a screechy, bitey Quaker, but now he's his old even-tempered self again. Welcome home, Ralph... and Salty.
Here we are, playing pirate on the Delaware state tall ship, the Kalmar Nyckel, for a private sail. Nothing like playing sea shanties on an actual tall ship, for actual crew hauling actual sails.

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