Respiratory Infection


New member
Sep 9, 2023
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One Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot
I have a 35 year old Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot named Huey who has been diagnosed to have a respiratory infection.
I have gone to an Avian Vet. Huey has been treated with 2 injections of Doxycycline. His condition did not improve.
Now, he is being treated with Enrofloxacin but he is not improving. Some days are better than others.
It is difficult to give Huey the medicine. I have put the medicine in a syringe and injected the medicine in a small piece of bread.
That worked for 2 days. But on the 3rd day, Huey would not eat the bread. I have injected the medicine in a blueberry, Huey only
ate the blueberry once. I have injected the medicine on a piece Ritz cracker (Huey loves Ritz crackers). So far, Huey is eating the Ritz.
I may also try to inject the medicine in a piece of popcorn if Huey tires of the Ritz.
Does anyone have any suggestions that could help Huey?
Thank You
When we first got Salty, he developed a respiratory infection, a stubborn one. He had just gone thru the self weaning phase, so he really hadn't picked favorite foods yet. We had to put the meds directly into his mouth. That was not fun, and we are lucky he did not hate us all after it was all said and done.
Whenever I've needed to do anything to my birds that they don't like (eye drops, medicine etc.) I've just wrapped them in a towel and done it quickly and then give them a treat and they don't seem to resent me for it. Perhaps you can do that and then make sure he gets a treat immediately after so he doesn't hate it as much

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