Eclectus baby tow bitten by its mom


New member
Aug 30, 2024
Hi, I have bought a baby male eclectus and seller told me that it's longer back toe was bitten by mom, hence separated from mom. When I took the posession of the baby few days ago , the seller told me that toe was bitten 2 weeks agi, and it was applied medicine to avoid infection etc and now is dry. The seller advised me that the upper part of the toe after will eventually fall off. What do you guys think? Would it be done ok in future. The bird can stand ok and eating very well. Please note that I am eperienced in and rearing eclectus. Thanks


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Hi there, welcome!

The toe looks swollen from the photos. It could be the angle. It doesn’t look like it will just fall off to me. I myself would bring the little one in for a vet check. Parrots have nerve endings just as we do. I can’t imagine that feels good.

He is a cutie! Welcome to the Ekkie family as well. I have a 19 year old male! He’s a big baby.

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