Rehoming 1yr old hen Panama

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She's soooo freaking adorable!
Thank You Birdman!!! You saved me from myself!!
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!? Hahaha! Nice!

You never had a chance, did you? Resistance was futile.

I'm so glad that she'll be going to a great home! That is one sweetheart of a bird!


She will fit right into my flock and not miss a beat, and she'll have "buddy birds" to play with, and outside tree time.
A find for sure!!! I'm thrilled you are getting her!
So, I just finished figuring out how I was going to rearrange my bird rooms to fit another macaw sized cage.

This will work out just fine. I've still got Pecker's 30x40 macaw playtop taken apart in my garage, so that will work just fine for her. I can put her cage where Sally's is now, and move Sally's over by her playstand (then she may actually use it once in awhile.) And they'll both have a window to look out of.
All's good. I think you're going like having a young zon in the house. It's amazing how active and crazy , playful the youngster are. Really adds a lot of enrichment to the old fuddy duddy flock. Like bringing a puppy around a old dog. Btw it seems she has been covered at night and prefers it. I don't cover my birds and I'm sure she'll adjust to whatever.
OK, I've still got plenty of.good zons needing homes. More birds i can find homes for the more birds i can "save".
PS old owner/new owner is it OK to exchange each others contact info?? I know the old owners have an interest in Kiwi"s future and happiness.
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It's fine with me.
Very very tempting..I might just drop by on my day off,would you mind if I brought sissy? I would love to see how she does around other birds..I mean she was around birds from what I was told but no one was allowed out of their cages.

This just totally made my day!!!! :D <-- my grin right about now!

Mark, she'll fit right into your flock, and IMO the timing is PERFECT!!! (with your daughter leaving.... ;))
Sarah was the push over the top...

She caught me watching the videos (again!) and said, "Dad, what are you waiting for, you know you want her! We have the stuff for her. Just get her. "
NICE!!! I love the way this worked out! Congrats Mark! I hope you know we will demand multiple photos of the new kid in the flock!
Congrats Mark Pan's are very sweet!! She should fit well with your crew.:D
Did some toy crafting this weekend. One of the toys started out as an amazon toy, but ended up as an oversized macaw toy... (Maggie didn't seem to mind!)

Cleaned up the cage parts from the garage, and started getting everything ready for the new arrival. I'm starting to get excited about this new little guy. Watched all the videos again this weekend.

I imagine your ex is starting to have those, I'm not ready to give her up just yet feelings...

I love that squeaky voice.
She's cool with it. she knows she doesn't need any more zons. She even volunteered to carry her to the airport.
Very cool she found a good home. That video was so cute. I do have a potential home for the other Pan hen, or maybe one of the others, if human and bird like each other [PM me contact information if you are interested & I will send it to my friend & y'all can take it from there.]
Since she's definitely a bell toy bird, I made her a triple bell toy, plus another toy on a pipe bell chain for good measure...

Yeah. Man overboard on the toys...

But between that, and the other birds, she won't be bored!
Omg sooo happy your taking kiwi!!!! I really wanted to but right now money is tight and didn't think it would be fair. Man I'm so jealous, can't wait to see new photos of your flock :)
She's cool with it. she knows she doesn't need any more zons. She even volunteered to carry her to the airport.

Yep. I've fostered several birds in my time. It was always sad to see them go, but also a bit of a relief at the same time. The biggest thing was the piece of mind in knowing they went to a "forever home" where I knew they would be cared for...

This one has that! She's a permanent addition. And she will always be pampered and loved. You have my word on that...

Like you guys, I consider this a "sacred trust."
Catching up on some reading here. RL kept me busy last few weeks. Grats Mark that is one sweet bird
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