Rehoming 1yr old hen Panama

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Goose-the-GreenWing is great. Best personality you could want in a macaw. I was worried about him when we lost Kiwi & Goose got pretty quiet for a while, but he came around and seems fine.

Kiwi had some serious heart problems. It was enlarged, he had cardio fibrosis & arteriosclerosis. But the actual cause was an E. coli infection - I am pretty sure the heart conditions stressed his immune system. He could not have lived much longer, the vet said. He was the sweetest guy - he was an active listener & I found myself talking to him a lot because he kept saying, "Yeah ... Yes ... Uh-huh." And he laughed at my jokes. The guy you wanted to sit next to at a dinner party & the perfect companion parrot. I was devastated to lose him. (And the entire flock visited the vet because while E. coli should not be contagious, why take chances?)

Other than being a hen, your Kiwi sounds like him.

I am pretty sure my husband would be opposed to adding another. Lastmonth I answered a craigslist ad titled "FREE FREE parrot FREE FREE" and so naturally, a very happy wild-caught male BFA who screams, swears, bites for the fun of it, & occasionally flies at people is now munching on a piece of banana in my living room. He is very manipulative & sure of himself. So long as he makes us laugh more than he makes us bleed, he can stay.

But I will mention Kiwi & see what my husband says ... Never hurts to ask.
Sorry to hear of your Kiwi. Actually i have 2 hen pajamas. Kiwi at 1 yr old and Baby Girl about 16. Both are very sweet and don't have a mean bone in their body. Typical panama hens.
My ex, who's keeping Kiwi for the weekend, said when she leaves , Kiwi climbs down off her cage and comes looking for her. Really hope we can find a young family who needs a great bird to share their life with. Kiwi would be a great companion for an active family.
Video update, Kiwi the Panama Amazon

Finally got around to getting some video of Kiwi the one yr old hen Panama that is looking for a forever home. I think the vids will speak for themselves.
Btw she is talking up a storm, eating many different fruit/veggies and seem to like everyone.Contact me if you're interested.
[ame=""]kiwi 015 - YouTube[/ame]
Re: Video update, Kiwi the Panama Amazon

What an adorable sweetie pie! Everyone is going to want her! If I didn't live on the other side of the country I would be very interested.
Re: Video update, Kiwi the Panama Amazon

Oh my goodness! I'd never be able to leave her!


I hope her perfect forever home comes along soon.

GAAAAH!!!! I'm melting over here!!! What an absolute SWEET girl, Captain!!! :smile015: Whoever is lucky enough to bring her home will be truly blessed with one phenomenal bird!!! WOW!
Alright Capt!!! Thats enough!!! My will power is weak and I'm gonna be in Tampa area on the 15th helping another member. Stop tempting me!!! AAARRRGGGHHH!
Be nice Wendy!!!! I'm trying to decrease my flock not increase it.

I have a Grey and a U2 that I'm Inactively looking for good homes for. (But as picky as I am, I may never find the right matches.)
Here's another just to help you out.
[ame=""]kiwi 013 - YouTube[/ame]
Omg, what a love bug! No wonder your ex doesn't want to give her up. Makes me miss my DYH hen.
She is so sweet. Wish I had room for another :(

Exactly. If I had room for one more...

I'd be back up to eleven before I could blink.

Maybe captsteve will save her.
I cannot say that I am not really super tempted.
I will not keep following this thread!I will not keep following this thread!I will not keep following this thread!I will not keep following this thread!I will not keep following this thread!I will not keep following this thread!I will not keep following this thread!I will not keep following this thread!
I cannot say that I am not really super tempted.

I can bring her half way for you. Ill be headed back to work (nola) beginning of oct.

That would give me a couple weeks to spoil her. lol
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