Rehoming 1yr old hen Panama

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I wonder if my Sally would see her as a buddy bird, or a rival?!

I have watched these videos about a dozen times now.

She is exceptional! And she'd probably fit right in with my flock...
Never met a panama who didn't get along with other birds. Especially the hens.
PLEASE PLEASE take him . So I can stop trying to figure a way to get him .
JK My house is really to small
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Let me know Mark. I can pick her up on the way back from Key West around the 22nd.
OK, last one ,unless someone begs for another. She's not a velco bird and can entertain herself.
[ame=""]kiwi 012 - YouTube[/ame]
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Never met a panama who didn't get along with other birds. Especially the hens.

Well frankly Panamas, Mealies and lilac crowns are probably the most docile of the bunch...

I don't really recall ever having to deal with an aggressive Panama...
Oooh my.the more I see these videos the more I also am trying to figure out a way to make it work if I brought her home
Pure evil indeed :)
You're only 45 minutes up the road.
Very very tempting..I might just drop by on my day off,would you mind if I brought sissy? I would love to see how she does around other birds..I mean she was around birds from what I was told but no one was allowed out of their cages.
Pm me. She's over at the ex, s house. Quarantine , really don't like new birds around my flock. I'm sure it's no big deal for you to visit.
I understand you wanting to bring your bird. I don't want it around my flock, however Kiwi is quarantined at the ex's house. So it's up to her if your bird is cool. I'm sure it's not a big deal but not completely up to me.I'll be sure to check and see.
Omg good thing I have my Chiqui!!!!
If anyone is interested,,, let me know what pellets you feed and i'll get her some. She's eating several different brands right now so switching her should not be an issue.
Kiwi helping Josie put up some toys. Kiwi's owner were very thoughtful and sent a box full of toys for her. Kiwi (kiwi wiwi as she calls herself) loves to play with toys.
[ame=""]kiwi 011 - YouTube[/ame]
Man, You are KILLING me here Capt!!!!!
ME TOO!!! My MBS is showing...

I'LL TAKE HER! :D My phone is charging, but I'll call you in an hour or so.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!? Hahaha! Nice!

You never had a chance, did you? Resistance was futile.

I'm so glad that she'll be going to a great home! That is one sweetheart of a bird!
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