Raven’s killing pigeons


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Oct 23, 2015
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I am signed in to a social media called Nextdoor.
suppos to be for local news n stuff.

there was a post I saw yesterday claiming that ravens are killing pigeons by ripping their heads off.
several people posted that not only are they finding the dead headless birds in the yard but in some cases there is security footage.
The pigeons aren’t eaten as if a cat/dog did the dead..

anyone else hearing about this ?
An adult Raven could easily kill pigeons. But what does not make any sense is that there is no predation, i.e. eating of the kill. Unless there is some sort of Nesting Territory thing going on, this does not fit normal specifies interaction. Also, Raven's tend to migrate to Canada during the Spring and commonly nest North of the lower 48.
The ravens stay all year long in my area.
yes, it is highly unusual behavior.

I have seen the ravens in our back yard fiercely defend their fledglings but not to the point of psyical contact.

if the report I read is true it’s very odd and disturbing behavior.

it was reported (eye witness in retirement home and home surveillance video) in the Quartz Hill area of the Antelope Valley.
Ravens are so incredibly intelligent. I’m surprised that they haven’t figured out how to drop objects from the sky & hit enemies below. I googled if ravens kill other birds & it appears that they do. Not that it’s common but it happens. I had to do some googling upon coming across this post. Ravens 🐦‍⬛ are fascinating 🤨.

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