I think I found a pigeon..


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
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Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
I saw a brown pigeon in my yard yesterday after Noodles got really upset LOL ( I have never seen a pigeon in this area...and it was brown/"fawn" and quite large--larger than the pigeons that you see in the city).

It also seemed a bit awkward when it tried to perch on a telephone wire...Not sick..just a bit less accustomed to something of that width..

I called the pigeon racing place near me and they said to look for a band, which I did originally, but I couldn't see anything...

I DO think he is someone's pet, but I am not sure. I saw him a few times yesterday and haven't seen him again today.

I put some of Noodles seed out last night in hopes that he might come back so I could get a better look, but I haven't seen him eat it yet.

Any suggestions? I really have never little information on him...so I can't post a picture or anything...

It had a very graceful and slow flap when taking off and landing-- The way it flew and how large its wingspan was.
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Thanks for taking an interest in that pigeon? Might it be a Rock Pigeon? https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Rock_Pigeon/id

Scroll down to Regional Differences link to see a reddish brown variant.

I looked them up too-- thank you.
He looked like a larger cuckoo dove (only a pigeon, with slightly lighter coloring).
very fawn coloring-- the rock pigeon is too varied in color and a bit too dark.

he kind of looked like the bird closest to the camera, but with different eyes, and all the same color, plus , he was a bit larger...He was pretty big...Like a small crow..
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Maybe like a huge and more fawn-colored version of these (minus the harry feet, plus a few inches)? He wasn't fat-- he was BIG.
Gorgeous bird! Hope he stays safe and finds a way home. (if captive)
Use to see a fair number of homing pigeons in the center of Lake Michigan that would land on the boat for a rest before flying off again. None of them matched what you are seeing. The fact that you where able to get close enough to see a band clearly defines the bird as a racing pigeon.

May have been a distant racer that was either tired or with clouds, lost and was able to rest up or gather its direction and fly home.
Use to see a fair number of homing pigeons in the center of Lake Michigan that would land on the boat for a rest before flying off again. None of them matched what you are seeing. The fact that you where able to get close enough to see a band clearly defines the bird as a racing pigeon.

May have been a distant racer that was either tired or with clouds, lost and was able to rest up or gather its direction and fly home.

I didn't see a band- but I was trying. It was just weird, because he did let me get closer than anticipated.

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